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For u that plat SWGB i got a question

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Guest DarthMaulUK

He probably is using a Modded version. If he says that he is not...he is lying. If youre playing him online and if he is using a modded version he could have the upper hand.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

When people make their own mods, they can increase the health and decrease others healths. So if you played the old Jedi Fest - your opponents Jedi would have say, 100 health, whilsts yours will have just 5!



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Yes people still play this game as do I from time to time. There is still a community of gamers that still play this.(its not that big about 20 to 30 maybe more) We play on http://www.Gamespy.com . you gotta download the program. you can get it for free as well. here is a direct link for download. http://www.gamespyarcade.com/download/ after you download it run the program from your computer to install everything etc. To play on Gamepsy make sure your online first. Then run the program from your computer.( No need to go to the site 1nce you get the program) Get a screename etc Then your ready to play. On Gamespy my name is M_jf_0bi_Wan_ I pop on from time to time. Usually around evenings eastern or central time USA time. So if you c me drop a message.

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