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[Shortie] Love and Tranquility

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Imagine a world, a system, a whole Galaxy wrought with peace. An ultimate dream for some, but an ultimate nightmare for others. After a war of devastation leaving the Republic barely able to hold together, there was peace. But there was a price. Thousand of Jedi were lost; either to succumbing to the Dark Side and the teachings of the Sith, or were killed, and because of one ambitious and menacing Sith Lord, death had affected all.


But thanks to one Jedi Knight, and her group of faithful companions, this evil, after so long of terror, was brought to rest, and for the time being, the galaxy was tranquil.




On the plains of Dantooine, on top of a tame Kath hound, rode a Jedi Knight, her cloak billowing in the wind, along with her brownish-gold hair. Her face breaking into a smile as her dark brown eyes gazed to the cloudless sky above.


They rode up into the green hills, to the edge of a high cliff; she dismounted and gazed upon the full beauty of the long grass-plains of Dantooine. As her eyes travelled across the view, her facial expression saddened, as her eyes gazed upon the blackened corpse of the once was Jedi Enclave. Her life, what she once was, was now lost with deep inside the ruins of that destruction.


Reluctantly, she tore her eyes away from that dreadful sight, and looked upon a new one, a beach. She jumped back onto the Kath Hound, and flew back down the hills, not slowing down until grains of sand could be felt underneath the beast’s paws. She jumped up once more, ran and dove into the clear blue water, feeling the cool water soaking through her clothes, she walked back out onto the sand and slumped down, laying on her back.


“Well, well, well” Said a voice “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, this is exactly like a dream I had, except you were … well ... Let’s not go into that” the voice finished letting out a hard laugh.


“Hello, my love” she said smiling, without opening her eyes


“How’d you know it was me?” said Carth, standing over her, looking down.


Revan’s eyes opened and she said “Well, it is you isn’t it?, plus I know your voice and … do I really have to go into that honey?” looking up at Admiral Carth Onasi, her lover, smiling.


“What are you doing? He asked, laying down beside her.


She propped herself up onto one shoulder, looked into his eyes and said, “I love you”


“Don’t change the subject” he said smiling, brushing his lips against hers.


When they parted, Revan looked out towards the sea, unaware of Carth’s eyes on her.


“Are you alright?” he asked


“Sure I am” she replied and feeling Carth’s eyes on her this time, looking towards him she said “ Seriously, I am, I haven’t felt this great in a long time” and she looked back out towards the sea.

Watching the small waves crashing down onto the white sand, smelling the salty air, and feeling the fresh breeze on her face, and it wasn’t until she heard Carth’s voice was she brought back to her senses.


“Revan …” he said


“Yes, Carth?” she said, “What is it?”


“Will you marry me?” he asked, his eyes burning into hers.


“Oh, Carth” she said, tears starting to form in her eyes “I, Carth, I…”


He smiled and placed his index finger on her lips and with a soft “Shh…” he whispered to her:


“Think about it OK, I don’t want you to feel like your rushing into anything,”


He kissed her once more, and held her in his arms. How long they were there he did not know. Revan said nothing, but Carth did not mind, he loved Revan more than e could ever put into words. He knew in his heart, that in the end, whatever she would decide would be the right choice.


But he was unaware that this would be their last day to share together for a very long time, for tomorrow she would be leaving, not knowing exactly sure where she would be going, only knowing that she ad too, and she could not risk no-one going with her. Carth’s heart would be broken, not knowing that answer to which he so desperately wanted to know.

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