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Welcome to the forums. Some advice: if you're going to keep requesting mods, know that there are limits to what can be done. Requesting seven planets basically equates to no request at all, because it's totally not feasible. I'm sure you'd appreciate it more if your requests got answered, but that can't happen unless a modder is willing and able to undertake that request.

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can anyone create some planets for kotor 1 from the movies:

Mastarfar - anakins fall planet from RotS




Yodas planet from IV,V,VI -- The Planet is Dagobah only in ep V & VI

Yavin 4

Death Star


thanks if you can help!


Let's see for K1 we already have Tatooine.


There is a Planet Yavin 4 mod out there for K1 however it's still in polish. However it's kinda fun to play through with the language barrier.


As well there is a Yavin Sith tomb mod I believe that Darth Tomer put together.


Gsccc had a coruscant in his first storyline mod as well as Hoth(You left this out) I can't recall the name of the mod of the top of my head. I believe he may also have had Endor in there as well. I know he had ewoks(kinda).

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Ironically, I was just about to Quote For Emphasis something that Darth Insidious said, but when I clicked the 'Quote and Reply' button, VB quoted the edited text.


I will still Quote it for Emphasis...


It took Redhawke a month to do ORD Mandell, and believe me, RH works fast.



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Actually if I recall Redhawke mentioned it took him more than a month.

A little more actually, if you count the planning stages. Also take into account that when I did it I was on Vacation/Holiday so I could 'go hardcore' and devote 8-12 hour days to it, so it would be even longer to someone with other real life obligations (Read: A 9-5 Job).


I still see Placeables in my sleep! :nutz3:


The Metal Boxes, the Plasteel Cylenders, the Footlockers... Oh My! :eek:


And the orientations of all the NPC's, and the testing and re-testing... :headbump


Wait! Having flashbacks! Nooooooooo!


*A scream is heard as RedHawke flees thread!*


Still it was fun and challenging to do, but I can't say I would want to start another one again. ;)

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You know this makes me think we really need a whereami armband for k1 because of the number of times in k1 that you would have to walk to a spot type whereami and repeat for a mod like Ord Mandell is just well scary. I think for those of us modding K2 we have it seriously lucky compared to area modding K1.

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@RH: Even in TSL it can still be a nightmare...And take forever. Its now almost a year since I began work on Rhen Var...GAH!

@DK: Motion seconded :)


but I can't say I would want to start another one again. ;)

It will be good if RedHawke may do it!!!



RH Edit: Added the :roleyess: smily at the end, it seemed appropriate.

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