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Main character of Kotor III

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How about this...


The main character of Kotor III will be the offspring of the Exile (if you played a male exile of course) and Visas. Remember Kreia warned against breeding with her. So if you had relations with Visas (like near the end of Kotor II) that would be the case. If it's 18 years later like they are hinting at- You could be the half miraluka/half human super jedi. What do you think?

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Great idea!!


But it would interfere with the "relationship" (if you could call it that) that the Exile seems to be having with the Handmaiden. ( If you played as male)


But, if you plyed as female in KOTOR II, then you are, well, a female. I can't imagine a female Exile and Visas having a baby.


Your idea is something that hasn't been discussed so far (as far as I know), and it's a good one, but there are a few complications.

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Well, Visas seems to be yummy enough :3


Ok, the whole thing seems fanon though, and mostly not real. Remember even as male you can order Visas to slice her intestines up with a saber (or long blunt spear) if you wish. Generally the k3 story would not interfere with any choices you might have done in k1 or k2.


As much as I would wish otherwise, kotor3 main character would be yet another human with unknown past and heritage.

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Definitely no Exile's or Revan's children as any kind of characters in KoTOR 3. It just isn't a good idea for K3. Maybe for some other KoTOR sequel. As for K3, I'm all for Revan returning as the main character, but it's more likely (unfortunately) we'll get a completely new character, unrelated to the previous two and a story that will somewhat conclude the story of Revan and the Exile.

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But the entire premise of the original Star Wars saga is based on the progeny of a fallen Jedi. I think it would match up with the general Star Wars theme. Remember, We

don't wan't them to follow the same formula for a third Kotor III (i.e. main character lost their force powers and must regain them/ doesn't know who they are, etc.)


Also I think Revan should be the bad guy in Kotor III. He or she could have gone back to the unknown Regions and turned back to the dark side or stayed that way (depending how you played Revan) and now is once again the Dark Lord of the Sith.

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(i.e. main character lost their force powers and must regain them/ doesn't know who they are, etc.)


I actually prefer it this way, new depths to explore, new background. Its a bit more refreshing than playing the same character over & over, Otherwise this game would be called Star Wars : The Adventures of Revan or Star Wars: The Adventures of the Exile..


Also I think Revan should be the bad guy in Kotor III. He or she could have gone back to the unknown Regions and turned back to the dark side or stayed that way (depending how you played Revan) and now is once again the Dark Lord of the Sith.


*sigh...I think Revan should either remain long gone or be found dead, nothing more.

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Remember, We don't wan't them to follow the same formula for a third Kotor III (i.e. main character lost their force powers and must regain them/ doesn't know who they are, etc.)


Also I think Revan should be the bad guy in Kotor III. He or she could have gone back to the unknown Regions and turned back to the dark side or stayed that way (depending how you played Revan) and now is once again the Dark Lord of the Sith.


It would still be better than copying the movie formula and plot. In my opinion what makes KoTOR so great is its originality, so if they don't bring back Revan as the main character, they should (will) introduce a new character with a new intriguing background, but somehow tie the story to Revan.


I don't think Revan should/will be the villain of KoTOR 3. It will most likely be those True Sith, namely their leader.

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But the entire premise of the original Star Wars saga is based on the progeny of a fallen Jedi.

Neither Revan nor the Exile necessarily fall. (Well, Revan does initially, but he's far too canny to let any woman who might try to steal his power or manipulate him near him...Or have attachments like children, which could be used against him by thugs like Malak...)

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Neither Revan nor the Exile necessarily fall. (Well, Revan does initially, but he's far too canny to let any woman who might try to steal his power or manipulate him near him...Or have attachments like children, which could be used against him by thugs like Malak...)


Agreed It was bad enough that Bioware recycled plots from NWN (Aribeth de Tylmarande = Bastila Shan) and BG1-ESB

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While I'm building a mod around the thought of Children of Revan I would admit that I'm not sure I would want that too be the center piece of K3. Infact my mod takes place far enough into the future that should K3 be produced that it will likely have it's timeline before my mod.


Now of course the counterpoint to my own anti-Revans children argument is this. Having a child does not mean that one is aware of that child or instantly create an attachment for the main character. Also having a loving emotional relationship that produces a child between 2 jedi is not un-heard of either take a look at Jolee. There is alot of untold story revolving around Dustil and that would be great to see for some closure of some sort.


Now lets imagine for a moment here LS male Revan is the Canon character. If we go with the canon character there was a one night stand with Bastilla. In the time following the game the romance bloomed. Who is to know if Revan left Bastilla with child when he departed to the Unknown regions.

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Who is to know if Revan left Bastilla with child when he departed to the Unknown regions.


Well, if he did then five years is a very long time for a pregnancy to last and not even show. (TSL is 5 years after K1, Bastila appears in TSL, not looking pregnant)

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How about this...


The main character of Kotor III will be the offspring of the Exile (if you played a male exile of course) and Visas. Remember Kreia warned against breeding with her. So if you had relations with Visas (like near the end of Kotor II) that would be the case. If it's 18 years later like they are hinting at- You could be the half miraluka/half human super jedi. What do you think?

Thats one of best ideas yet...Thats better than being a NPC.Great Idea.


Well, if he did then five years is a very long time for a pregnancy to last and not even show. (TSL is 5 years after K1, Bastila appears in TSL, not looking pregnant)

HaHaHaHaHaHa that would be a super pregnancy lol.

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I didn't go through everybody's posts, but I already see two major problems: who says the Exile and Revan are male? And besides, there are several romance options in TSL. It also means that the character will HAVE to be half-human, half-miraluka. Does the PC of KIII have to see everything through the force, or what?


So no - not only does it work right, it doesn't make sense with what you see through TSL and KotOR.

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Good point. But still, should he be a ordinary character? I say add something unique, like Miraluka, Mandalorian or any humanoid race that looks human enough for the player to mirror himself. I like Miralukas (and Visas :) ) for there is a shroud around them. And what about Force Adepts? They are also fammiliar with the Force but they train themselfs without limitations to the Light and the Dark side. Somehow I ask for more choises in KOTOR III not the simple limitation to be Jedi or Sith.

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As far as I would go in terms of relations, I would not mind a brother, sister or cousin to the Exile or Revan as a K3 character. Obviously the character would probably be unaware of the Exile's/Revan's history besides maybe gender and name. This way without actually complicating things by creating children or bringing the return of Revan and/or the Exile, a simple relation such as a brother or sister would be easy and could call for an interesting plot.


The character would still hold a unique background while at the same time diving into the mystery of K1 and K2 with a "passion" if you will (searching for a long lost brother/sister is an acceptable motivation for partaking on a "journey"). This would also give another good reason why your character may be force sensitive without having to affiliate the character with formally being apart of the Jedi or Sith.

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Well, if he did then five years is a very long time for a pregnancy to last and not even show. (TSL is 5 years after K1, Bastila appears in TSL, not looking pregnant)


Hmm a 9 month pregnancy and 4 years to get back her ever so gorgeous body. Impossible you say? Come on now so you see an image of Bastilla in a Holorecording. The recording could have been taken after she had the child. Not too mention she doesn't have to have the child in the recording. Here is another theory to break your sticking the tongue out manner. We don't know when she recorded the message it could have been only weeks after Revan vanished. Also it takes nearly 4 months before a woman begins to show in the pregnancy. By the time of TSL we don't even know if Bastilla is alive. Could she have a 4 year old brat running around by then? Could she be dead and the child being raised by somebody else? I believe yes to the first and maybe to the 2nd.

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Ok... here are my ideas,


Personally I don’t think that there should add a new main character. There are still so many main story gaps with the first 2. If they add another main, you’re going to be working so much on their story that they’ll probably hardly explain the others, or in small detail and that would really make me mad. Besides another main character would be overkill for this trilogy. The other big things I like about the possibilities of KotOR 3 are the variables. I mean think about it, the game could go 4 different ways. Whether Revan and the Exile are both Light Side or Dark Side, or one of each. All these variables mean more game play, more endings, more story information, and that would make for an awesome game. As far as the physical game itself, just the usual. Better graphics and more options.


These are just my opinions and you are welcome to disagree. I just think that it makes the most sense this way. Closed story lines, most adventure, and “old friends.” Thank you all.

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Hmm a 9 month pregnancy and 4 years to get back her ever so gorgeous body. Impossible you say? Come on now so you see an image of Bastilla in a Holorecording. The recording could have been taken after she had the child. Not too mention she doesn't have to have the child in the recording. Here is another theory to break your sticking the tongue out manner. We don't know when she recorded the message it could have been only weeks after Revan vanished. Also it takes nearly 4 months before a woman begins to show in the pregnancy. By the time of TSL we don't even know if Bastilla is alive. Could she have a 4 year old brat running around by then? Could she be dead and the child being raised by somebody else? I believe yes to the first and maybe to the 2nd.


You obviously don't know that the real Bastila actually appears in TSL after you destroy the Ravager (presuming you chose LS Revan male at the beginning of TSL, the first conversation with Atton), so she is very much alive and unimpregnated.

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Hmm a 9 month pregnancy and 4 years to get back her ever so gorgeous body. Impossible you say? Come on now so you see an image of Bastilla in a Holorecording. The recording could have been taken after she had the child. Not too mention she doesn't have to have the child in the recording. Here is another theory to break your sticking the tongue out manner. We don't know when she recorded the message it could have been only weeks after Revan vanished. Also it takes nearly 4 months before a woman begins to show in the pregnancy. By the time of TSL we don't even know if Bastilla is alive. Could she have a 4 year old brat running around by then? Could she be dead and the child being raised by somebody else? I believe yes to the first and maybe to the 2nd.


Theres nothing in the KOTOR games that point toward the slightest possibility of Revan & Bastila having a child. You do see Bastila in game (at least from the LS male perspective) towards the end after you defeat Darth Nihilus. You don't talk to her directly but a cutscene shows Carth speaking to Bastila. If they had any plans of a child there would have been something to hint at it right there & then.


Ok... here are my ideas,


Personally I don’t think that there should add a new main character. There are still so many main story gaps with the first 2. If they add another main, you’re going to be working so much on their story that they’ll probably hardly explain the others, or in small detail and that would really make me mad. Besides another main character would be overkill for this trilogy. The other big things I like about the possibilities of KotOR 3 are the variables. I mean think about it, the game could go 4 different ways. Whether Revan and the Exile are both Light Side or Dark Side, or one of each. All these variables mean more game play, more endings, more story information, and that would make for an awesome game. As far as the physical game itself, just the usual. Better graphics and more options.


Disagreed. At the rate its looking, if a K3 is in development they sure do have a hell of alot of time. You could easily spend time on your own character's backstory while at the same time learning more about other characters. Even in K1 & K2 you were able to exchange dialogue with your party members to the point where they would confess personal issues, regrets or to the point where you earned enough of their trust to train them as Jedi/Sith while at the same time diving into your own past. Any important gaps left by the previous plots (Such as this whole Unknown Regions deal) will probably be filled by K3, but for the most part if you really want to know what Revan or the Exile did, simply go back & play K1 or TSL.

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