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Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?

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Didn't you know Poopdogjr's real name is Hakujin, and his duty is to defend the universe using his Ketsunoana blade, however all of his foes also wield blades each that have a different power that he must overcome using friendship or some ****?

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How could you forget about his sidekicks? The adorable cat-creature with the irrtating voice and tendency to go chibi when not needed, the amnesiac with the checkered past and the silent bu deadly guy in shades? They must combine their seperate forces -love, friendship and the overall goody-goodyness of good- into the Ultimate Super-Shiny Fun Time Sparkle-muhh Power of Love, Friendship, Goodness and Glitter?

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I'm pretty sure we have the makings of a new smash hit anime here folks. I think both Smon and Mayhem's ideas are great. I'm already writing fan-fiction and creating fan-art as well as cosplay for it, because I love it so much. KAWAIIororuuugh. Or whatever the hell those anime people say/do.


We should include insane amounts of violence and market it towards younger veiwers. (Toddlers maybe? Ninja star pacifiers?)Ninja swords and ritiualistic suicide will become the new "in" thing for tweens. Also it will proabably cause the deaths of many of them as well. I want to see a ninja sword is under every kids christmas tree this year. Or at the very least impaled somewhere in their body. Or maybe a special box where upon opening it, a sword comes flying out real fast at you?


More ideas are encouraged! Keep this greatness alive!


Plus I want to hear more ninja stories by people. They are very good.

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The love...the love...the love... HA! That song rocked socks that eat f33t! Ah, and Fuzzy Dice, have you joined in on the ritual Ninja Advancement Society? We are a secret group poised to enlighten/terrify the populace of the AWESOMENESS of ninjas ... in colorful costumes! Whattya think?


And onto the new Smash Anime ... We need a name peoples! Hmmm... for the kick of things, it should be a thread in and of itself.

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Lol. This is such great stuff. We should make up a new thread for this. I'm to lazy to do it right now.


Also, I'm currently in class, and most likely should not be on here. But I am just that committed to making the ninja's live on.


People can join up with us if they like. As long as they have ninja love in their hearts. And ninja swords in their hands.

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No Mayhem! how could you forget our initiation ceremony?! FDC must complete it to be One Of Us.

lay down a field of (set) mouse traps and cross the traps while balancing a shot glass of sake and juggling ninja stars while reciting the special ninja's badass creed...


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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this thread and all who post in it. (I love chicken patties as well.) I think that I'm going to start writing up plans for this ceremony and practice them on local neighborhood children, to see if in fact people can survive it. I'll get back to you on how that turns out.


_Vote Ninja 2008!

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