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I was thinking about this for a while now...


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...do you think the Sith have lightsaber colors according to their class like the Jedi do besides the famous red? And do you think they have ranks like the Jedi? Like for example:


Sith Apprentice = Padawan.

Sith Lord = Jedi Master.

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Besides me thinking that saber colors are personal preference and have nothing to do with the class, it really looks like red is THE sith lightsaber color.


Sith ranks? I know that there is a master, and an apprentice. The rest of the force sensitive sith is just not as strong as those two, but they might have some masters as well. Uthar for example.

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Besides me thinking that saber colors are personal preference and have nothing to do with the class,
Well, class is really personal preference as well, so likely the reasons why they chose a class are the same basica reasons why they chose a certain blade colour.
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anakin skywalker aka vader before he gets pwned in lava :xp:


No chance to change his Lightsaber crystal and/or build a new saber. :p


IIRC, Pre-Bane, there was hundreds of "Sith" (minus the actual Sith race) weren't there? Then, once Bane came in it, the "Rule of One" was developed. In the famous words of Yoda: "Always two there are, but no more." Or something like that :S

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No chance to change his Lightsaber crystal and/or build a new saber. :p


actually, Cygnus said "show me a sith with a blue lightsaber" and i did. he didnt mention any of those modifiers :p


i heard somewhere that the sith make synth-crystals for their blades and when it's being cooked, they focus their anger and hatred into the cooking crystal. this causes the crystal to give the blade a red colour.

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anakin skywalker aka vader before he gets pwned in lava :xp:


He was probably the most confused sith in Starwars history.


He wanted to be a master and serve on the council, but he was in love with Padme and that was forbidden.


He discovered a dark lord and wanted to kill him, but, that same dark lord was the only one that could save his girl.


Obi-wan was his mentor, master, and friend, but he had to kill him because of his new job as lord of the sith.


Of course, once he found his true, evil self and realized there was no turning back, he embraced the darkside fully and went about his business with fervor.


That's when he took his saber in to the saber shop and had the ruby red Sithmaster5000 installed. Proven to carve up jedi and also cut your ordinary tin can.

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