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Paper Tiger?

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All you can do is destroy the planet once the count down ends. The Death Star II was the death star that destorys the ships in return of the jedi. The first Death Star is what is in empire at war and is not as accurate and cannot achieve this task.


Though by pulling the lever in your command bar you can fire the death star at the planet as soon as the timer is finished counting down.

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the lever is on the command bar thing, when the death star is in range,it will automatically appear, just click on it and it will activate the "super laser", the rebels probably wont flee, but sometimes they do, not because their planet has been destroyed, but when a lot of their ships are destroyed, if they have transports, take them out first, if a lot of their ships are destroyed in quick sucsession, then they will flee

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  • 2 weeks later...

To see the lever, press a number key that you do not have hot-keyed to a group. For example, I hotkey "0" to my space station when I'm defending, but since I'm there attacking if I have the Death Star with me, then "0" is left unassigned.


When the countdown hits zero, I press zero. All of my other ships are deselected and the only thing on my unit bar is the Death Star lever.


And after firing I never wait for the cinematic because the battle is still going. When the Death Star cinematic starts, press the space bar or double-click to get back to the battle, then select and manage your groups as usual.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Or take an Interdicter Cruiser to the planet, kill all the Rebels and destroy the planet by dragging the Death Star and it's accompanying fleet into the 'Destroy Planet' slot after the battle.

Is there a "Destroy Planet" slot?? I've never seen this! I've been scratching my head trying to find a way to destroy a planet AFTER the defending fleet has been defeated.

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