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At one point SWG was different from WoW... but basically if you wanna know what the game is like now, its a wow clone


crafted stuff sucks compared to loot- Just like wow

Clone sickness when your rezzed - just like rez sickness

can only have one buff active from food/stims- just like wow

funny one i found out last night: a burst run stim, just like wows burst run potion ROFLZ


so yeah. surprisingly though, ive been enjoying it. the key is, get on a good server and find a good guild quick..

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Galaxies takes place after the battle of yavin. You can join the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, or remain neutral.


There are a few quests to do,


and it comes with Jump to Lightspeed, which puts you in space, so you get your own ship which you can customize and fight npcs and players in space as well as take on missions and get loot and keep upgrading your ship, there quite a few ships to choose from, but you only get a few to start with as you're required to get certifications for most of them.


You can also have your own house, join or start a player city, join or start a guild, and you can drive swoops and landspeeders.


Also, there are 2 expansion packs, 1 is Rage of the Wookiees, which lets you go to Kashyyyk, there are ALOT of quests there, from the quests you get nice rewards such as weapons, paintings/decor for your house, and very good weapons.


The other expansion is Trials of Obiwan, and that gives you the ability to go to Mustafar, which has mainly high-level content for combat levels 80-90 (caps at 90).


There are a few races to choose from:





Mon Calamari








And you create what your character looks like.


There are 9 professions:




Bounty Hunter






Trader (domestic goods/food or munitions/weapons and armor)


And the planets are:


Naboo, Tatooine, Corellia, Dantooine, Rori, Talus, Endor, Yavin IV, Lok, and Dathomir, and the expansion planets: kashyyyk and mustafar


Other than doing the quests, you can join the imperials or rebels and declare yourself special forces and fight against the opposite special forces faction. You can also be hunted by bounty hunters if you kill someone while special forces and they place a bounty on you. You can also hunt other players if you are a bounty hunter.

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Ok, the client side mods have been stated as untrackable, but don't quote me on that. It is against the EULA to make such mods but i've never actually heard someone getting banned cause SOE scanned them to find it out(if they can). The ones who do get banned are the idiots who go around posting pictures all over the net of their client side hacks. I personally have a small little mod which hurts nothing that restores one of the simple animations i miss. As far as going in and getting old saber animations and such back, i would be very careful. You never know how messed up those system files could get, and it would mean a reformat.

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yea i have put one of the old saber animations into it and its 100% viurus free! i scanned it just to make sure :p ... i just hope soe dont find out and i have to remove it... if they make me remove it ill be like NOOOOO! :'(

I've also found this old pre-cu UI mod which is pretty nice

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I actualy like SWG better then WOW... It seems like it has a bigger universe and WOW RP system sucks. Unlike everyone else I have no complaints so far. I quit SWG 3 months ago and I just came back a few months ago. For some reason I have no complaints so far!

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yeah, it's easier to roleplay when you've got a couple hundred sources (movies, books, other games, EU, comics, etc) to go by. I delved into the spy profession for a bit, but quit after I found you need like 2 things in order to get complete invisibility, 2 things that Trandoshans CANNOT wear as of yet. so i went back to being a bounty hunter. The thing I wanted to do as a spy wouldn't have worked anyway cause they didn't implement it yet.

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