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Weird dreams and all that jazz

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No really, I'm bored with a passing interest in dreams. Even of others. Cuz crazy shiznit can happen. Yeah...so...post your freakiest dreams here. See if anyone cares, can decipther them, all that stuff.


First freaky dream had Simpson cameos. No joke. It was like...the real world with Simpson characters. I can't help being a fangirl. Homer's swinging some yoyo on his finger and goes into restroom. Once he's inside, it's from my POV, and me and some other faceless people (it's true, aren't most people faceless in dreams?) are running away from OLD PEOPLE o0 I ca't remember the dailog, but one lady had diabetes and was on crutches, and they wre definitley saying something like, "Dont' let the slaves escape!" Wierd. Everyone goes one way (totally ignoring this exit sign). I go alone and try to exit, but I'm stuck. When I go through, Homer gets out of bathroom and is arrested for crossovering!


Second...my mom dies. She gets eaten by bears or cougars in our backyard or something. She's a ghost, but we're crying while she's happily having us prepere for her funeral.


Third...I'm native american (even though I'm not), and in a canoe, and I DIE. I think I was sacrificed or was stupid enough to row down a waterfall...and I come back as a blonde girl. I'm in Disneyland and am leaning over something, and some other faceless guy says to be careful or I could fall and die. I told him I didn't worry cuz I knew what would happen. That's the most peaceful I've ever felt in a dream, possibly in my life. Thinking back, it felt so nice and I kinda wanna cry.


You got anything that can top that? Or has anyone here ever had a lucid dream (wher you know that youre alseep)?

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Once I had this really "WTF" kind of dream.


I'm running through this big spooky castle and at the end I come to this witch/witch-like-person and she shoots me with this magic blast and I turn to dust, then it turns out I'm playing this computer game and I exit it and wake up.


Maybe I was seeing into the future?

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I once had a dream I would be sabatoged at a public performance. Next spring show, I got pushed down the steps and hurt my knee. Couldn't sing my solo right, I was crying all night it hurt so bad.


That bitch who pushed me is so lucky I didn't go Tonya Harding on her with a crowbar.

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I have very, very weird dreams.


It all started a long time ago.


Screw it I don't feel like writing them out, just trust me. A cow singing along with Five Iron Frenzy and flying is commonplace.

Those arn't that weird. I dreamt once that me and Ghetto Bird(my grandma's dog) were singing along with Queen.

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I have had more weird dreams than I can count. Around once a week I have a dream foretelling the future. I see lots of stuff. But only ever my future. I feel like writing out every detail of all the weirdest dreams I've had. So here they are. And they're all in my POV. Unless mentioned. After this you might all think I'm freaky. Or freakier, depending on who you are.


Yoga classes


"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream! Sing happily in the car and smile cheesily," My grandma sang, as we drove down the road in a nondescript place at some point in time. My cousins sat, being weird and cousinny, on the back seat of the car. I groaned, rolling my eyes and turning to the front seat. We were going to my grandma's yoga lessons, which were taking place in a fabric shop. I was bored. And I had to catch a plane later to do stuff. Kinda. I hopped out of the ca, which was still going at a considerable speed, and ran off to our destination. It was grayish. I saw an auction house, and stopped. It looked more than interesting. So I went in. I saw fish. Flying around without a care.Yes, fish. I ran out, bewildered. I ran down the road, and found a clock. The clock siad it was 2 o clock. I needed to be on my plane. I rushed away, at lightning speed. Up hills and stuff. I was going the opposite way to the airport. The dream ended there.


Halloween edition Psychonauts and the space time continuum.


I sat on my sofa, the small green and purple box in my hands. It was the same cover as Psychonauts, but with a different picture of Raz. He had childish scribbles on his face. I placed the disc into the disc drive of my playstation. A screen came up. It was a multi choice entry screen. It had eight choices of game on it, along with a brief of each one.

Sasha Nein gets beheaded- An epic tale of Sasha Nein... Dieing and stuff.

Pumpkins take over whispering rock- Everyone dies when whispering rock is enslaved by pumpkins... except Raz, Lili, Phoebe, Milka and Kitty.

Milla spontaneously combusts- Obvious enough.

Elton murders Milka- Elton murders Milka, but can he get away with it?

Everyone dies- Well, everyone dies and... yeah.

Ghostly towers- Thorney towers occupants as ghosts.

Barbie comes to Whispering Rock- The evilest doll in the world arrives at our favorite camp... and is so sweet that they all spontaneously combust.

Nobody cares at this point- A stupid thing about halloween and everyone wearing weird costumes.

I chose the one about pumpkins, because it sounded kinda weird, but not too weird. I started the game, and found myself in Raz's first person view. I saw Milla collapse in a swath of blood, and I ran to a bunch of poles to save myself. I managed to get away after lots of acrobatics, and then I sighed. I bet the pumpkin headed king guy, and I saved the few people left. I smiled. ENTER NEW DREAM!!! Randomly, I found myself at a picnic, with all my random musish people sitting there.

"Hi guys," I mumbled, walking up to the group.

"We've been waiting," Cerice murmured, smiling evilly.

"I know. You're always waiting," I groaned, plonking myself down on the mat.

"Hey, Madz! Look at this!" Zoe cheered, pointing at a hole in the ground stuffed with coke bottles.

"I think it's a portal to another world down there!" She yelled, smiling weirdly.

"Don't Madeleine! Don't disrupt the space time continuum!" Sasha yelled, as I dug down into the ground. Zoe leapt over, and started digging with me. We had soon unearted a shiny black portal, at which point Sasha yelled,

"No Maddy! No!" I didn't care. I jumped into the ground. Suddenly, I found myself in a small white cell, and I couldn't do anything. I was a spectator. Alex Egnot, a creepy kid from my class, sat down next to Blackadder, who had randomly happened to be there. She leant over to him, smiling in her Alexish way.

"Hello. Want to play bus stop? I can be very... Entertaining," She giggled, hugging him. He screamed oocly, and rushed out of the room. Outside was a random t.v presenter, who chased Blackadder onto some minecarts, which they spent some time running around on. Blackadder leapt off quickly however, and went off through a gateway into the country. He walked away, and the camera thingummyjig view switched to Raz, who was standing there. Raz smiled, skipping off to a small, quaint town. He stopped at the grocers, where a random guy was standing. He sold Raz a butternut pumpkin for five bucks, and Raz skipped off into the city. He kept skipping, until he saw Sasha.

"The space time continuum got mucked up earlier, Razputin. You have been warned," Sasha sighed, walking away. Raz simply grinned, and skipped on. Suddenly, he was turned into a mouse, and he smiled. He walked on, and found a mousehole. He went in, and found mice folkdancing to a random song from the eighties that sucked. The dance ended, and Raz clapped. A big, burly mouse came up to him and asked him to join the mouse fighter brigade, a team of mice that fought for freedom and whatnot.

"Okay," Raz mumbled, at which point they randomly went to an alleyway in which a video game like tutorial came on. Raz got bored, so he turned back to normal and ran up a vertical tower, where he shouted to Ford Cruller who was half a city away.

"Hi Ford, can you see me?" Raz yelled, doing a dance to 'I'm too sexy for my shirt' on top of the high skyscraper.

"Everyone in this city can see you Razputin," Ford yelled, chuckling. The dream ended there. So so weird.


Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now. I have had randomer dreams, so if you want to read about those, just ask.

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I had a dream the other night that was basically Psychonauts meets Full Throttle meets Lysistrata, only with less booze. (Although that combination kind of makes you wonder how much booze I'd had before bed...none, but still, you've got to wonder.)


In case you're wondering, I wouldn't recommend writing any Psychonauts/Full Throttle crossovers. The dream wasn't even that funny (although, admittedly, watching Ben beat up one of my particularly evil OCs was at least entertaining). It was just weird. And kind of dark; apparently a lot of the Psychonauts characters had died before the dream started.


...My subconscious is a very bizarre place.

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Ok, last night I had a dream that I totally banged Michael Buble.


OH WAIT! That wasn't a dream ;) I'm kidding. That dream never happened. Last night I had a dream about Sasha being a skater in JSRF and he was doing insane grafitti and he totally kicked The Immortals asses in taggers tag it was killer.

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I had this really scary dream once. I was outside and I saw this tree. A really evil looking tree, and you could almost make out a evil face in the bark. And when I saw it, everything slowed down. Lots of insaity ensued. It was so freaky, I actually woke up. That is the only dream that I can remember that actually woke me up.

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Isn't it weird that crap like that is the stuff that really freaks you out?


Like a nightmare about a monster "Ah scary!"


But a nightmare about staring at a tree or walking in a hallway towards a statue, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH *wakes up*"

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Wanna have fun dreams, go to the health store and buy some melatonin caps, some vitamin-B6 caps and some valerian root. Take around 3mg melatonin, a B6 and some of the valerian about half an hour before bed. If you do this every night, after a week you'll remember every single dream you had the night before, and there's a much higher chance that you'll have a lucid dream, which would be awesome.


When I was really into the dream practice I remember having a repeated dream where I would go to what I can only describe as a 'psychedelic farm.' It was amazing :)

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I had this dream I was all alone in the middle of the city, so I hitchhiked on a hippie VW bus and it was... okay.


I got in and they were all like beatniks playing the conga drums and something smelled funny. Surely enough, everything got funny and weird and I blacked out in the dream. Later I was being arrested because I was apparently high.


That dream for some reason scared the crap out of me thinking about it.

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Well something awesome is supposed to happen in a dream. Like "OMG FLYING!" or "OMG DRAGON!" but walking into Best Buy and buying a scanner is cool in the real world, but for a dream it's like "eh... woopee I guess..."

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