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Another Awsome Year at WR RPG

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Okay, so I'm starting my first ever rpg. But read the ****in rules first!!!



1). you can use old characters or new ones you make


2). use tags to tag to people, please


3). HAVE FUN ^^


One thing: I control my person and Lili. ^^


So I'll start:




power: clarivoyince

pink hair

easy to please, nice girl

pink hoodie, black mini scirt

black boots


Rose left her mother's car, smilling. She took her MP3 player out of her backpack and switched to " Old School Hollywood" while walking to the girl's cabins.

"Okay, where is everyone?"

She chose a bunk, set her stuff down, and went to the main lodge.While walking, Rose saw a girl with reddish-purplish hair in pigtails sitting in a tree, catching birds on fire.

" Hi," Rose yelled. Rose climbed up the tree she was in and stared at her.

"My name's Rose. What's your's?"

"Lili," the girl mumbled.

"OMG!!! THE LILI?!? YOUR LIKE, FAMOUS WHERE I COME FROM!!!" Lili got a bit freaked-out and levitated out of the tree to the main lodge.

" Great. I screw up when I meet THE Lili and scare her off. Rose shock her head and levitated to the beach.



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Sure. I'll play.


Tall, lanky 12 year old peers up at the camp sign, shielding their eyes from the sun with a well tanned hand.

"Whispering Rock Paychic Summer Camp...at last!"

Angel picks up the army rucksack beside them and saunters through the gates heading to towards the campers' cabins.


*deep in thought*

"For 4 generations, we have been denied the opportunity to become Psychonauts, to hone our abilities for the good of man and womankind. Now, I shall be the first"


"Mierda...Hace muy calor..." Angel whips of the jacket and ties the concoction of denim, patches and band button and safety pins around their waist. Angel looks up at the boys and girls cabins, hesitantly. Angel turns to face the boys cabins and with a deep inhale, races into the cabin grabs a top bunk, scribles "Angel J." on the clipboard. Angel exhales and flops on the bed. "it's done...I am here...I am really here".


Angel sighs and looks around the empty cabin, evidence of other occupants is present but the owners are nowhere to be found.

Angel leaps out of the bed and lands with a loud thump of thick soled combat boot against wood. "Donde son la otras?" he mumbles and heads out the door towards the main lodge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I'm really missing RPGing, so I'll join.


A 13 year old girl walked into camp. She carried with her a suitcase filled with fabrics and patterns, and a messnager bag with a change of clothes, pajamas, a picture of her idol and crush, Daniel Vosovic, and more supplies for designing.


"So, this is the place they sent me?" Said the girl, "Oh god, this is gonna suck."


She was standing in the parking lot, confuzed and a bit bewildered.


(P.S. Zelda, no tagging. Tagging makes RPGs stupid as hell.)

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(Yay, somone joined)


Rose got off of her thought bubble and began to grow sick of the heat. She walked around abit and turned her MP3 player off.


" God dammit. Where is everyone."


Out of the coner of her eye, she saw a girl in the parking lot.


" Sweet, somones here," she mumbled.

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Chloe squints feircely, fire in her eyes. "You lay off my man you crackhead." Chloe said in a low, demonic sound ing, voice. She pulls out her framed picture of him brushing his teeth shirtless from the show, with the little heart sticker in the corner.

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