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EaW: Rebellion


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ive been working lately on a SW Rebellion conversion for EaW... heres what ive got so far...
















keep in mind that this is not the starting positions... that is much different and you have to expand yourself just like in Rebellion...


other notes about the mod:


some planets will be restricted from building space stations and others wont, most neutral planets will have some form of pirate presence to prevent mass blitzing since you couldnt expand very quickly in Rebellion, however there will be a number of neutral planets without garrisons to reflect the rim systems


i was getting a tiny bit of lagging and i am curious if anyone has found ways to decrease the processing demand needed by the galactic screen...

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the only problem with making the planets smaller is that the units then become larger then the planet


adding 2 or 3 more sectors would mean 10 - 15 more planets, and that means more lag, much more since it would put the total over 60 which is the you will not enjoy the game anymore level


with the 50 planets in there now im sure once the game gets going there will be plenty of lag to go around, im trying to keep that to a minimum, and besides, there are already 10 sectors so thats enough to add in a good strategic value

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Would we have a default system of planets to start with or are we assigned planets like Galactic Conquest where you have to hold planets all over the map. I think it would be great having to start from owning one planet then eventually taking all of them over as opposed to having planets taken over from the start. More of a challenge I would think.

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thats how its setup, not one planet though, you get 4, one in each inner sector, kinda the way rebellion started you off


and those planet names are straight out of rebellion, even the positioning is based as close as i could feasibly make it to rebellion

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not yet, right now its a bunch of thrown together xml files and i replaced a lot of values in the dat file so before i can release it id have to rewrite the dat file to include the new planets and other stuff in addition to the old planets... i would like to put some more touches on the map before releasing for a trial like instituting space station restrictions and changing ground base sizes and such


but if someone really wants to play this now there are no pirates and as you can see from the screens its a little too easy to quickly expand

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well, if you want a beta, i will. just pm me or e-mail me at JLeFleur@msn.com



EDIT: I did not state this well. I was offering to be a "beta tester" for this as i like the map, a lot. For those who did not understand, i am sorry, for misleading you, and please stop e-mailing me asking for a beta version of this as i dont have it. thanks for understanding.



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Well first let him put all teh planet in from rebellion the most notable one missing is sullust. But im sure hes changed that from when he did the screenshots. I cant wait for this to be released just looking at it made me want to play teh good o'l classic all day.


Im glad I able to post now :lol:

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i almost put sullust in but me and my bro decided on the other systems from that sector just becuase we picked the ones that were always most crucial in our games against each other (old school rebellion)


and as stated above about planet names and adding more planets/sectors... there are currently 50 planets in the mod, i really dont want to add more becuase it may cause severe lag esp in multiplayer, and about the names, if they were in rebellion and i thought it was a generally depended upon system then i put it in...


the selection process for the names/sectors was me loading up rebellion on a medium galaxy and dropping a few sectors then taking 5 planets from each remaining sector...


(on a sidenote, in rebellion with a hard computer and me not doing anything the computer won in 635 days, i was empire)


i will repeat myself, i am not just including a planet becuase its name is familiar/in a movie/popular or whatnot, it had to be in the original game in the medium galaxy, from a useful sector, and i wanted to put it there (or cuase the other names in the sector were funky and uncool)

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So basicly your telling me is that because Sullust wasnt usful to you in the game your not going to put it in? Sounds more like a opinion. I always played on large galaxy and EVERY planet plays an important part. Sullust in my opinion I always used as a staging area before attacking the Corsuant. On that I just played Rebellion and that planet IS in the game on medium The three core sectors are in all settings so dont say it wasnt in medium I have Rebellion myself...

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its always going to be a matter of opinion when you have to pick 50 planets out of 150... i never said it wasnt there, infact i said we almost put it in which means it met all the requirements but just wasnt selected, as were a whole slew of other planets i would have liked to include as well... a few examples include, bothawui, uvena, chandrila, ghorman, commenor, and others...

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i wanted to toss in the whole kitten kabootle... all 200 systems in the huge galaxy... too bad theres no way to trim down the processing requirements so you can add all those planets... but alas, since ive got an uber machine and im getting a faint slowness with 50 planets, id hate to subject people with lesser computers to anything more


i didnt actually move any of the planets, well maybe a handful that were already in the game... but its just a simple x, y coordinate system, just like good old high school math :)

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You should probably keep in mind, that Selonia, Drall, and Corellia isn't just in the same sector, but in the same starsystem, orbiting the same sun. So since we're not able to make starsystems yet, perhaps replace Drall and Selonia with 2 other planets (Not Talus and Tralus, same problem ;) )?

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perhaps by chance did i mention that i was making this map based on the SW Rebellion galaxy map? in which case kothlis under bothawui and between sluisvan and orto and also slightly above and beside moncalamari....


and likewise according to the SW Rebellion map in the Corellian sector, drall and corellia are separated by commenor, and to top that off talus and tralus are separated by at least corfai and possibly selonia, i dont have the map up infront of me but im fairly certain of the above...... i dont eat and breathe star wars so please take a chill pill if you think something may not be 100% historically correct with the star wars universe... take that crap up with LA... im tired of this

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To give somewhat a visual on it heres is teh corellain sector in the game.

and this is on LARGE galaxy. I cant help the reason why it turned out so small though but heres it is. Im having problems getting another screenschot tho.



I ddi this to help anyone whos thinking what his placing is wrong... so im helping alittle but I know he would do screenys if he wanted to.

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