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Hey, I'm Sarah. I'm a new member so I thought I would introduce myself. I'm 20 years old, live in Australia and I love Star Wars. I own four Star Wars games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, KOTOR 2, Lego Star Wars and Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast.

I'm looking forward to getting into this forum and getting to know you guys!

See ya!

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Welcome aboard SarahSkywalker! :waive1:


Please make sure arms and legs are in and your safety harness is fastened cuz' you're in for a heckuva ride with these crazy folks :D hehehe....


Here is you're obligatory n00bie! placard so we can go ahead and get that out of the way ;)


And be sure to grab a roll of these on your way to the deeper parts of the Forums, trust me... they help :lol:

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Yes, welcome to LucasForums, SarahSkywalker! :wavey: We've got some cool Aussies on the forums so at least you'll have some people that will understand your accent, heh-heh-heh. :D


@ChAiNz.2da - Hey! I never got a n00bie! placard or a roll of "Mentals" when I joined! I'm feelin' kind of snubbed here! j/k ;)

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DOH!.. err, here, have a cookie :D
No, no, no. I really couldn't, ChAiNz. I was only joshin' with ya...


*** sees cookie ***


Whoa. :drop2::drool1:


Uh, hey... well... if you went to all that trouble just for little ole' me. Heh-heh, who am I to be so thoughtless as to refuse such a tasty morsel?


*** devours cookie ***

[Homer Simpson] Mmmmm, c-o-o-k-i-e...[/Homer Simpson]


Yummy good! Thanks man! :thumbsup:


@ SarahSkywalker - See! This is what I'm talkin' bout! There are some really cool people on these forums. ;)

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