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Awesomely Random RPG!!!

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Ok, here's an RPG, that doesn't have to have anything to do with Psychonauts. We can get as insane as we want!!!!


Here are the rules.

1. No weird anime names. Those are way likely to be mispelled by me.

2. No super duper weird things happning. If I'm creeped out by somthing. I'll say it and the clump stops there.

3. No controling other characters. You have your on character for a reason.

4. No tagging. Tagging is about as stupid as reading the video game manuel.

5. Have a great time!!!




Setting: A white room, a plain white room with nothing in it. No windows, just a floor, four walls, a ceiling, and a door.

My Character. :Her name is Kate. She is a teenager, age 15, her hair is blonde and long, and she has blue eyes. She's standing in the room wearing a white dress, white flip flops, and silver bangles on.



"Where am I?" she wondered, "Who am I? Why am I here?"

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...K' I'm in, besides I've been wanting to give a story to a weird made up character I made:

Patrolman Logan is an ageless Ecapsican from space, no planet, just... space. Apparance: Patrolman Logan is completely pitch black and bald with only his eyes making up any distinctive part of his body, he wears a battlesuit constructed by Division 6 of the Dimensional Patrol and has an antenna dealy popping up on his helmet/dome/hairarium. He wears a belt and wristbands that are blue and has an antenna and belt buckle that are bright yellow emblazoning the Division 6 logo.


Logan walked into the scene wary with a Wy-Pistol drawn. Well... this certainly is a change of scenery...

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Wee!!!! Thanks Brandon!


Kate stood there and stared at him. "What are you doing in my mind!!!!" She yelled and all of a sudden they were warped to a small house in the middle of nowhere. Kate heard a faint voice and saw a thing. It was a green human, like creature with 3 long fingers. He was rubbing a rusty spoon upon his arm and wearing a beret.

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"Hey whoa, I'm just as baffled as you are." he said and then glanced at the bizarre creature. "Sorry citizen! I must take my leave! and quite frankly you give me the heebie jeebies." With that he went out the door of the small house.

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"Hello there kind sir." said the thing in a slight English accent. "My name is Salad Fingers, I'm trying to find France with my friend Hubert Cumberdale." The creature held up a finger puppet of a man. "Can you help me find France?" he said.


"I'll help you!" Said Kate. she took Salad Fingers hand and shut her eyes as they warped off in a cloud of smoke.

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Logan stood outside the house and saw next to nothing. "Gasp of horror! I seem to be trapped in some surrealist's desert! Luckily I have the Groove Cannon!" He then pushed a button on his wristband and a small claw put away the Wy-Pistol and replaced it with a small cannon shaped device that he used to propel himself into space.

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Kate and Salad Fingers poofed to the top of the Eiffle Tower after leaving the desert.


"Here's France, Mr. Fingers." Kate said.


"Oh, thank you." He replied. "Hubert and I are very happy now."


"OK," Kate said "Bye now." as she warped away bact to the desert. When she goth there, The weird guy was gone. "hmm, where did he go?" She then shut her eyes and saw him flying through space. She then warped up to him.


"Where'd you go, person??" Kate asked the man in black.

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"BAH GEEZ!" Shouted Logan as he nearly fell off the Cannon. "Well, see my name is Logan and it is my duty to ensure the walls of reality doesn't collapse in on itself, so I'm going to... do something. I don't know." he then noticed the strange girl poof infront of him. "GAH." he said as he lost his grip on the Groove Cannon and it flew off into space. "Oh, well that's just great, now I've gotta control it by remote, which is always total hell..."

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"ASTOUNDING! With your powers one could win a costume contest without spending too much money on nerd gear!" he then put the Groove Cannon away and pressed a button labelled Auto. The suit then opened and he drifted out, a black nearly invisible cloud. "I'm going to take a look around, then come back and complain about having nothing to do."

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"Well, here we are." The two were at a pancake house. "Nothing seems to be here." and they poofed off again.


Now they were at a lake in Wisconsin. "Hmm, all empty" and again they poofed off.


Next time, they were in Chicago. "Wait I sence somthing. It's the Phantom of the Oprah." she said.

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Me join now.


Abby: 12 year old, brown shoulder legth hair, blue jeans, plain black shirt.



Suddenly a girl with brown hair appeared and grinned.

Abby: Ohhhhhh, I love X-Men!!! I'm like them, too!!! You know, the Night Crawler guy.

Abby began teleporting around and levitating, still grinning.

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"It's that bad chick!!!" Kate's eyes grew white and a bolt of lightning hit Abby. "That'll teach you to steal my blueberry muffin last easter." and the two walked off.


"Now we must find the Phantom of the Oprah." She said. "He's here somewhere, in Chicago..."

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Abby looked at the guy and giggled. She got up and teleported in front of the girl. She then hit her in the face and looked at the boy.


Abby: Nope, he's on vacation in Miami! He's, like, my cousin's great, great, great,great,great,great,great.....


Two hours later



Abby: Great, bestfriend! C'mon, I'll show you!

Abby grabbed Logan and poofed to Miami.

Abby: See? *poofs back*

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"....He's not harmful. He's a man who lives in the studio where they shoot Oprah. He was all mad because he came to the show the day before she had that whole "EVERYBODY GET'S A CAR!!" thing. He's all vengeful and now 'haunts' the studios, trying to kill Oprah."

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Time to inject myself: I'm lizardman. Any lizardman. About six feet in hieght. Lizard-like features.



From a nearby café Lizardman noticed the odd people nearby and came to have a look-see, having just finished his morning tea.


"Hey ssssister, howsssss it hanging?"

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