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Mandalore Influence Hard to Get


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There are few influence increase options for Mandalore, yes. However, why you would pursue them is bigger question, since you don't really get that much out of it. Not that you get nothing, but you shouldn't expect too much...


If you really want to pursue it, however, and play DS, then remember that Mandalore is one of the people who gain influence from killing innocents (at least most of the time).

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Well you dont get any bonuses with him, but he tell you a story of Revan. The places i can rember to get influence with him is, two at Onderron, side with the crowd and i think if you side with Vakluu at some dialoug, could be the one with the two aliens debating. If you kill Sulruu(not sure if thats his name) at Dantoine, the merchant outside of Khoonda. And if you kill Tobin at the Revanger, think there is one more but i can't rember where

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Yes, if you side with Ponlar at the first meeting, then incite the riot against the queen in the second, Mandalore will comment on it, and you'll gain influence if you tell him that this is the only way to let Vaklu know which side you're on.


You can also gain influence if you talk to that woman (Anda?) who wants you to get rid of the captains loyal to the queen and agree to the mission.


Talk to the devorian and twi'lek arguing over Onderonian politics and side with Talia, otherwise you may not get the option to side with Talia, when Tobin crashes your meeting with Kavar - I've read somewhere that you can gain Influence with Mandalore by siding with Vaklu in that conversation too, but I've never been able to do so myself. However, if you then tell Tobin that you'll side with the queen against Vaklu (when he interrupts your meeting with Kavar), then you can gain influence with Mandalore if, in the final battle between Vaklu and Talia, you order Vaklu's execution.


To generally you should just find the "dark side hitlist" of people you can kill for influence with various characters (such as HK-47, G0-T0, or Hanharr). Mandalore is one of those characters who gain influence from killing the weak. You'll have to take DS points for that, though - Mandalore is not a nice person...


As for killing Tobin, I've heard several places that you should gain influence with Mandalore from killing him on the Ravager, but it's never happened for me. However, it may be that Mandalore stops building influence after he tells you his little secret, since he has nothing more to reveal after that. Like Psychomonkey62 said, Mandalore's influence options are basically unfinished and cut like so many other areas of KotOR2.

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1 more at Dantooine after you fix the droid outside of Khoonda, the mechanic says something about jedi, admit you are & off him when the option comes up.


1 at Telos in one of the apartments go through a footlocker & off the owner when he comes in yelling that your a thief.

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Well, you can get both the Mandalorians in the flophouse on Nar Shaddaa and those in the mercenary camp on Dantooine (after fighting their leader) to join Mandalore and return to Dxun. There is no influence gain in it, though - you can just do it, get them to leave, and then nothing... I don't even think there's any xp in it.

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Yeah Thats about it.


Mandalore's influence is unfinished, and you don't get anything out of it, not even a nice thank you.


I wish they would at least put some good old war stories in it like kotor1.


Makes me think there might be a few other planned characters that are not in the game.

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