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If Kotor III is on the Next gen console?

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Then how much extra power would that allow it to have?


I think it would be cool to have some really detailed CGI cutscenes that show important evens. Maybe even a few duels that don't involve the PC.


would this be possible on the X-Box 360? Because as good as Kotor's graphics were, i felt that there were times when they could have been better, maybe if it was not made for X-box specifications.

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I think they may put it on XBox 360, PC, and the original XBox, like many games. Say Burnout Revenge. That was originally made for 360, but since it was being made the same time Burnout 2 was being released, that they made it for three consoles, ps2, xbox, and xbox 360, as to have a more larger margin of profit. So I think they'll release it on xbox, pc, and 360 just because the KOTOR series is so big right now, that they don't want to lose their target audience.

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Except that by the time K3 comes out, the X-Box will probably be totally obsolete and whoever makes the game will get destroyed by critics and fanboys for having bad graphics to suit the strength of an obsolete console.


They'd litteraly have to dumb down a lot of things which is certainly something I do not wish them to do.

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360? Well I guess my brother are going to wait a year and a half before getting it because of the internet shutdowns or what ever problems that have been going on. We have XBox and we are happy with it and play it frequently with no problems. I'll be pleased as punch for the game to be on PC because the games are my stress relief and I tote my laptop everywhere. PC version is good, XBox and PC are even better. Just 360 and PC? Well start saving the pennies...

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The X-Box 360 is already weaker then high-end pc's nowadays.

You can clearly see it in the graphics regarding Call of Duty and Gears of War.


In COD 2 on the X-Box, certain smoke and sand effects have been left out, and Gears of War doesn't seem that beatifull compared to Unreal 2007.


The difference isn't that great, insignifficant to be honest.


In long(er) terms:

It will have some extra power. But you should expect little things. In matter of textures and details, they are about even.

Most High-end PC's reach 3.6 gigaherz now, while the X-box core processor has 3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each. Although that seems much, the X-Box doesn't have a videocard. It has a custom ATI-graphics accelerator.


Just see it like this:

Games that involve major power (Elder Scrolls 4 etc) will do better on the 360 then PC's. If you are talking about graphics quality, the PC has a slight advantage.


In short terms:

Kotor isn't famous for it's beauty, so we won't notice the difference i think. Maybe the PC-version will get an extra high-end graphics option orso.

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the thing is there are some games that have awesome cut scenes on certain occasions. Warcraft III comes to mind, but i know there are more.


Thte other thing is even some PS2 have CGI scenes, like the Tekken Series. In fact there were ones on the PS1!


You guys think they could include some of those at critical moments?

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With proper use and restraint prerendered scenes are a wonderful addition to a game. I am of the opinion that they should be restricted to the end of the game, possibly the beginning as well, but only if the scene can not be done 'live' with the game engine.

KOTOR 3 should be made with an all-new graphics engine. I think this is necessary actually if they intend to sell this game to general audiences, otherwise what's the point of making it for consoles in the first place? If obsidian does make the game using the electron engine is a no-brainer and would bring enough oomph to push the graphics to current gen standards.

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I agree.


Although the gameplay is perfect, they shouldn't make a no-brainer.

Also, they should make full use of the Next-gen possibilities.

The critic heared the most about the 360, is the lack of 'next-gen' gameplay. It's just like the X-Box with better graphics.

They should avoid this kind of critic, and fully use the hardware. Maybe huge battles with several hundreds of NPC's fighting eachother?

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I agree.


Although the gameplay is perfect, they shouldn't make a no-brainer.

Also, they should make full use of the Next-gen possibilities.

The critic heared the most about the 360, is the lack of 'next-gen' gameplay. It's just like the X-Box with better graphics.

They should avoid this kind of critic, and fully use the hardware. Maybe huge battles with several hundreds of NPC's fighting eachother?


Hopefully, they will have enough time to fully exploit the three processors of the 360. Most of the first 360 games (rumored) only use single thread technology. This was in order to get them out by the 360 release.

I also believe that by then, the Graphical standard for the 360 will be raised.


I think that CGI should not be used at all. Taking me out of my current world and throwing me into a super detailed "movie" completely throws me off, and will likely magnify any graphical problems found in the game.

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