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[Fic] Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III The Second Sith War

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"Did you ask her?" asked Jaden.

"No, she informed me that she wanted to." replied Revan "Then she asked me."

"Ahhh... If I were to go through the same thing you and Bastila are going through with myself and Visas... How would I make the relationship last?" asked Jaden.

"Spend more time with her... Watch her train Dustil then other apprentices she will have. Take the few seconds just to make her feel special, give her a compliment once in a while, as for me, I give Bastila 5 in 2 minutes." explained Revan.

"Wow, they sure aren't asking that much of us." replied Jaden.

"Start by observing her training Dustil." suggested Revan "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make a "preperation"." Revan walked into his room and pulled out a blank literate holocron and started writing some sort of poem. "What are you doing, love?" asked Bastila.

"It's a surprise honey." told Revan "You'll have to wait." Bastila tried everything to see what Revan was doing, she tried to see it through the Force, but Revan was covering it well, mentaly and physically.


Back in the cockpit, Atton had a worried look on his face "This is a bad time, Carth" Atton told his fellow pilot.

"Why?" asked Carth.

"This will attract the attention of the Sith, we might lose both of them." explained Atton.

"This was their choice and we will respect it." ordered Carth.

"Fine." said Atton.

"What's going on here?" asked Mical.

"Nothing, Mical. We're just having a discussion." told Atton.

"Why do you resent the idea?" asked Mical.

"Because the Sith might be following us." replied Atton.

"He's right." told Revan entering the cockpit holding his holocron "That's why were getting married, finding Force Adepts and getting of Delreia as soon as posible."

"But Revan..."

"Warning: Do not question the master's decision or I will tear out your tongue." told HK warning Carth.

"Don't worry, Carth. We will have a little celebration between the whole crew." explained Revan obviously knowing what Carth was going to say. Revan walked up to Carth with his holocron in hand "Do you think Bastila will like it?" asked Revan.

"I think she will. But is it a poem or a song?" asked Carth.

"Song! I sent a transmission to a band on Delreia and asked if they wanted to play there." explained Revan.


"They don't have the money to buy the more advanced synthetic instruments. So they use strings for a heavier sound." described Revan.

"I think that song will suit that kind of band." commented Carth.

"Good, thanks for the feedback."


Revan walked out of the cockpit and found Jaden observing Visas train Dustil. Jaden noticed Revan and gave him a smile, Revan smiled back and gave a nod. Revan was happy to see that his companion followed his advice.


The Ebon Hawk landed in a Delreian spaceport and were welcomed warmly by a few priests. "Ah Revan, Bastila, and companions. We've been expecting you. First we must ask you some questions." told the head priest.

"Ask away." told Revan.

"Revan... who do you want as the first male?" asked the priest.

"My best friend: Carth Onasi."

"Good, good." replied the preist "Bastila..."

"I would have to say: Brianna."

"Well... That was fast, thanks... This way please." requested the priest.


Minutes later, everyone made their way to a small temple. Revan and Bastila liked the idea because if the temple was too big, they would attract the attention of the Sith. Revan walked over to Carth "Can you hold on to my holocron and give it to the band after the: "main event"?" Revan asked.


"Thanks, First Male."

Bastila walked over to Brianna, "May you hold on to these, please?" requested Bastila.

"Sure, but what are they?" Brianna asked.

"My gifts to me and Revan... At some point before we kiss, can you give these to him and I?" asked Bastila.


"Thank you."


Moments later, everyone was standing inside the temple, Revan and Bastila standing face to face. "On the request of both Revan Skywalker and Bastila Shan, we are going to shorten this wedding for reasons of safety... Now... We are here today to complete the Force Bond between these two Jedi, with the final part of love... If there is anyone who would like to donate to these two people, please do it now."

"Do it now." Brianna heard through the Force. Brianna walked to Bastila and gave her two small boxes, Bastila took them and presented one to Revan. They both opened them to find smoothened saber crystals, Revan's blue, Bastila's Yellow. "Anything else?" asked the priest.

"I'll present mine at the small celebration."

"Very well... You may kiss her." told the priest. Revan pulled Bastila towards him and kissed her, doing so, Bastila ran her hand down his arm.


Minutes later everyone was holding a glass with a certain drink in it, either: Molson Delreian, Rare Tarisian Ale, or just plain water. After one glass of Molson Delreian, Carth walked over to the band and handed the holocron over to them, just as Revan asked him to. The band examined the song very carefully and then changed instuments to ones that will suit the song properly. Revan offered Bastila his hand, "You'll hear what I was hiding."

"Looking forward to it." replied Bastila and accepted his offer for a dance. The musicians going by the names of Jimmy and Jon started playing a soothing tune on their intruments, then it got heavier when the percussionist who was also named Jon joined in, then it went softer, singer Rob started singing "There as I left, it's the same as I'm back. Though the road is tough sometimes, my love for you won't lack." then it got heavier the same way it did, except Rob added some more lyrics "Bright rays of love, each have several paths. In your arms sweet baby, our love won't split in half. Kind of makes me feel sometimes, that I didn't have to go. And as I left the hangar, I thought "no no no"." The music went softer again, "Changes fill my time, baby, that's alright with me. In the midst I think of you, and how it's got to be." The music went heavier than before and Rob continued to sing "Did you really need me baby? And did you need me bad? Did you really want me baby? The man you love so glad! Did you ever forget me baby? That I would hate! Cause you were my first love sweet baby, the one I loved so great!" After Rob finished those lyrics, Jimmy went into a solo.

"I never forgot about you." told Bastila.

"I always thought about you. replied Revan.

After Jimmy finished the solo, Rob began singing again "Through the eyes an' I sparkle, Senses growing keen. Taste your love along the way, See your feathers preen. Kind of makes makes me feel sometimes, Didn't have to grow. We are lovebirds of one nest, The nest is in our soul." The band went into another heavy moment and Rob was begining to near the bottom of the holocron "You're in my dreams, with no surprise to me. I always love to see your face the way it's ought to be. Bastila." The band went into an even heavier tune "Never gonna leave you, never again. Seven years gone, oh my gosh, seven years gone. Seven years gone, holdin' on, seven years gone" Rob kept repeating that 5 times until the band was done, they got some nice applause. "This is what you were hiding?" asked Bastila.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." answered Revan. Bastila didn't know what to do, except kiss her new husband.


On Dantooine, Vandar was meditating, until he cracked a smile that Vrook noticed. "Is it Revan and Bastila?" asked Vrook.

"Yes Master Vrook, they're at extreme peace." answered Vandar.




Stay tuned for my next chapter: Recruiting





(The entire wedding song that Revan wrote is actually a complete re-write of the Led Zeppelin song: Ten Years Gone. (The re-write is at Bastila Shan Web Forums.) The Delreian beer is named after my country's beer: Molson Canadian.)

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Okay, where to start. Well it is an improvement over the last Chapter in length and it wasn't as boring near the end. Are Jimmy, Jon and Rob out of Led Zeppelin? (Jimmy Page, Robert Plant?). It just shows how much you like LZ. Anyway, I didn't like the ending with Vandar and Vrook much, but overall it was a good Chapter.

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After the celebration, everyone was either drunk, or tired. Revan and Bastila were sleeping, but Revan was having another vision. There was a huge flash of light and he saw himself on Coruscant, could this be the future? Revan thought to himself, but it couldn't be the future because he observed himself and determined the age was 16. Then he saw himself quickly be accompanied by his old friend Malak then Jaden. Revan scanned the area to find Bastila much younger, she was about 14. She was then accompanied by a friend of hers and her new friend (at the time), Juhani. Revan could hear the voices of everyone, even himself, Bastila and everyone else at long distances. "I think that you'll be getting a big reward from Atris and the rest of the council." Revan heard Malak say.

"What? For that little deed on Taris?" he heard himself ask.

"That's exactly what Malak is talking about, that huge stuff." he heard Jaden state.

"Jaden Patrick Page, I had to, she was gonna get sold in an auction." Revan then looked over to Bastila and Juhani. "He's beautiful isn't he?" asked Juhani.

"The Jedi are not allowed to have such attachments... But he does look kind of handsome, one of the reason why I wish my mother didn't have me join the order." told Bastila.

"He's kind and heroic to, don't forget that." reminded Juhani. Revan looked back at himself and his friends. "That girl Bastila, she does look lovely, don't you think guys?" asked Revan.

"Oh she'd only be the girl for you." stated Jaden.


Revan saw another flash of light, then he found himself in a small room with Bastila, both a little bit older, by only 3 years. "Bastila, if we don't do something about it, we'll be speaking Mandalorian... We can win this war, together, me and you." Revan told.

"I-I-I... can't." replied Bastila with a deep sigh.

"Well I won't force you." told Revan.

"Good luck, and may the force be with you..." farewelled Bastila as Revan walked off "My love." she finished.


Revan saw another flash of light and found himself and Bastila in a Sith Interdictor Ship, both with their sabers up. "You cannot win Revan." stated Bastila. They both got ready to fight eachother until there was an explosion at Revan's feet, he fell dead on the floor. Bastila crawled over to him still senscing some life in him, Bastila stationed her hand over him and gave some life back into him. Bastila dragged him off the ship. The real Revan smiled and said : "Thank you, Bastila." but he was in a vision so he couldn't be heard.


Revan saw another flash of light to see him on the lower city of Taris. He saw a tall figure and he remembered it to be Brejik of the Black Vulkars. Revan looked around to find himself yet again, and Bastila in an opened cage. "You underestimate the strength of a Jedi's mind Brejik, a mistake you won't live to regret." told Bastila.

"VULKARS TO ME!!! KILL THIS WOMAN, KILL THE SWOOP RIDER, KILL THEM ALL!!!" roared Brejik. Revan saw himself run over to Brejik and quickly kill him, he was always a master of combat at close quarters. Revan saw a Vulkar try to kill Bastila from behind, but Revan quickly threw his vibrosword at him. "Well maybe those damn Vulkars will think twice about keeping a Jedi prisoner, as for you if you... Wait, you're Robert Plant aren't you?"

"Yes... are you okay?"

"I'm fine thank you."

"Let's go, Carth is waiting for us."

"Carth Onasi is alive? You are truly the bearer of good news. Please take me to Carth right away, between the three of us I'm sure we can find a way off this planet." ordered Bastila.


Revan saw another flash of light and saw him fighting Malak on the Leviathan. Bastila opened the door "This isn't over Malak." she force pushed Revan out of the room and then threw her saber at Malak. Malak caught it and shut the door. Carth pulled Revan away and brought him to the Ebon Hawk. Revan walked through the door, he wanted to see what happened to Bastila. Malak picked her up by the neck and started beating her to a pulp until she was uncouncious.


Revan saw another flash of light and the next place he was at was Rakata Prime. He saw himself and Bastila fighting eachother, himself trying his hardest to not hurt her. "The Force calls you home!" told Revan.

"Jedi propaganda." stated Bastila, she then fled knowing Revan was too powerful to best.


Revan saw another flash of light and he saw himself and Bastila on the Star Forge ready to fight again. After the first pause in battle, Revan attempted to convert her back. "Bastila, come back to the light... Face up to what you've done, I can help you." told Revan.

"NO! You're too late, you only want to help yourself." declined Bastila.

"In your heart you know that's not true!" Bastila attacked Revan again but Revan was too difficult to beat. Bastila threw down her saber "Finish it, kill me."

"No Bastila, I can help you if you help me."

"I have fallen too deep. I am drowning in this sea of darkness, you have no choice."

"I will not kill you. I can redeem you if you let me."

"But will you trust me for me not to kill you? I can easily kill you to gain Malak's favour."

"I trust you enough to lower my defenses."

"I'll help you. I can use my battle meditation to help the Republic fleet."

"Thank you, you have begun your path to total redemption."

"Wait! Is there a place in your future for me? Do you love me?"

"I do love you Bastila."

"I love you too, with all of my heart."

"You're not afraid to love anymore?"

"After this? No. Nothing makes me feel more safe than to be loved by you."

"I'll end this once and for all... I will be back and in your arms."

"Good-bye my love, and may the Force be with you." Revan saw a continuing flash of light and in a glimpse he saw Bastila geitting stabbed. Revan shot out of bed.


Revan walked outside of the Ebon Hawk to be followed by his newlywed. "What's wrong?" asked Bastila.

"I had a vision." replied Revan.

"What was it?" she asked.

"It was a reminder of how we fell in love. Nothing more." told Revan trying to hide the last part. "Let's get back to sleep, we're going to work tomorrow."


Revan and Bastila went back to bed and got a well needed rest.


"Okay, so where do we search first?" asked Mira.

"I suggest the we meet with the government." suggested Jaden "Then ask for them to bring the young ones and their parents there so we can search for Force Adepts amongst them."

"That'll work, General." commented Bao-Dur.

"Bao-Dur, the war is 10 years past, you don't have to call me "General" anymore." told Jaden.

"If that's what you wish... Jaden." replied Bao-Dur.

"It's settled then." told Bastila.

"We'll go to the government and ask to bring the children there." told Revan "Let's go." Everyone follow Revan and Bastila to the government building "Carth, HK, T3, I want you to stay behind and guard the ship."

"Yes Sir."

"Beep beep whoop."

"Relieved Answer: As you desire master."


All the Jedi made their way to the main government building and asked to have an aquaintence with the Prime Minister. They were invited in. "Ah you must be the Jedi waiting at my door. I am Jackson, the Prime Minister of Delreia."

"We're looking to rebuild the order of the Jedi and chose to begin here." told Revan.

"We don't have that many Force sensitives here, in the past 7 years we only had so many, 2 fell to the... whatdoyacallit? Dark Side. I think their names were Revan and Malak." informed Jackson.

"Then Revan redeemed and killed Malak over an unknown world. And he's talking to you now." told Revan.

"Ah... Soooo I'll announce for anyone with any strange experience with their kids to come here at once." told Jackson

"Thank you." thanked Revan.


Hours later they were greeted by only 12 kids. "Hello, my name is Revan. I am from this planet. I sence that you kids are strong in the Force. That means you kid get to be Jedi." all the kids started conversing about their fortune "Can I get your names?" asked Revan.

"Jill Meleau."

"Zak Zepnam."

"Jean Blanc."

"James Howellet."

"Logan Howellet."

"Mikel Kenobi."

"Emily Kenobi."

"Welcome to the Jedi Order." told Revan.

"We will teach you the ways of the Force." told Bastila.

"And how defend yourself with a lightsaber." told Jaden.

"You will also study diplomacy, history and more." finished Brianna.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any room on our ship, so we'll have to send you to Coruscant by shuttle." told Revan. The kids started conversing that they were going to Coruscant.

"Well they sure do want this." stated Jackson.

"That's a good thing" replied Bastila.

"Let's get to Coruscant." told Revan.


Revan led everyone back to the hangar where Carth, T3 and HK were waiting for them. "I made a transmission to Coruscant of our coming." told Carth.

"And?" asked Revan.

"They've finished it."

"That's wonderful news." told Bastila.

"Living quarters and everything, even a council chamber."

"That's wonderful news indeed." told Revan "Let's go."


The Ebon Hawk and a Delreian shuttle made the jump to lightspeed back to Coruscant to train the kids.

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I changed the name to Finding the Force instead of the intended name: Recuiting because the old one sounds alot like recuiting a military. just answering questions in advance. I'll also admit that Revan's vision is longer than the main part of the story and I might've turned Revan's vision into the main part.

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Your life seems to influence your Fanfics. Maybe I should try that. Anyway the length of the Chapter has improved and it was nice to see Revan's past. It would be nice if Revan had a vision of their son from your RP (Zhar) and it could be similiar to ROTS. It is a great Chapter. This is your best yet. Keep it up.

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"We sure didn't get a lot of students on Delreia." told Bastila.

"But it's a good start." replied Revan.

"Should we choose who we get now?" asked Mical.

"I think we should choose when we land." suggested Brianna.

"Ya think?" asked Atton sarcastically.

"Well it is a good idea, so then we can all get to know the new acadamy." told Mira.

"Yeah, you're right." said Atton. Bastila left the room. "Revan, can I speak to you for a moment?" Bastila asked.

"Yes." replied Revan following her. Revan followed Bastila out of the room. "What do you want to speak to me about?" he asked.

"Your vision. You didn't tell me all about it. I know you didn't." told Bastila.

Revan sighed "I didn't tell you because it was our wedding day. I didn't want to spoil it with bad thoughts."

"I'm your wife. You can tell me."

"You die by the hand of Malus... I will not let that happen."

"I won't die. I promise you." told Bastila.

"No I promise you." replied Revan "There is a calm that will last for some time, I can sense it. But events have been set in motion that can't be reversed. The Sith have returned, Malus is in hiding, and I sence he will be gathering up an army. There will be a war and the Jedi can not stand still... We will have to fight. I hope that what I'm saying is not true."

"If there is a war... I will fight beside you... Together. With you, my love." declared Bastila.

"I don't want to put you in harm's way." reminded Revan.

"You won't. I will follow you anywhere. On my own free will. You will always have my loyalty, and love." told Bastila. Bastila pulled Revan in for a kiss.


"Visas?" asked Jaden.

"My life for yours." replied Visas.

"You never told me what happened to your eyesight." told Jaden.

"I'll show you." Visas pulled off her red headcloth and Jaden saw two empty eye sockets and her long hair down as well "See anything you admire?" she asked.


"I can hear you walking over to me." observed Visas. Jaden clutched her arms and kissed her, Visas ran her hand down Jaden's head. "I never kissed a man before." told Visas "I loved it."

"I will cherish this moment forever."


The Ebon Hawk and Delreian shuttle landed and everyone got off. "First we all will explore the temple." told Revan. Everyone scattered out to check out the temple. There were thousands of rooms, hundreds of sleeping quarters and council rooms. Revan walked up to his door and put in: "Revan and Bastila". Jaden walked up to his and put in: "Jaden and Visas". Everyone picked their rooms and after half an hour, everyone got comfortable. Revan even offered Carth a room, he accepted. Brianna made her way to the transmission room "Planet: Telos... Region: Polar..."

"Brianna...?" said a voice with a lot of static.


"Brianna, where are you?" asked the voice.

"Coruscant. In the new Jedi Temple." replied Brianna.

"Who authorized the rebuilding of the temple?"

"Revan Skywalker." told Brianna "He has banded us together and we're rebuilding the Order. I came here on my own free will to ask if you want to help. Please Atris."

"Yes, I will come at once." told Atris. Brianna searched the temple to find Revan. When she did, she informed him that Atris will be coming. Revan was most happy of the news.


Revan summoned everyone to the Council Chamber where they would begin to chose their students. Only one chair remained and it was reserved for Atris. "Emily, Mikel, you will be assigned to me and Bastila." told Revan. The Kenobi twins walked over beside Revan and Bastila. "James, Logan, you will be assigned to Jaden and Visas." The Howellet brothers walked over to and beside Jaden, Visas and Dustil. "Zak Zepnam, you will be assigned to Atton." Zak walked up beside Atton. "Jill Meleau, you will be assigned to Brianna." Jill walked up to Brianna and stood beside her. "Jean Blanc, you will be assigned to Mira." Jean stood beside Mira. "These will be your masters until you achieve the status of Jedi Knight, then you'll be able to train your own students." explained Revan.


Everyone went to their own personal training rooms where the masters would ask a few questions. After that was done, Revan walked over to the console where he entered their classes. It read:

Mikel Kenobi: Jedi Guardian

Emily Kenobi: Jedi Sentinal

Jill Meleau: Jedi Consular

James Howellet: Jedi Guardian

Logan Howellet: Jedi Guardian

Zak Zepnam: Jedi Consular

Jean Blanc: Jedi Sentinal


Half an hour later a ship arrived, Carth recognized the ship because it was of Telos origin. A figure in white walked out and Brianna regognized it immediatly. It was Atris, ready to serve as a Jedi once again. Brianna showed her around the temple and told her that she had a council member's seat.






(I followed the lightside in KotOR 2 and redeemed Atris, that's why I decided to put her in.)

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Nice story. However there's some not great parts. Just a few:

"...thanks," thanked <so-and-so>.
- You shouldn't put the same root word more than once in a sentence that close together. ;)

"...", commented <so-and-so>.

"...", commented <another-so-and-so>

Commented, commented, commented. Too many of the same word to describe what people are saying is a little too repetative. You could use words like "he added" or "he said" or "he replied" or something. ;)


There's more, but that's what get's me. And do a spelling/grammar check too! :)

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Sorry I'm late, I've just got up. Another good Chapter. The dialogue between Revan and Bastila reminds me of Anakin and Padmé on ROTS. Also I've never liked the Exile and Visas paring. I always prefered the Exile and Brianna paring. It's your choice of who you prefer though. This Fic is getting better all the time. Keep it up.

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  Jason Skywalker said:
Also, Pottsie, i actually never liked one of those, i prefered a Exile/Mira but Obsidian never put that option in! :xp:


I agree that I would've liked that pairing. I would have had Mira as my second choice and Brianna as my first choice. Visas can try chatting up Mandalore or Atton.


Anyway Revanscool, still waiting for the next Chapter.

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Revan pulled out one of his lightsabers and showed it to the Kenobi twins "The lightsaber: A tool of the Jedi, a weapon of the Sith. Pure energy, it can deflect blasters, absorb electricity, and cut through most thing just as long as they don't have cortosis bonded to it." he explained. The Kenobi twins looked in awe to Revan's quality work. "There are many types of sabers. There is: The regular lightsaber, which I use. The lightdagger, which is a shorter make of the lightsaber. The Saberstaff, which Bastila uses.-"

"What does that do?" Mikel interrupted.

Revan turned to Bastila "Well, show them what it does." Bastila ignited both sides of her saberstaff and the twins were staring in awe.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked.

"I like the idea of a lightsaber." told Mikel.

"And why is that?" asked Revan.

"The versatility of it can defend your allies in many ways." Mikel replied.

"I think that it can inspire your allies, give them hope." told Emily.

"Ahh, both noble answers. I shall give you each your saber crystals to start off. Mikel."


"Since you were a Jedi Guardian, you will get a blue saber crystal, much like mine."

"Yes, Master."

Bastila turned to Emily "Because you were a Jedi Sentinal, you will get a yellow saber crystal."

"Like you?"

"Like me."


Mikel was done admiring his crystal and wanted to talk to Revan. "How are you so powerful?" he asked.

"Well I don't mean to boast, but I already was extremely powerful in the Force before... before... my... mishap on Malachor V. The answer is ancestry... My ancestor: Tudo'Val Skywalker, banded together a group of Force Sensitives and he created the Jedi order. He invented the ten saber styles, but they didn't have lightsabers back then due to the lack of research. He also invented Teras Kasi and many other hand to hand fighting styles, such as: Jun Fan, Hapkido, Shotokan and more." he explained.

"What fighting styles do you use?" Mikel asked.

"For saber, I prefer the tenth saber style: Jar'Kai. For fists, I prefer: Teras Kasi in memory of my ancestor, and Hapkido for quickness." Revan explained.

"What about your wife?" Mikel asked again.

"She is a master of Juyo, a lightning fast saber style, perfect for her since she uses a saberstaff. She has also practiced the hand to hand styles: Pi Gua for good solid hits, and Fan Zi which is also lightning fast." Revan explained.


"Grab some weapons that interest you and I shall teach you the fighting styles." told Revan.


"So are the Jedi allowed to love?" asked Emily.

"At first they were, according to Tudo'Val's Holocron. Then the later Jedi decided that love would get in the way, so the forbid it." Bastila explained.

"So then why are you and Revan married?"

"Because we couldn't hide it. And it didn't get in the way of our missions. So we all agreed that we should abolished the rule of forbidding love. Mind you that Jaden and Visas have started to fall in love, Atton and Mira might." Bastila explained.

"I think that I might be falling in love with Logan Howellet." Emily pointed out.

"Well I'm proud of you for sharing this with me."


Bastila found Revan training Mikel about the saber styles. "How is he doing?" she asked.

"He has already learned Shii-Cho and Ataru. And his form is very nice." Revan explained.

"That's great." told Bastila.

"I think that he might want to be fixed on Ataru." Revan explained.

"I think I am." stated Mikel.

Bastila walked back over to Emily. "Find a sword that intersest you and I shall teach you about the saber styles." Emily grabbed one vibroblade and got it at the ready.


Minutes later, Revan and Mikel were finished "I think that the Ataru saber style is the right one for you" suggested Revan.

"I think so too." Mikel replied.

"Its a very offensive fighting style but it would be best if you used it with someone else because it is best used against saber opponents." Revan explained.

"Why not against opponents with blasters?" Mikel asked.

"Because nothing is more embarrasing to be struck down by a weapon as uncivilized as the blaster." Revan answered.

"Oh, I see."


Revan found Bastila training Emily in the saber styles as well. "How is she doing, darling?" asked Revan.

"She is already proficient in the Shii-Cho, but she is mainly focusing on the Soreseu style." Bastila explained.

Revan turned to Mikel. "Well I think that you've found your mission partner."

"Why is that." Mikel asked.

"Because Soreseu is the counter-style of blasters, so it would be smart if you travelled with your sister in missons." Revan suggested.

"Okay, now I'm starting to see your point."

"That's good."


One hour later, everyone decided to rest and continue tomorrow.

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