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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Hey is that porno and beer still on, come on hurry up with it im going on hols soon.



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Fear of what follows death?


Observe: nothing is created or destroyed. Energy becomes matter, changes form, even jiggles its very existance about on the quantum level...but nothing ever just stops being. When the body dies, the cells die--but cells die all the time, their existance independent of human consciousness (all of the cells that were 'you' on the day you were born are long dead, but 'you' continue nonetheless.) The energy that had been animating the body dissipates as heat, but this energy is independent of human consciousness (as is suggested by out-of-body travel.) The consciousness principle, or 'you' for all practical intents and purposes, being the sense of 'I'ness whose will stares back at us from the eyes in the mirror every morning, that must change form and go on as well.


Exactly how and what that change is, is of course the topic of centuries of debate. biggrin.gif Rest assured, though, that we don't just pop out of existance like a program written on a CD that melts when left out in the hot sun...

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I've been thinking lately about how energy released in our universe can affect events in parallel universes, and vise versa. (As per the whole 'pass a single photon through one side of a pair of slits in a solid object, get a wave pattern on the other side' dealey. The photon in our universe is being affected by photons in alternate universes by countless other versions of the scientist conducting the same experiment, only shooting the photon through the other slit.)

Perhaps the energy released dosen't stay in our universe at all, but goes on to an alternate one.

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Originally posted by MadPilot:

Has anyone been on "Star Tours" at Disney, CA? That was excellent. I went on twice.


Way cool but nothing, absolutly nothing compared to the Hulk ride in Universal Studios, anyone tried that one?


About that fear of death, reminds me of a quote from Woody Allen, it sorta went like this: It's not that I'm afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.


Now my fears... can't think of anything right now... maybe i'll find one later, or am I fearless? biggrin.gif




[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 18, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

In Japanese tradition, a samurai who had zen was said to be no longer afraid of death. Myself, I'm not afraid of death anymore...but I am afraid of dying!


It looks like it hurts. wink.gif If I can just go from A to C--skipping B altogether--that would be swell.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Here is some interesting science about the quantum nature of consciousness: http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/QuanCon.html


Here is a sutra I did on the matter (from a much more subjective angle) at another forum: http://www.infidels.org/electronic/forum/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=22&t=000820


smile.gif (The sutra is better than the 'Posting Sutra' I did here.)

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Originally posted by Jem:

Way cool but nothing, absolutly nothing compared to the Hulk ride in Universal Studios, anyone tried that one?


About that fear of death, reminds me of a quote from Woody Allen, it sorta went like this: It's not that I'm afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.


Now my fears... can't think of anything right now... maybe i'll find one later, or am I fearless? biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 18, 2001).]





I have. biggrin.gif





Official Forum Nuclear Terrorist & God of Insanity

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

by the time your brain recognizes the altimeter reads 100, the fighter will have already impacted on teh ground.


You're dead or lying.



Thats why I bail at 200 so by the time I get out its already 100.


Fortunately its relatively easy to lie about doing it purposly.(Is my spelling off?)


Have I told you that I went as high as possible too?





Official Forum Nuclear Terrorist & God of Insanity


[This message has been edited by Commander 598 (edited August 19, 2001).]

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Guest BrianJedi

Why' I have to look at that nasty picture of that spider on the first page? Now I got that feeling like, I'll feel some hairs on my arm move, then I'll be scared to death, thinking theres a spider on my arm...


If you haven't guessed it, I've very Aracniphobic. So uh, no more spider pics please.



At this point I have a request for our fans, if any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of differant color, or women, please do this one favor for us - leave us the f*ck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records. - Kurt Cobain


Check out my P.O.S. site! WHen I get XWA to work proporly, I'll refurbish it. http://BrianJedi.homestead.com/Opthanger.html

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I'm arachnophobic, but I'm actually getting over it (writing SF from the pov of spider-like aliens who thing that tarantulas are cute'n'cuddly is actually helping).


I'm actually more scared of webs than of spiders. If I see the beast, I can avoid it. It's when I see a big, thick web, and can find absolutely no trace of what built it that I get creeped out.


I'm not scared of death but, since I believe in an afterlife, I'm scared of dying the "wrong way."


I used to be scared of being in public (like what Taarkin mentioned upthread), but I'm pretty much over it now, as long as I can prepare before going out in public (comb my hair, wear something nice, etc).


I don't think I've ever been scared of the dark. Darkness is like an old friend to me; I have unusually strong night-vision, so while darkness blinds others, I can see clearly.


Now that I think about it, a psychologist would probably be really interested in how my social phobia has shaped my personality. I compensate by paying much more attention to (and, conversely, taking more pride in) my physical appearance as far as fashion and style than is usually normal for guys. I'm also only really able to feel comfortable when I can pretend that people don't see me, like when I'm in the dark or lurking around the fringes of a crowd.


Originally posted by Darth Sceltor:

And while I was watching Jurassic Park III yesterday, i pictured myself as one of the characters during the movie and found out that I would be deathly afraid of dinosaurs were they real.


I actually wouldn't be. I know I can out-think the bigger creatures, and the raptors. . . well, I can actually think of a few vulnrabilities.


(Wait for one to strike, then quickly dance to the side and put a blade/pointy stick through its eye into the brain. Then run to avoid its backup.)


<small>(Alternatively, get a bunch of raptor eggs and raise the hatchlings --social creatures that raptors are-- the same way you'd raise hunting-dogs. Then rely on them to help you against wild raptors.)</small>



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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Guest Rogue 9

I actually like being scared nothing is better than a big adrenaline rush...things like free climbing and almost falling are great. smile.gif

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