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If you get to know Goto, trust me there is a logical explanation about who Goto is. Also make sure you ask T3 about the droid transmissions after blowing up Goto's Yacht. Repair the droid in the cantina, and do the side mission where you go to find the Twi'lek and a droid attacks you. If those are achieve and you have high influence on Goto, you'll find out more than you bargained for.

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Actually, you can build enough influence with G0-T0 in the very first conversation with him (or at least without leaving the Ebon Hawk) to get the droid to reveal (or rather confess to) the whole thing. Assuming you don't mind taking both LS and DS points, that is...

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That's it, I can't hold my silence anymore:


G0-T0 is a Cyborg Wookie (Half Wookie, half HK-51 BETA model), he is a ruthless killer, but because people wouldn't take him seriously as a leader in person, he pretends to talk through a droid as a hologram of a human he captured years ago.


Those of you who have passed the influence checks know this is not entirely untrue.

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I dont really know, but isnt GOTO like on a planet ages away? cuz hes such a powerful crime boss (well he was) and perhaps hes just using the droid to talk to others, like a emisary.


Well, I'm sure we're several people here, who could tell you exactly why it all makes sense, but we would completely spoil a surprise in the game that many overlook.


Really, just build influence with G0-T0 and then ask him about his activities in Nar Shaddaa (and save first, because I've had a bug remove the option to ask about it when I failed the influence check) once you have enough xp.


I was able to get the whole explanation with just three influence gains and without leaving the Ebon Hawk the first time G0-T0 joined. First ask about the droid's abilities, then praise them. Next, ask about how the republic can be saved, agree work for cash, then tell G0-T0 that you will do whatever is required (DS points). Then ask about Vogga and agree that dealing with the Hutts will hurt the republic in any event in the long run. Then ask about Goto's activities in Nar Shaddaa, noting Goto's extensive use of droids. That should give you the answer you're looking for.

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Actually, you can build enough influence with G0-T0 in the very first conversation with him (or at least without leaving the Ebon Hawk) to get the droid to reveal (or rather confess to) the whole thing. Assuming you don't mind taking both LS and DS points, that is...
You must have achieved those certain quests that I have mentioned. It won't work without it.
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Yeah, there is no Goto. There is only G0-T0. The "Goto" personality was made only to make others take him seriously, since nobody would follow the orders of a droid. "Goto" is just a hologram - that's why he always appears to speak only from somewhere else.


Also, remember how Chodo Habat, the Ithorian leader on Citadel Station on Telos, mentions (in the first mission he gives the Exile) how they need a new droid because the original droid intelligence went missing? Guess who...



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