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*How did Vader get his name?*


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Darth Vader!woooooooo


How did Sidious come up with Vaders name? Did he just think-ooooo Vader that sounds cool and intimidating. and has anyone else noticed that if you put "in" in front of vader its Invader which is basically what he is?


Sorry its just that this has been bugging me for ages, and I was looking forward to finding out in ROTS but all he says is "you will be known Darth Vader". any thoughts? :vadar:

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Darth is a made up name just like Jedi or Sith.


And here is wookieepedia has to say on the subject


It is also worth noting that vader is the Dutch word for father (as well as an Old English variant for "father" cf. OED), and it may be tempting to read the character name Darth Vader as Dark Father, a word-play that may well be the root of the Sith title. However, judging by the origin of the other Sith names, Vader may also possibly be a derivative of the word invader. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that in the original scripts for A New Hope, the name Darth Vader was given to a normal Imperial general.
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The wookiepedia bit is quite interesting.


But I believe that the OP wanted to know how *Sidious*, not Lucas, found the name. It's been a while since I read the book, but there's something about "Sith spirits" whispering the name to Sidious. Or something similar.

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  Darth54 said:
The wookiepedia bit is quite interesting.


But I believe that the OP wanted to know how *Sidious*, not Lucas, found the name. It's been a while since I read the book, but there's something about "Sith spirits" whispering the name to Sidious. Or something similar.


Yep, in fact, if you pay attention in the movie, Sidious doesn't just say "You'llbeDarthVader." He kind of says "You'll be Darth... Va... Der." In the space between syllables you can hear a really creepy sound, probably the Sith spirits telling him the name.

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  Negative_Sun said:
But I agree, the way Palpatine presents it in the movie is kinda stupid...In fact that entire scene is rediculous, Anakin is such a damn wimp...It kinda ruins the image I used to have of Vader
Are you ****ing kidding me? That was one of my favorite scenes in the whole saga! :snear: People sure are critical when watching the prequel trilogy, if it's not 100% perfect, they seem to get all mad at it...
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  Samurai DD said:
Yep, in fact, if you pay attention in the movie, Sidious doesn't just say "You'llbeDarthVader." He kind of says "You'll be Darth... Va... Der." In the space between syllables you can hear a really creepy sound, probably the Sith spirits telling him the name.


Yeah he did pause there, almost like he had other names racing through his head.


"darth vapid...no nono...vapor...NO...vegas. Ah Wait! Vader!"


From the moment Sidious exposed himself as a Sithlord to Anakin to the moment Anakin became Darth Vader was the BEST direction Lucas had done throughout the prequels. My god I thought it would never happen, some damn good drama...*appalauds*

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Here's what DARTH VADER really means:


..................It is also worth noting that vader is the Dutch word for father (as well as an Old English variant for "father" cf. OED), and it may be tempting to read the character name Darth Vader as Dark Father, a word-play that may well be the root of the Sith title. However, judging by the origin of the other Sith names, Vader may also possibly be a derivative of the word invader. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that in the original scripts for A New Hope, the name Darth Vader was given to a normal Imperial general.............


End of dissucussion.

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  grrrrrrrrrr7 said:
Here's what DARTH VADER really means:


..................It is also worth noting that vader is the Dutch word for father (as well as an Old English variant for "father" cf. OED), and it may be tempting to read the character name Darth Vader as Dark Father, a word-play that may well be the root of the Sith title. However, judging by the origin of the other Sith names, Vader may also possibly be a derivative of the word invader. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that in the original scripts for A New Hope, the name Darth Vader was given to a normal Imperial general.............


End of dissucussion.


Thanks for sharing something that was already posted ....

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Well, we still did not solve why IN UNIVERSE he is called Vader.


I don't suppose Sidious called Ani Vader cause "Hmmm... Vader means father, cause you make me think about my daddy"


One suggestion would be Vader as in "invader" like Sidious as in "insidious" but obviously you don't add in- in frount of all Darth- sith names.


Think about inbane, inkrayt, inmalek or inbinks. They all sound stupid.

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