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Favorite Award Weap


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Award precision pistols!!


Well, the rocket one is good, cause you get guided rockets IN ADDITION to your regular ones, extra weapons are always nice.


The award sniper sucks big time. You probably get kills easier with the normal wimpy pistol. DON'T USE THE AWARD SNIPER!!!


Award rifle is nice, but different. Basically award rifle is like a semi-auto sniper, good for mid-long range, but bad for close in spray n pray.


Award shotgun is more powerful up close, but weaker at mid range due to the spread though.

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I think the award rifle is one of the best, as one burst drops most enemies, although it does lack in rate of fire, so is not exactly good for the more unaccurate "spray and pray" group mas mentioned by Piouywired

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well, his post has a point. gockets takes some time to get used to. I would suggest switching off the reverse control for space freighters for starters. That makes gockets more controllable. And, remember to boost for speed ... the faster the gocket is, the more damage it does.

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