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Another Awsome Year at WR RPG

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"Isn't there anything in here?" Chloe aid to herself as she was rummaging through a cabnet. "All there is is knives and utensils and pots and useless junk, but no food." Then, Chloe found a box of white instant rice. "Is there a steamer around here?" She looked but couldn't find any. So, she just poured some rice into the pot, went to the lake to filter some water and add it to the pot.


Along the way, she passed some eyeryone. "Dinner'll be ready in ten!" She yelled as she continued to stroll along.

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Rioko: i was just focusing my enrgy to gain some power. Oh look it's crystal training time.*snaps fingers and everyone is in the his mental world*


Joe: Is this going to be boring again?


Rioko: This time you can actually fight. Not censors though. Instead you will fight shadow creatures. These are the mental embodiments of evil in your mind. A pure-hearted person has none. A true evil person has nothing but. You will spend the rest of your hour studying new techniques from this book and battling my shadow creatures.


Yunnie: So you aren't going to help us.


Rioko: right. i'll be constantly creating more shadow creatures for the rest of the hour.


Rose: How will this help us.


rioko: combat training is essential. you will learn stuff from that book as you progress. There is only 1 page in the book. As you gain ranks by fighting you will obtain more pages.


Rose: Can we get weapons?


Rioko: Yes.*snaps fingers and and 3ft long staffs tipped with 1ft long blades appear*Now begin. shadow creatures attack!

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(I don't know, maybe ya'll can have some kind of problem and I could use a crazy fashion related idea to solve it. Either that, or we could go with the Charlies Angle's idea.


I could be charlie, and all of you cna be my angels, except Psychochaos. He can be Bosley.)


Chloe sat in the lodge, she used pyroknesis to cok the rice in the pot. When it was done, she went out to tell everyone the food was done. They were all in a weird meditative state. Chloe took out a post it note, wrote "Food in the lodge" On it, and stuck it to Reiko's forehead. Then Chloe went into the lodge to eat.

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Rioko: *thinking* Wow. joe is kicking some ass. Why don't I send some stronger shadow creatures. He might find a challenge in fighting a shadow version of himself*done thinking* Hey Joe!


Joe: What?


Rioko: *put finger to joe's forhead and creates a shadow joe* you might get a challenge out of fighting this guy.


Joe: What did you do?


Rioko: i created a darker version of you. He is like you in everyway physically. The only weakness that isn't yours that he has is that he doesn't gain power.


Joe:Awesome. a challenge.




Chloe: Where is everyone? *fall into a stump.* whoa. where am I?


Computer: Where would you like to go?


Chloe: Hmmm. What about Ford's Sanctuary?


Computer: Yes agent cruller.


Chloe: This place is huge! whoa another computer. *turns on computer* whats this? Diary entry #1: Life of Loboto



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Rose had already killed one hundred creatures and breatheing hard. Then, from behind her, she was attacked.

Rose: Aghhh*coughs up blood* What the hell?

Rose starts making choking sounds and falls over.

Rose: I...can't.....breathe....AAGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

Another creature came over to her to attack.

Rose: Psi... sheld....

The creature was knocked back, but came up again, trying to kill her.


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"Hmm," Chloe thought as she read this weird diary entry. "I could probably find some different stuff. Thank god my brother's a skilled hacker." Chloe typed in a few keys and was into the computers mainframe. She typed in the name of the camp and all the sudden found a list. "List of Campers." the screen read.


"Interesting." Chloe read as she scrolled through the list. She found various names, codes, ages, years of coming, everything. then, she found her name. "Well, what do they got on me?" Chloe said as she clicked the link...

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Out of nowhere Rioko quickly eliminated the shadow creature.


rioko: You pushed yourself to hard. The crystal energy is straining your body from overuse. The hour is over. You three can leave through that door.


Yunnie: wow, Rose. you're injured really badly.


Rose: Need food.


Joe: rioko's training is rough that shadow Joe nearly obliterated me.



Back in the real world.


rioko: Comeon let's go to the lodge. Chloe made rice.


Rose: Starving.


Joe: Me too.

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Chloe hopped off the computer thing. "Well, that was boring." She said as she shut off the computer. "Now, how do I get out of here? That stump thing?" Chloe looked inside the stump then she jumped in. "Uhh, take me to the lodge?" Se said, then the cart sped off.

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Rose got some rice and began eating over at a table by herself.

Rose thinking: AHHHHHHH, WHY AM I NOT STRONG ENOUGH???? I'm never gonna be touhg enough or inpress Rioko....AHHHHHHHHGGGGG, STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!!

Rose took her tray, and went to dump it. Then she went to the woods, where she saw an old treehouse.

Rose: Huh? What's this say...

She saw a small log on the treehouse ingraved, "If you are a girl, then go away!". It was signed, Domino.

Rose: *gasp* R-Rioko's brother... I have to tell him.

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"What?" Joe asked Chloe; gobbling down rice. "Finished! More please!" "T-that was your seventh bowl!" Raz stuttered. "How can you still be hungry!?!??" Joe shrugged. "Got any Raman?"

Rioko: I have plenty of Ramen. Knock on that wall right there 4 times and say Domino and a secret cabinet will pop up with plenty of Ramen and pots.


(I love Ramen in real life!)

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