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You Have Received Your Letter

Girl In Black

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Hello everybody. This is a new role-playing thread, and before we get going, here are the basic rules:


* Everybody - let's get along (but our characters don't have to!)

* No cheating (superhuman powers etc... excluding genuine Jedi abilities, of course).

* Please don't use this thread for non role-playing discussions.

* When you first enter this new role-playing game, please state your name, race, appearance, and what you are carrying, (unless it would ruin your character to do so).

With all that out of the way, let's begin...


You have come here because you got the letter. It told you, simply, that your services, (whatever they may be), were required, and you were called to a disused industrial site on Coruscant. The first person here is me, the one who sent the letters. As you enter a dimly lit, large, rather empty room, you see me, there already, a human woman dressed in black, with a blaster at my side, most of me hidden by a cloak.




"There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

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Guest Redwing

Enter a picturesque dark reddish brown winged, tailed, and clawed gargoyle in a silver armor breastplate. His short, beaked face sports a black mask shaped roughly like an ax blade, and his odd "small tomahawk" hairstyle is set off by a thin ponytail. He wears a flat ammo belt over his breastplate which connects to a utility belt on which hangs a variety of curious items; some resemble throwing stars, two seem to be exotic looking lightsabers, and the other items are impossible to recognize. An ornamental blue loincloth hangs from the belt, in the tradition of the gargoyle race. He wears dark leather "pants" that extend from his hips to his knees, and thin "boots" then extend from his knees to his ankles. These boots have a distinct decorative top; a large pointed structure that goes over the gargoyle's naturally ponited kneecaps. His large, clawed feet with three frontal toes and one backward facing toe are bare except for an ornamental strap of leather bound around the arch of both. His clawed, four fingered hands are covered by decoratively cut leather gloves that extend from his wrists to his plams, with holes cut for his sharp-nailed fingers. His outfit is topped by red, glinting armor shoulder plates. This is Termand Rwos.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest emupiett

::Outside is the sound of an X-Wing landing. In comes Commander Royd Ternyl of the Alliance, a human that has become a Jedi due to a battle with an evil version of himself. He is carrying a modified (for accuracy) DL-44, a recently built lightsaber, and a comlink.::


[to DEAC] What the--? Deac Starkiller!? I didn't expect to see you here! How's it going?

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Guest Redwing

[Rwos:] *turns to Deac* So you've been called here too? Interesting. I wasn't about to come, but I'm very curious to find out how I cam to be summoned here...when I don't even belong in this universe. And no, I haven't fixed my teleporter yet. *gestures to a blue hissing device on his belt* But anyway, it's good to see you.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Sits,with a leg propped up on a chair, unnoticed in the back of the catina...his identity is unknown due to the grey cloak covering his face. A double bladed lightsaber is on the table, within reach. He has many other weapons hiddened beneath the cloak..but they are unnoticable to the naked eye. He quietly watches as the other guests arrive



Festive lights.....

Good social atmosphere,

Friends, mr. daniels, mr wieser, mr. vodka, and of course the lovable gin......

Puking on your girlfriend's red satin pumps......


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Woman in Black: So... some of you are here already... well, well... I suppose you're wondering why I sent the letters? I must say, you do look like an... interesting lot.

(To Assassin): Hmm... I don't quite know who you are. Are you going to tell us, or are we going to play Guess Who? Feel free to reveal your identity at any time.

(To everyone): Now, let's have a nice pleasant chat while we wait for the stragglers... those who survived long enough to get here, that is, haha...



"There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

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*Dashes in still in flight gear, hits door lock* Guys, I got Imps after me, *Looks at girl in black* Hay who are you? Nevermind, My squad had to run cause they had a wing of GUNS after them. The Imps are going to cut though the door any minuite!



Fly Fast,

Shoot Straight,

Live Long!

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"This is no trap, Mr Starkiller. Any more threats, and you'll regret it. Now, everyone, we appear to have Imperials on our tail. This seems to be where we make our exit. Follow me. Oh... and anyone who attempts to stab me in the back..." (looks sternly at Deac) "...I just wouldn't, OK? I REALLY wouldn't. Now come on, hotshots. Let's roll."



"There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

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Guest emupiett

::Takes out his brand new lightsaber, and turns it on, igniting a green blade.::


[to EVERYONE] I'm ready. Where are thos Imperial scum?

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  • 1 year later...

A short young woman dressed in black comes rushing in, first executing a backward flip, then dropping into a roll. She stops long enough to remove her two lightsabers from her belt, ignighting them at the same time, causing the room to glow in an eerie mixture of blue and green.

The Imperials are right on her tail and she deflects several of their blaster bolts aside before performing a cartwheel to her left.

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Originally posted by wildjedi

A short young woman dressed in black comes rushing in, first executing a backward flip, then dropping into a roll. She stops long enough to remove her two lightsabers from her belt, ignighting them at the same time, causing the room to glow in an eerie mixture of blue and green.

The Imperials are right on her tail and she deflects several of their blaster bolts aside before performing a cartwheel to her left.


((Uh...The Girl In Black is long gone :D sure you don't want to create a new thread?))

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