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Little Crossovers


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My brother and I would like to play Kotor I with characters from different SF-Universes:


Stargate for my Brother: He would like to have the SG-1-Members as PCs. There are already some heads that look a little bit like Jack and Sam, but not close enough for him. He also would like to have the SG-suits as normal soldiers-clothes instead of this weird blue thing and the Jaffa-armour of Apophis' guards (snake) for the Sithtroopers (including their staff-weapons if possible).


Star Trek for me: I would like to play with a female Klingon as a PC. She may look a bit like B'Elanna Torres from Voyager, but her clothes should look real Klingon. And she should have a batlhetlh as well.

Well, and then it would be nice if I could play with Lara Croft as PC - with a long braid of course.


I hope, we don't expect too much from you...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Anglu, I thought about it again.

SG-uniforms should be a special kind of armor and upgreadable.

Instead of the Staffweapon use Zat'nik'tels (easier, because the Staffweapon is hold as a double bladed sword and fires as a heavy Blaster).

And does anyone know somewone who could create a P-90?

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And she should have a batlhetlh as well.


THANK YOU for ignoring moron Klingons on the TV and spelling the blasted name right! </Star Trek geek>


Sadly, I don't know how to model at all, otherwise I would try to at least make a batlhetlh (if only because you had the audacity to spell it right! ;) )


I could look into reskinning a PC to have just textured Klingon ridges (not remodeled bumps). The armor, sadly, would be well out of my field and very difficult for anyone to make, since it would require a lot of modeling.

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