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Orbital strikes


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Would it be possible to mod in orbital strikes? I reckon it can be done, at least when the mod tools are released.


I'm going to take a knack at making the ground combat kinda different, so that spaceships could bomb the heck out of everything, except shields. That'd make shield generators absolutely essential, kinda like in ESB.

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I have seen some threads about this and in my reading I have discoverd that they were planed into the game but got cut out for one reason or a nother. I think with the mod tools it would be rather simple to reactivate them.

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In my opinion the ONLY ship that should be allowed to do orbital bombardment is Victory star destroyer. Because in all the books ,comics , some games and its trading card it can bombard te surface also I think its the only ship feasable to go into planetary Flight.

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in rebellion, orbital bombardment was possible for any ship, but is determined by how many turbo lasers, lasers, and bomber sqadrons it carried, plus some ships like victory star destroyers got a multiplier. each ship in your fleet adds its bombardment number to your bombardment roll and this is used against the ground garrisons and structures to destroy them. it is totally random, but the more ships increase your odds of destroying things. and a really big fleet could likely take out the entire surface in one attack. You also had the option to keep bombarding to destroy the surface which made the landscape unusable by destroying resources and available building slots.


Now any ship was mild successful at blasting away garrisons, even a correllian corvette would kill off 1 garrison on each strike on an undefended system. The balance to this tactic is the diplomacy system. If you add orbital strikes to EAW without the diplomacy to give severe consequences, you will never need to fight land battles, and we don't want that.


Diplomacy doesn't even need to be complex something players have direct control of, like in rebellion. For example, there shall be 3 levels of diplomacy which is enemy, neutral, and ally. These states are obtained based on how the planet was conquered.

If you take control of a planet by land assault, your diplomacy status doesn't change, but for every time you do an orbital bombardment, your diplomacy rating moves away from you by 2 steps on the planet you just bombarded and 1 step for each planet within hyperspace range.


Here are the reasons you want planets to stay aligned to your side, if they are on your side, you get the system bonus and full credits, and in land battles, the locals help you.

If the planet is neutral, you get full credits, and the system bonus, but the locals not get involved in land battles.

If the planet is your enemy, you and the enemy split the system's resources(due to smuggling losses) you don't get the system bonus(like 25% stronger shield on xwings, for example), and the locals will fight against you and ally themselves with your enemy.


With all of that in mind, it is perfect reasonable to use these orbital bombardments in a section of the galaxy that is entirely controlled by your enemy, since you will be losing no influence in the surrounding area.

In this case, we need an alternative, and more definitive method to defend against orbital bombardments, which are planetary shields. If there is a planetary shield, the only option is the land invasion.

But shields are not the only method of defense, since you may not want to waste a building slot on each planet, so you can leave a defensive fleet in orbit.


Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough.

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Or u could make it so that the amount for catpuring the planet goes down u can build buildings on the ground because of heavy bombardment ect stuff like that but some people dont want any punish ment for doing it they just want to do it.

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Without increasing the build slots adding more building types would ba bad.


I suggest the following:

1) Building planetary shields also give you shields.


2) Using O.S. causes less damage to most units, but lot more damage to buildings.


3) Ships using O.S. have a chance of getting shot down by those anti-orbit big guns.

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