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I may sound like a traitor, a traitor for the rebel alliance, BUT I LOVE MONKEYS.


anyway now thats said, How many of you monkey island fans are Pirates of the carrabian fans? i would imagine you must be as Monkey island is based on the pirates of the carabian ride, and pirates of the carrabian is a blatent ripoff of monkey island.


The reason i ask is that Lucas arts has turned its back on a great franchise to put all of its attension into starwars! It is well known that Monkey island is based on the Pirates of the Carrabian ride at Disney. Monkey island 2 even has walt the dog, from the carrabian ride, walt as in disney.


As well as this Monkey island loves Disney what with the tree house on Booty island in MI2 being the Swiss Family Robinson house in DisneyLand. And the E-ticket, and the fact big whoop is a hellish Disney land.


I would like to see Disney buy the rights to Monkey island, I think it would be a great honor to the game and to disney, especially if they could get Ron Gilbert on board. And all the extra Disney and Pirates of the Carrabian film jokes would really boost the game, maybe make it darker and more like the original games. As well as that a Monkey island Cartoon would be the best thing ever, and i think a top seller, what with it basicly being pirates of the carabian anyway. And look at the success of the Sam N Max cartoon.


Sam and Max is no longer owned by Lucas arts and is being made by Telltale, i would love to see something similar happen to monkey island.


What do you think of Disney one day owning Monkey Island, The possibility of a Monkey Islnad Cartoon, Based of the Secret of Monkey Island, Maybe a few cartoon films in the future, And even about the possibility of future Monkey Island Adventure Games?


I love Lucas arts and Starwars, And i love Monkey island, And like all great partnerships, things grow stale and love ends, I would like to see Lucas arts give up there baby, and let her fall in love with somebody else, Its the only way she will be happy. And i want Disney to have Monkey island more then anybody, They could make a cartoon series, and Disney would take good care of her. Maybe one day if it sells well, Disney would even make an new Adventure game, After all its disney, they are hardly goind to aim at the shoot em ups market.


Id love to hear peoples views on these ideas, especially anybody who has any say in the ownership of Monkey island.

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Plus, any new form of monkey island would just look like it's copying Pirates of the Caribbean, if done by the same publishing company, people start wondering what the hell Disney are up to. They'd never do it, they'd simply be paying for a franchise that had branched off of one of their rides, something of which they already have. Also, while I love all the Disney classics and fell in love with their cartoons as a kid, i've somewhat lost faith in them of late. There only real successes lately being POTC and anything by Pixar, which I don't really attribute to them (although I guess I'll have to now), the rest of their works has seriously gone downhill. I hope things pickup, but until then, I really wouldn't trust MI with them.

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They offed their traditional feature animation department a few years ago, their last feature animated film not to go straight to DVD was 'Home on the Range'. From now on it's crappy CG or bust for them. I'm personally not to pleased with the buy out of PIXAR, their films are good, but I always felt they could have been better had they not been constrained by the House of Mouse. After 'Car's', PIXAR was meant to cut loose and either find another company, or just do their own productions, which I'd always felt was a step in the right direction, as there'd be no influence from Disney. Not so anymore, but whatever.


It will be interesting to see what Steve Jobs can do with a hefty 7% ownership though. Straight to iPod movies anyone? :D

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Well now that Roy Disney is back on the board of directors things could swing back to the way they should be. Eisner also wanted to remaster old Disney films into CG and then dub in the sound. Personally I ever see the "Lion King" in 3d some **** (starts with a C ends with a T) is gonna shot in the face. What Eisner and the rest of the money grubbing movie people don't understand is it's not thee medium in which things are presented it's the ideas (of course if the meduim is a lonely wino spraying obscenities thats not good either), look at South Park 10 seasons of almost all construction paper and it's still popular.

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I wasn't too excited about Finding Nemo either when I saw the trailers, and that remains on of my favorite films by them. I'm waiting to see what it like before I judge.


As for Roy Disney, I've always just seen him as the face of Disney (much like Walt himself was, near the end of his life he didn't even have controlling shares of Disney), whilst giving very little input (although Fantasia 2000 may have been his idea).

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Walden's only really famous film being Narnia, and that was a joint production with Disney anyway (among others). I'd also like to point out that most of the people at Walden were originally with Miramax, who are a division of Disney. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of a Monkey Island film or TV show anyway (well... I guess I might enjoy a TV show), so i don't think anyone would be able to do it justice, but if I thought someone could, I'd maybe go with Dreamworks (although, theor animated films haven't been up to scratch lately either) or the animation department of some other big production company (although Disney and dreamworks are dominating the market heavily).

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There was already a cartoon TV series that had pirates in it which was better than any Monkey Island equivalent could ever be: Robinson Sucroe!


Robinson Sucroe was working for a paper

Cleaning up and sweeping every night

They said he could live on an island

In exchange for the stories he writes....


Robinson Sucroe! Robinson Sucroe!

Writing tales about the island that he knew

Robinson Sucroe! Robinson Sucroe!

The only problem is that none of them are true


Everydays* and pirates too

Living happily it's true -

They don't want their secret world to be revealed

Wednesday's** there without a doubt

Always helping Sucroe out

They work together to keep their world concealed


*The island was populated by people known as the 'Everydays'

**Wednesday was one of the Everydays


See, this cartoon was absolute genius. It tops anything Disney ever did, and was far more entertaining than a twenty minute episode of Guybrush Threepwood strolling around Woodtick. The story is that Robinson works for this big newspaper, living on a deserted island where he has wild adventures every week. He writes these adventures down and delivers them to the paper's editor by firing them out of a cannon to his waiting ship.


But! The island was secretly populated. There were posh English pirates and lazy Spanish pirates moored there who were always trying to get each other, as well as a populated village of 'Everydays' - indigenous people of the island. Furthermore, the wild dangers of the island - such as terrifying monsters which Robinson always narrowly avoided death from - didn't exist! It was a paradise. Robinson really had it great because he didn't even write the stories, his mate Wednesday did. However, it was all messed up by this one fellow who was jealous of Robinson - and knew he was a liar. So every episode he would try and set it up so that Robinson Sucroe would be revealed as a fraud and his fabulous stories would end - this would invariably end with Robinson firing the story from the cannon at the last possible second before his editor came ashore, delaying it all for another week.


If anyone can get me any episodes... I'll be very happy :)

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  • 3 months later...

Disney sucks! Forget about it Disney will hammer the last nail in MI's coffin and yea joshi's right new fans would think it would be a rip off of POC but a funny story a few days ago i saw POC 2 and slept through a good portion of the movie but while i was watching i noticed that POC was a rip off of MI think about it that Davey jones guy looks like a weird version of Le Chuck and that turner guy is a loser who fails horribly at being a pirate (sorta like Guybrush) even in the first movie he made a fool of himself when they tried to jack that ship


Disney sux!


Grim Fandango ressurection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \m/

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