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[FIC]Heart of Deception

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Ahhh, yes!! How I like these ''political intrigue'' chapters. Very nicely done. Again. There's only one thing that really bugs me - I never thought of Draconis as a type of man that would use a childish one-liner like ''Mr. Sixty Minutes''. It just doesn't suit his character, in my opinion.

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igyman: Think of it this way, he is agitated. His prize catch just got away, he is out in space and he was always annoyed by Keegan's presence anyway. Also you should know that sometimes Avalonians use humor to make light of their problems. You see this alot with Karas and Kirabaros. Besides I had just recently watched the Eraser and that one sequence embedded itself in my mind.


Pottsie: I know you can't bear the pain which is why I have noticed you haven't written to beg me when the next chapter comes out. The Lost Tales I am going to rewrite when I figure out my next poem and shorties.


On another note: I described the Avalon system in the planet databank thread. All the planets except one have an eastern/European connection to it. My water world Atzlan is actually Mesoamerican. It is the mythical homeland of the Aztecs meaning Place of the White Heron. I thought I should point that out since I am considering a shortie involving that planet.

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I was bored. I am just almost finished with Chapter 40 so I will go ahead and post 39. If this seems like an epic, you can sue me. :)

This chapter involves a favorite of mine who I always thought was a softie underneath. Plus a tying of some loose ends, if you can see it;)


Chapter 39

Canderous was not a patient man. Kirabaros had said that many times during his visits to Amshrey. It was evident as he was pacing in the clearing that would serve as a hidden dock for the incoming ship. Jolee had sent him a message that they had the ‘package’ but it was damaged and that sparked a worry in him, not that he was one to show it. His pacing hid his worry with the agitation that he had to wait.


Canderous thought about what this might mean for when the kid last contacted him, he was, well he looked…old. Wrenching that from his mind, he turned to Kex and had him go make sure that the squadrons were ready to take off. They were to head to the Outer Rim, mostly sweeping near where the Avalonian settlements were, including the Yavin system and the like. That got his mind off of his impatience somewhat as he waited for the ship to approach. He ignored the Shreyites who were bustling around, trying to find a spot.


After the defeat of the Blood King, the Shreyites made friends with their Avalonian neighbors. They grew especially friendly with the Mandalorians since they impressed the Shreyites with their lust for battle which emphasized their strength. They agreed to let Mandalore move his base of operations to Amshrey where they helped construct a settlement that was suitable to the environment. It was also Kirabaros’ doing that they were on such good terms for he broke the language barrier and got both sides to agree as was his character. They still considered him the Animal God since he had a natural ability with the native wildlife and that was the reason for their appearance.


Canderous guessed this and left them to their devices. He figured that he owed it to the little guys since they did help out around the encampment. His thoughts were occupied on what the kid wanted him to do and of a domestic situation that caught him with his breeches down. He looked up at the sky just in time to see the ship come into view for a landing. His comm buzzed and a familiar voice came through, “Hey Canderous. We’re coming in.”



Mission thought she would never get to see Amshrey ever. She had heard that it was dangerous with all the untamed animals but she also heard that it was rather beautiful. The last time she was in this region of space she had to stay on Avalon during the last days of the war. She would have put up a fight but Kirabaros convinced her to stay and it was for a good reason, one that she didn’t regret. When Juhani told her to make a heading for Amshrey, she was excited. She wondered if she would be able to explore the planet and see if it was anything like what Big Z had described. She wondered if the business that Kirabaros needed to do would allow her to.


Thinking of Kirabaros brought her back to the conversation that she had with him before he shut himself in the cargo hold for two days, not talking to no one. It was obvious that he had a vision of some sort. Revan used to get them when they were searching for the Star Maps. This was different. He was disturbed by it and he said it was of the future or something like that. It bothered her for Kirabaros was something of a star reader and put great stock into it. She hadn’t forgotten how he watched them up to the time of the battle on Rakata Prime. What was really disturbing was the manner in which he held his head, covering his ears as if he could hear a loud noise but no one else could. She had asked Jolee about it and all he said was that something bad had happened to Kirabaros but he wouldn’t elaborate. Maybe Canderous will tell me, she thought as the planet of Amshrey came into sight.


She made adjustments to the coordinates that Jolee had given her and headed towards what appeared to be a clearing within the forest of redwoods. Clearing the trees, she saw one figure, his armor gleaming in the sun and hundreds of little furry shapes scurrying around the edges of the clearing. She didn’t know what those creatures were but she recognized the armored one. She buzzed his comm, ““Hey Canderous. We’re coming in.”


The response, “Nice to see ya too Blue,” sent her spirits soaring as she moved in for a landing.



When the ship adjusted course, he knew that they were there. Even though he told them to let him know, he knew. He slowly stood up and stretched his muscles which were sore after two days of mediation and hard workouts but worth it. It cleaned out most of the toxins that were in his body from the injection though he was fairly certain that there were some still in his system. He came out slightly leaner than he already was and had more of a healthy color from the workout.


Those two days gave him time to think on what he saw in his vision and what he discussed with the Blood King. He realized that he had been running again which allowed him to not think clearly before. He told Atton to stop running, Revan was almost there and yet here he was still running. It was time to stop. He meditated on the conversation and the location itself. He recognized the temples of Yavin when he saw the children but the big giveaway was the Cathar child. He thought to himself, She doesn’t deserve this. Why?


Still thinking that, he gave a final stretch in his upper arms and unsealed the cargo hold door. He stepped into the walkway and looked around before starting to walk towards the cockpit. His steps were soft footed, barely heard until he heard the purr of her voice, “Are you alright?”


Facing Juhani, Kirabaros knew that he was going to have to tell her eventually what he saw but he’d rather do that when he had Mandalore present. He answered her question, “Better. Two days sweating it out,” he shrugged his shoulders, “Does a body good.”


“And the vision?” Juhani queried.


“What vision?”


“Mission told all of us what happened after you locked yourself in the cargo hold. You aren’t fooling anyone Kirabaros, only hurting them.” The words hurt her to say it but Juhani had to speak her mind and what was more likely the thoughts of everyone else.


The words had stung but rang true. If he was going to get to the bottom of this, he had to have no more secrets. He replied, “I know but I am asking all of you to trust me just a little while longer. When we land I’ll explain it.” Especially to you, was what he didn’t add.


Juhani looked at Kirabaros as his amber eyes locked onto hers for a brief second before he turned away and headed towards the cockpit. She thought about it until she was interrupted by HK-47 doing his usual security rounds. His, “Observation: The Handsome Meatbag has left his cargo hold and appears to be in a slightly agitated state. Query: Does he require any psychological assistance?”


Juhani replied with a question, “Does that involve some form of bashing in skulls or crushing necks?”


“Statement: I only wish to restore full functionality to the meatbag Jedi so that I may be able to enjoy some forms of unadulterated violence.”


“Uh huh,” and Juhani turned on her heel to allow HK to finish his patrol. She followed the path that Kirabaros took only to be stopped by a conversation going on between Kirabaros and Jolee.


“Jolee, I am asking you to return to Coruscant once you drop us off,” Kirabaros had a slight pleading tone in his voice.


“You keep quiet there sonny. After being dragged around in this bucket eating the gunk out of the synthesizer, I am staying right here. I’m old dammit and allowed to do as I please,” Jolee grumbled.


“If it was the food that was bothering you, you can have some free food from the Shreyites. I know you like that,” Kirabaros responded. It was condescending but also a joke.


“I don’t know why I tolerate a mouthy little thing like yourself,” Jolee grumbled. “You better learn respect for your elders or…”


“Jolee calm down,” Kirabaros was smiling, “I was just joking. I see that your mind is made up however but can I ask you this: Can you trust me a little longer until we rendezvous with Canderous?”


“I suppose you’re going to nag me until I say yes aren’t you,” Jolee grumbled at Kirabaros. “Alright but you better explain everything otherwise I am going to have to punish you.”


Kirabaros smiled at the attempt at discipline before heading to the main hold. He knew they were about to land so it was just better to wait until the ship landed before running around. He was joined by Jolee and Juhani who said nothing but sat across from him.



Canderous watched as the ship lowered its ramp. He stood in an at ease position out of respect for the kid. He was Mandalore and yet he was in proper form to a kid half his age. That didn’t matter when his steel grey eyes caught sight of a figure walking slowly down the ramp. It was a sight for sore eyes literally.


The kid’s robes were tattered, almost as if he had spent the better part of a month in the jungles of Duxn. He was walking tall as he always did but he had a presence about him. It wasn’t that whole Jedi thing and the Force, it was like a warrior who realizes his potential. Canderous wondered briefly if the kid decided to stop being a Jedi or if something changed. There was some evidence of cuts and the scar on the kid’s left eye was more pronounced but there were no injuries as far as he could see. He wondered if the old man had been making it up. The kid was not alone for close behind him was the Cathar and the old man. Trailing further behind was Blue and the copper-toned bucket of bolts and he gave a slight sigh and stepped up to greet them.


Meanwhile the Shreyites were chattering in their strange language. They had begun when the ship landed and it became more pronounced when Kirabaros made himself known. They just chattered and moved closer, probably a little too close for comfort. It produced, to Canderous, the feeling that they were about to be attacked. They didn’t do anything when he questioned Jolee, “Old Man I thought you said that the package was damaged. Are you going senile?”


“Oh I get it. The old man is half senile. He doesn’t remember a thing,” Jolee retorted.


Kirabaros couldn’t resist and let out a laugh. It was a true laugh that relieved the tension in the air. When he got a hold of himself, he said, “Ok. Stop now. Jolee’s not senile and you’re not losing your mind Canderous. Just a little confusion.”


Everyone looked at him in surprise. His eyes were twinkling with laughter still, a pleasant sight to see. It was Jolee who broke it by saying, “Well now that you have finished laughing your head off, perhaps we can get moving. I’m not gettin’ any younger here.”


Canderous replied, “Take it easy Old Man or you’ll hurt yourself. The main part of the base is this way,” and he led the way towards the series of bunkers.


At this time the Shreyites began to perform their chanting that they had done when Kirabaros first helped them defeat the terentek. He smiled at them as he followed behind Canderous but it frightened him that they had such blind loyalty to him…and to HK who was somewhat pleased if it could be called that. It was evident when the droid piped up, “Observation: It appears that the furry meatbags are greeting us. Query: Shall I blast a few now?”


“No HK,” Kirabaros replied as they made their way to the main bunker.



Sarna was waiting indoors with everything necessary. Even though she was a warrior, the habits of the Avalonians surfaced every now and then. It helped when they had to deal with the people at the capital city on Amshrey. She had the tea ready and everything that would amount to a tactical debriefing room set up when she had to pause. She gazed at the nothing in particular as her hand fell across her abdomen. Her reverie was interrupted when the main door slid open.


Sarna greeted her husband with a gentle warrior grasp and then turned to greet old friends. She started with Jolee and even greeted HK though she wasn’t that pleased to see the thing. When she got to Kirabaros, she was greeted with a look that spoke of mischief on his face. She said, “It is good to see you again Kirabaros.”


“I can see I was right about some things,” he replied looking at her with a teasing smile. “I wondered when you two would finally tie the knot so to speak.”


Canderous laughed at that for Sarna’s condition was blatantly obvious now. Everyone else chuckled until Sarna let out her own ringing laughter. She replied, “I see that time has left your sense of humor in tact.”


“One needs humor in light of difficult situations,” he replied solemnly that it was comical. His eyes betrayed merriment.


“If that is true then I suggest you make yourselves comfortable while I get tea,” Sarna replied smiling before she left the room.


Kirabaros watched as Canderous watched her leave. I knew there was a chink in his armor. I knew it when I first saw them together, he thought. He spoke to Canderous, “I see things have been going well for the last two years Mandalore.” The tone implied that he was being serious and indirectly asking for information. He knew that Canderous wouldn’t completely follow Avalonian protocol and speak of family and personal matters first before business so he took to using friendly prompts.


Canderous recognized the tone and replied, “The clans are stronger and we like it here on Amshrey. I am curious as to why you asked me to not do anything except pick up the kids and stage a rescue attempt.”


Kirabaros knew that he would be asked to explain. He paused as Sarna brought in the tea and set it on what passed for a table of some sort. When she left, he started, “What I asked was part of an elaborate plan to flush out those responsible for framing Avalon and urging war between us and the Republic. It’ll take awhile but I’ll explain…”

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Let's just say that he is worried about the kid. Just to let you know, he always refers to Kirabaros as 'Kid.' Now that I think of it, I borrowed that from Rocky since he always called his son "kid." There's my disclaimer.


Pottsie: I don't want to spoil things but yeah there is one. The vision should have been a clue. Eventually the hamachi will be caught in the middle.

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Well, my friend JM12. After a year of knowing of your stories, I have read the first two chapters---finally. I can't wait to read the rest. Can't wait to see where Revan is. To others reading this, I know I am late in this story. I've had a lot going on in my life. Thanks JM12, I am a member now.

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Ah, my faithful grammar police. THank you igyman. I was always confused on how to spell Dxun. I knew that the HK lines would draw you like a light does with moths. :lol:

I was wondering if you caught my loose end from a previous chapter. It has to do with Sarna and Canderous.


Also if any of you had noticed, Kirabaros changed. Only slightly. They say that life experiences can change a person and I am betting that it is not completely over for him where that toxin is concerned.

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Well I changed my policy since I write when I can. I am going to post as soon as I squeeze another chapter out.


I have a new chapter for ye huddled masses and again this was inspired again by the bad acting of TPM. I changed it so it reflects better the circumstances and there is a slight twist in the end.


Also I should point out that there are references to HotG again. While it is not necessary for you to read it, it helps to understand it better.

Without further ado I give:



Chapter 40

Revan felt a surge of hope when she met Michaela at the hamachi. It was a great surprise to her and a comfort. She found that she didn’t need to explain about Kirabaros for Michaela already knew about it in her own way. The girl with her she was wary of but when Michaela told of her part in their adventures, she lost her suspicion and greeted the young woman warmly. After that meeting, she felt ready to meet the opponents for the Shaak Ti.


The ring was like the dueling ring on Taris, spacious. Revan scanned it and it brought back memories. Not all of them were pleasant. She still wanted to curse herself for the last one because she killed for the entertainment of others. It was no consolation that Starkiller was a government bounty. Revan shook these thoughts from her mind when Michaela came up saying, “Brings memories that you wish you didn’t have.”


“I’m just anxious about that last one…” Revan began.


“Ah yes where it is a death match. I sense that is cause of your discomfort,” Michaela interrupted with understanding. She didn’t face Revan but instead looked at the ring where the helpers were clearing the area for the first matches. It was easier to talk when you didn’t look at them.


“I killed a man for money,” Revan explained. Her throat felt thick as if she wanted to burst into tears. “I killed for the entertainment of others.”


“I understand why my husband has a dislike for this sport. He thinks it foolish,” Michaela answered softly. “He participated in a few but one changed his outlook on life though he denied it until he met you.”


“He killed the person too?”


“No. That duel was the night he was declared Kirabaros by the township on Mikkado, before we moved to Avalon.” Michaela looked thoughtful but it was difficult to tell.


“Why do you speak of this?” Revan asked. She knew enough about Avalonians to know that often some things they say are meant to evoke meaning no matter how unrelated it seems.


“Some good comes out of even the worst of situations.”


“Well, Carth was there with me on Taris, but that was before we fell in love and…”


“If you didn’t meet then, you wouldn’t be here now,” Michaela turned to face Revan, a smile on her face. When Revan smiled in return, she said, “That’s better. We must concentrate. After all you are a Jedi and I am a Handmaiden.”


“You are as much a Jedi as I,” Revan firmly declared.


“If you say,” Michaela replied with a smile. “Come, we have to change.” She led the way towards the area where they would change into attire suitable for the competition.




Kiera walked through the hamachi gathering odds and ends to take to the dueling arena. She was impressed by the manner in which the Avalonians carried themselves: tall, proud and firm. She noted how they were always respectful in spite of any ridicule they received from the scum wandering through the settlement. It was also overwhelming for it was like being with a hundred or so Rowans and Michaelas for they were not loud or brash but they were animate when they chose to be. She was pondering and carrying a case full of short blades when she was caught by the boy called Chiyo. She smiled as he approached and asked, “Are you going to the competition today?”


Morgan regarded Kiera with an inquisitive look before smiling in return and saying, “I have to go. I made a bet and I have to see how it ends.”


“Are you allowed to bet?” Kiera queried.


“Okâsan says that it is dishonorable with money so I bet with parts for Shang,” Morgan replied. He walked next to Kiera in a trot like fashion to keep up. He sensed something from Kiera that made him feel warm. Being curiously blunt, he asked, “Do you like my papa?”


Kiera stopped in shock, nearly dropping the case. She had never been around a child like the boy next to her, one that was inquisitive and forthright. She turned to look at the boy and asked, “Why do you ask that?”


Morgan replied, “You look at me all the time but there is something about you that tells me it is him.”


Kiera regarded the boy with a look of surprise. She thought the adults were inquisitive but a child? It was disarming and she didn’t know what to answer. Morgan answered for her, “It’s ok. I want my papa to be happy and I like you.”


“Uh…uh OK,” Kiera replied. She thought she was no good with kids but she liked this little one. When he smiled, he looked like the Jedi he said was his papa but his temper came from someone else. She had seen him fend off a group of boys bullying him and his temper was one that was characteristic to a red head. Still he was an endearing little sprat and she rather liked him. She smiled and added, “I like you too.” Then leaning down, she whispered, “I do like your papa,” and stood up to walk towards the transport that would take the equipment.


Morgan smiled at Kiera and watched as she walked towards the transport. He was glad that someone liked his papa and he hoped that his papa would like her. He ran to catch up with Kiera and asked, “Want to go for a walk? I know where the best spots are.”


“Alright. How about now?” Kiera replied after placing the case on the transport.


“OK,” Morgan piped up and slipped his hand into Kiera’s and tugged her towards the city. He gave a smile to Tulre who had been hiding behind various bits of machinery and the like and was pleased when Tulre gave a smile in return.


Tulre watched as the strange woman and Morgan left to go to the marketplace in Anchorhead. He had a good feeling about this and hoped that it would go well. He then turned to put the finishing touches on the blades his mother and Aunt Reva were going to use.




Anchorhead was a dusty little town, nothing like Nar Shaddaa. The only good thing was that you could get lost there and getting lost was what Atton was doing. After meeting up with Revan and the others, he took himself to the cantina nearest to the hamachi and drowned himself in pazaak. It allowed him to think about what he found out about Kirabaros and muddle over his feelings. He was relieved that Kirabaros was fine, somewhat, according to Caelos and the younger Onasi, but he was troubled that someone was out to destroy his friend. He buried himself in the pazaak deck as he faced his opponent. The scum across from him was an easy picking, a chubba who thought himself to be big. It didn’t take long for him to succumb to the subtle maneuverings of Atton Rand. Pure Pazaak.


This continued for about two hours, less than the amount of time it took for Revan to clear out everyone when she was last there. It showed when one of the pazaak players mentioned to Atton, “You’re good, better than that broad that cleared everyone out long time ago. Boy, she was something.”


Picking up on the admiration and following a hunch, Atton fed the guy, “Really? She pull anything?”


“Slick she was. Lot of the guys here wanted a piece of her, not as though the tree trunk that was with her would allow it,” the pazaak player smirked. “Not that anyone took him seriously with that orange jacket.”


Atton recognized that the guy was referring to Carth and guessed that they had been there before. Atton may be a scoundrel but he wasn’t stupid. He realized that maybe it was something that they didn’t want to talk about though he did recall that they mentioned Anchorhead was where they bought HK. Nodding in response, Atton pocketed the last of his winnings and exited the cantina. He was contemplating where to head to next before reporting in to view this Shaak Ti when he caught sight of Kiera wandering through the crowds.




In spite of the flaws, Anchorhead had its pleasantries, even more so when you had a guide. Kiera was enjoying herself in the company of little Chiyo. He showed her the more pleasant spots, particularly the marketplace that he called the suq. She marveled that he could speak Huttese with such firmness. She commented on this when they left a vendor that sold all sorts of nuts, “You have a remarkable command of Huttese. I am surprised that you can speak it so well. Even I can’t get away with it.”


“Practice,” Morgan replied. “Besides I can speak other languages as well as Shang. We learn together.”


Kiera smiled in response, adding, “Still that is a fair accomplishment.”


Morgan said nothing but led Kiera through the dense crowd of people. He had an idea of where to find his papa but he wanted his papa to come to him. He went to where the viewing area was on the ground level for the Shaak Ti. He was greeted by a Toydarian asking, “What brings you here boy?”




Michaela was watching the last of the equipment being loaded onto the transport. The Shaak Ti was to start in a few hours and she could sense the apprehension thickening. She was standing outside the house of Mamesa, who was feeling better now, waiting for Revan and the others who were to participate. Carth was the first to join her having found some armor that fitted his tall frame. She turned to greet him, “Ready?”


“Ready,” Carth replied. “Where’s everyone else?”


“The boys are coming and Revan is getting ready,” Michaela replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.


Carth fell into the trap easily, “It’s a duel. Really, you would think that she were getting ready for a dinner or…”


“Or what?” Revan asked. She took in Michaela’s smile and Carth’s exasperation and played along.


“Uh…nothing?” Carth ventured.


“Talking about my dressing habits again?” Revan queried. “I assure you that this,” she indicated her suit, “took me only ten minutes.”


Michaela stifled a laugh by turning it into a cough. She said, “We’d better hurry then or we’ll be late,” and left them.


After Michaela left, Revan spoke to Carth, “She’s such a dear. And she knows how to start trouble.” She grinned at Carth to let him know that he had been had. Giving him a peck on the cheek, she led the way to the transport.




Atton had been following Kiera for a while since she wasn’t hard to miss, not that he cared or anything. He finally caught up with them at the building where the others were going to fight. He volunteered his services but Michaela said that it would be better if they had someone who knew how to play pazaak. He had taken the hint and went to collect on the credits for the parts and supplies. Now that he was here, he had to admit that he was impressed. He walked into one door and found dozens of warriors, bounty hunters and mercs practicing before the competition. He looked around when he spotted Kiera and with her was a person that he wondered if he would ever see again.


Taking it slow, he sidled his way close enough to hear the Toydarian demanding that he wanted to see some part or something the moment the winner is declared. He was close enough to hear his son reply, “No worries. You’ll have your winnings soon and we’ll be long gone.”


“Not if your parts don’t cut it,” the Toydarian replied. “I warn you, any funny business and I’ll have the bounty hunters on you faster than a womprat can hop.”


“Sure, Tatlo,” Morgan replied before acknowledging Atton’s presence with a nod.


Kiera saw Atton and nearly gasped but played it cool. She didn’t know if Chiyo had set her up or what but she acknowledged Atton by saying, “Glad you made it.”


“Eh? Who’s the tree trunk kid?” Tatlo asked Morgan after being startled.


Morgan replied, “Just another from the hamachi Tatlo. So you don’t think this Lilah Ravenstar can win can you?”


“Unlike you, I know my fighters. Methinks that Debula there is going to win,” Tatlo pointed at a human who was twirling his blade to the amusement of the Twi’lek girls fawning over him.


Atton, not taking it any more asked, “Why do you think that?”


“He always wins,” Tatlo replied.


“In what? A kid’s game?” Atton questioned.


Tatlo looked at Atton before directing to Morgan, “And here I was thinking that you kept company with smart humans boy.” He then flew to get near Atton and continued, “I am betting heavily on Debula there.”


Atton thought about his options. He knew that Lilah Ravenstar was none other than Revan incognito and knew her to be capable. Having never seen this Debula guy fight before was the sand in the boot. He glanced at Morgan and Kiera before replying, “I’ll take that bet.”


“What?” Tatlo responded in surprise. He had never met a brasher human than this one. It was bad enough that he had to deal with the boy who was just like him. Come to think of it, he does bear a resemblance to the tall one, he thought. He was curious as to what this human was going to propose.


“I wager this,” Atton held out a small dagger that Kirabaros had given him with a joke saying that it was just the thing for a scoundrel, “for say…a reverse power coupling and a hyperdrive generator.”


Tatlo saw that the blade was a valuable one. One just had to look at the hilt that was inlaid with gold or something but he had the sneaking suspicion that he was being cheated out of something. He spat out, “No blade is worth a power coupling or hyperdrive. Not by a long shot.”


“The power coupling then,” Atton replied. They needed the part since Caelos reported that it was beyond his ability to repair. The hyperdrive would just have to come out of the winnings. He held the Toydarian’s gaze, waiting him to answer.


Tatlo was in a rut and he knew it. The human was shrewd, he gave him that much. Then he decided to play in his favor, “How about letting fate decide? I have a chance cube here. If you get blue, you get the coupling, red, you give me the blade.” He then threw it knowing that his odds were good.


Atton may not be willing to cheat but Morgan was for he knew that his papa was fond of that blade. Kirabaros had given it to him and he wasn’t about to let it be lost. Without anyone watching, Morgan concentrated on the cube begging it to land on blue. The angry growl from Tatlo confirmed it. He watched as Tatlo looked at Atton and said, “You may have won one toss but you won’t win the bet. So it makes no difference.”


Atton watched as the Toydarian flew away before turning to his son. He said, “I hope you don’t consider doing that in the future unless you really need to, Morgan.”


Morgan grinned just like Atton did when he was in a hot spot. He replied in a low voice, “Not to worry Papa. He’s always in a bad mood.”


Atton said nothing but accepted the hug from Morgan and smiled at him. He noticed Kiera had been watching the whole scene. He couldn’t decide if she was amused or even surprised. He said, “I guess you met my son.”


“Yes,” Kiera replied rather stunned. She had suspected but when she witnessed that display of affection, it caught her off guard.


Atton said rather nervous, “Uh why don’t I explain when we get some seats in the stands?” He held out his hand only to have it met with hers. They walked out of the warming up area and headed to where they were going to watch the competition. They didn’t notice Morgan as he signaled to a masked warrior warming up.




The yard was filling up with the presentation of the fighters. It was a glorious sight as the fighters lined up to be greeted by the audience. The announcer, a human, was announcing the warriors based upon reputation within the Outer Rim or even the whole Republic, “A big turnout for the annual Shaak Ti from all corners of the Outer Rim. Now introducing…” The crowds were loud as they cheered for their favorites.


To Revan, Michaela, Rowan, Dustil and Caelos, the noise was overlooked and ignored. Carth was made not to fight by Revan saying that a Republic admiral would be recognized. He agreed albeit reluctantly to stay with Mamesa, Kimiko, Lilah and T3 at their viewing platform. They knew that they had to win or they would be stranded. As much as the Ebon Hawk could accommodate them, it was best if they were split like before.


After going through the listed and sponsored entrants, the announcer went through the last minute entries which consisted of one, “And we have a late entry. I give you Bekura, the Masked Stranger, a local boy.”


Revan looked at the late entry. He was masked yes and rather short like a child. Still, it wasn’t her to underestimate little people. Even Jawas could be capable when they needed to be. This Bekura was dressed in black, similar to what the maiko wore but with a few modifications, as if to give him an edge in dexterity. She admitted that he knew how to dress for combat though color choice seemed to be the sticking point. She watched as he saluted the crowd with a graceful strength. His manner was familiar, much like Kirabaros, but discounted it due to the fact that all Bushida warriors carried themselves similarly.


The announcer was saying, “And now, the first tier will begin. Those that win will advance to the next tier.”


It’s show time.

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Aurora: Yes. Shaak Ti is the Togruta Jedi that we see in AOTC at the battle at Geonosis. Here it is a different meaning but I figured a nice tie in to the movies of some sort. The major fics that I have here are related to each other with Heart of the Guardian and Heart of Deception being the closest. Broken Wounds Heal makes reference to Heart of Deception and I have my shorties as well.


I am glad that you liked my fics. I always welcome comments on them because like any good writer I know I am a bad one and need to make constant edits. :)

I hope you enjoy reading the other chapters for this story I had no formal planning on except what I figured out in snippits in my overactive brain.

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I knew Shaak Ti sounded familiar. Did she get killed in a deleted scene in Episode 3? Anyway, good Chapter and is it just me, but has the format of the Fic improved? You've now got lines, to seperate the paragraphs. My suggestion is to edit each Chapter and put them in to seperate the paragraphs. Also, now that the Heart of Deception is longer than the Heart of Guardian, I'm pleased. I doubt I could write a Chapter with as many Chapters as that. Is it so long, because of the subplots? I'm looking foward to more and this must reply must be my longest reply to this Fic ever.

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Very interesting, JM12. I did recognize those few rewritten Episode I dialogues. Interesting that you switch two persons with a hyperdrive and a power coupling in that one dialogue. Also that announcement at the end, an interesting combination of a Phantom Menace line and KoTOR 1 Taris duel ring line. I'll stop now, because I'm starting to use the word interesting a little too much. :)


Oh yeah, that bad acting comment on Episode I, don't tell me you think Ep II and III had better acting, Ep II was definitely the worst SW movie when it comes to acting - Christensen (Anakin) has no idea how to act, he says every line with the same tone of voice. Sorry about this little off-topic comment, but I just can't let anyone trash Episode I when there's a SW movie that really deserves trashing. :)

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igyman: Bad acting is bad acting. That's the plain fact. I have a slight bias because I like Ewan McGregor. I felt the need to bring back Tatlo because I needed something to bring father and son into some sort of understanding and a hint of romance with my bounty hunter. She's no red head but I sense she may stake a claim.


Pottsie: Yeah I noticed I changed the format on the chapters. It is because of the subplots that this is a long fic. Also it is because I like deep seated meanings within a fic. I also like the whole looking for the deeper meaning. I will change it when I post the archival version. Yes Shaak Ti was killed in the deleted scene.

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All ye huddled masses I have an announcement: I have a new chapter for you all. This one is one that I find nice for it sets up what is to come and the agitation on both sides. One of the names I used comes from a film called Milagro Beanfield War. I used the alcalde's name Amarante just because I liked it.


As a tender morsel for Chapter 42, I am bringing back another character that will help shape how things are going to fall.


Without further interruption, I give you:


Chapter 41

Yavin looked peaceful especially the fourth planet. It had its dangers of course but like anything else, the Avalonians took to it like anything else. Their homeworld had its dangers and they accepted it. It was their way, to accept what circumstances presented them. The Takashi settlement, named so for the forest on Avalon, had been there for a hundred or so years, long before Kirabaros had ventured back into Republic space. They had been there since the wars that crippled the Republic, lying hidden in the jungles. They were a tribal people like anyone else and lived by the fruit of the land. They lived in a village that consisted well over a hundred people, each contributing to the survival of the group.


It was here that Lady Mara set foot after departing from Coruscant with the goal to see that no harm came to here people. To the Republic, she was the leader of the Avalonians. Though each of the planets had their own governor, her word was the last and generally speaking, the law. Surveying the settlement, her thoughts drifted to the Republic and how relations had shattered. She felt the pang of regret of what she had said of Kirabaros to Selene but brushed it aside as she descended from the freighter class ship that she had taken.


At the foot of the ramp was the leader of the settlement. Wearing the traditional garb of the Zherron tribe, he stood full Avalonian height. His silver hair and gray eyes gave him a wizened look but no clear indication of his true age. He waited until the governor arrived at the bottom of the ramp and then he bowed respectfully, surprising her in the process. Like all tribesmen, they can spot nobles or politicians that try to blend in fairly easily except it was much more difficult. The leader saw that she had some training on how to change her movements; she had an exceptional teacher. He introduced himself, “Welcome milady. I am Amarante Satsun, leader of the Takashi settlement. Please follow,” and he turned to lead the way.


Surprised that Chief Satsun bowed to her, Lady Mara returned the greeting with a nod of her head, as deemed proper. She accepted his guidance and followed him through the village to his hut. Like many of the tribal villages, there was a main hut used for conversing in business, a smaller one for the children and the individual family huts arranged in a circular like fashion. The largest of these was the chieftain’s hut and this was where Amarante led her.


Pausing before the main square, Mara took in the sight. It reminded her so much of home and wondered if Avalon ever did change. She was distracted when a group of boys came running past her. One caught her eye as it was of a species she had seen only once before. Her gaze followed the boy until they stopped to talk. He was just like the one she had seen, the yellow eyes, and the ears, everything that spoke of a cat. It was a Cathar boy. Strangely enough was that his fur color was not like the one she had met for it was darker, almost brown. She wondered about it as Amarante led her in. Once inside he said, “I see that you noticed Juntau. He has been with us for four years now.”


“Four years?” Mara looked at her host in surprise.


“Yes. A friend brought him here. We watch him as a favor,” Amarante clarified. He had seated himself on the rug where he always sat. He sat upright and dismissed the subject with a wave of his hand.


Mara recognized this as meaning that she should trouble herself no further over the matter. Following protocol, she said, “The jungles have been kind to you.”


“Yes. It is a challenge but like our fellow tribesmen, we work with the land,” Amarante replied. He beckoned Mara to have some tea that he had poured. He continued, “However, it is not the jungles that trouble us.”


“So it is true? The settlement has been threatened and attacked,” Mara queried. Her voice was a little strained trying to hide her anxiousness.


“A few of our warriors have not returned. Our friends from the Republic have not visited us. They say that we cheat them in our deals, that we have no honor. We cannot see where they strike.”


Mara looked at her companion as he drank his tea. Someone was attacking this settlement and trying to pit the Republic against them. It was as she feared, they were heading towards a war.




Travel through space was boring but can be made a headache if you have to keep certain types of company. Keegan was surprised and relieved that Dodonna let him off with a leave of absence. What he didn’t know was that she was watching him. Unaware of this, his mind was focused on the rabble that he managed to clean up after that disaster on Nar Shaddaa. They were reluctant and downright violent when he told them that he was taking over. The only reason he was still alive was that he had been accompanied by Outcasts, or rather Rashikians. The stench of death that they gave off plus the manner in which they killed and tore apart one protester was enough to convince them of some form of loyalty.


After that, he gave orders to strike at trade depots that were specifically Avalonian and make it seem that it was the Republic’s doing. He did the same thing the other way around and as a result sparked high tensions between the systems that Avalon had pulled shipping from. It was amusing for the Avalonians obeyed this code of dying with honor rather than living in shame. It was admirable too. Even his hires mentioned it bringing some uncertainty that things might not go as planned.


He voiced none of his thoughts as he gave his orders to the Rashikian standing next to him, “Make sure that your man is seen when he attempts to take out the target. It is important.”


The Rashikian gave a raspy reply in the language that sounded of death on Avalonian ears and turned to leave. Keegan couldn’t be sure but he thought he saw a cloud emanate from the Rashikian. He could certainly smell the stench of death. He wondered how it was that any Rashikians survived at all after the last battle at Amshrey. He was left alone to muddle in his thoughts.




He was a hunter. He was good at finding people. That was his way. However he didn’t have to find people: they would come to him. Come to him they did. Four of them he caught and caged like the animals they were. Starving them was too easy and physical torture was pointless with this kind of prey. Instead he resorted to the old ways of mentally torturing them. It had worked on the beast that got away.


The hunter stood in front of the cages that held his prisoners. He saw the burning hate they had for him and he was pleased. They all were in various states of weakness each bearing their share of scars and bruises from his interrogations. One by one they succumbed to the mind numbing effects of his serum, writhing in pain from whatever horrors their minds had wrought until there was only one left.


The last one he was hesitant to use it on. He was assured that what he wanted would come to him and he thought that maybe a bargaining chip would be useful, preferably one in tact. He looked at his glowering prisoner and said low, “You are lucky. You get to be as you are a little while longer.” He then turned and walked away.


He went to a room that overlooked the jungle and gave a clear view of the settlement that his client had told him to watch and pester. He fingered a scar on his right forearm and looked at it. One of those beasts had done it to him. She had come to rescue his prey, the traitor. It was she who stood defiant and fought him to a standstill. He wanted nothing more than to feel her neck clasped in his hands and feel the life squeezing out of her. That would have to be second though. The traitor had escaped through his fingers once and he’d be damned if that were to happen again in the near future.


Lurking in the back of his mind was the image of the Jedi that he had wounded before his folly at Nar Shaddaa. He remembered how the animal recovered quickly from the shot. He remembered the reflexes. He remembered them. The little ones came into his mind as he associated them with the Jedi that had escaped his client. He couldn’t help but wonder if there would be a way to get them. He wouldn’t have to use that prisoner for a bargain. The Jedi, the traitor, all of them would bow down to the terms set if he had them. His client wanted them once but he hired incompetents. He was good at finding people as well as his new companion. They could find them and finally he could get his cherished wish. He went to the communicator and imputed his calculations.




He hated Coruscant but he had to go. When he heard that Lady Mara had asked for one last round of diplomacy, he knew he had to stop it. His contract had reminded him of one of his goals to make the menace suffer and he allowed it. That thought alone gave him something to bear as he walked towards his transport that would take him to the Senate proceedings.


For four days Senator Amstar had been struggling to show good faith. The Senate tolerated her since the senator from Ryloth was backing her up and he was well liked. Draconis seethed with rage when he received the news from one of his spies that had been watching the senator. Unfortunately that information was limited since no one but those who knew the menace could get close to her. That alone was enough to make him fume but not enough to explode in hot rage. That he reserved for Kirabaros.


Sitting on the transport, Draconis gazed at the towering skyscrapers, resisting the urge to squirm. Like all Avalonians, he liked the wide-open spaces and abhorred places that didn’t appreciate the beauty of the land. Unlike Avalonians, he loved the people that were bred in the skyscraper worlds. Those places reeked of diminished hopes, dreams, and despair. There were also those who liked to beat down the underdog, which were his particular favorite. Anything that involved showing lower man his place made him feel at home. It fueled his desire to be rid of Kirabaros and return Avalon back to what it was before the war. He sat there and thought about the order he gave Keegan. This next move would really drive the wedge deeper between the Republic and Avalon.




Senator Amstar was exhausted but like her ancestors she had a lot of heart. She had needed it and used it when facing the numerous senators of the Republic. She also had influential friends standing beside her and had shown their loyalty through thick and thin. Staring out at the city before the proceedings, she pondered the situation and drifted to all that had happened. Somehow she felt as if she were caught between two forces, each pulling her in a direction and threatened to tear her in two.


The Senate was divided in two, a very uneven set of two with more than half against Avalon. It was clear after day two. The opposition consisted mostly of those that Avalon had pulled their trade from and those that claimed that Avalon had attacked them. They were steadfast in their beliefs that Avalonians were sneaky and had hidden agendas to gain influence and take control of the Republic. It was farfetched as far as plots were concerned. No one system could control the body politic; heck even one person couldn’t do that. Those that supported Avalon knew were those that personally knew an Avalonian, like the senator of Ryloth, or they had exceptional trade relations. It didn’t occur to her that there were senators who actually believed the Avalonians.


Next on her mind was the poor Chancellor. He hid in the Jedi Temple to think and relax. Not that she blamed him. Senator Amstar knew that he was under a lot of pressure to take a side to support and she knew that he was on the edge of a precipice. If he sided with Avalon, the opposition would take matters into their own hands and declare war on Avalon. If he sided with the opposition, they would be at war anyway. It was a no-win situation for everyone and she saw it and was sure to bet that the Chancellor knew it too. He had listened to the proceedings with a look that gave the impression that he was bored but from experience, Senator Amstar knew that he was paying attention to every word that was being said.


The senator stood there looking at the air traffic run through Coruscant. The continuous line of speeders felt like the words and accusations that were bombarded against her. They kept running and running; there seemed to be no end to the train of insults and carefully timed jabs meant to insult. She wished that she could be somewhere else, some place safe and away from the obvious hatred, distrust and dislike that she had been forced to look at in the face. Still she would hold her head up high. She was a woman. She had the heart of the handmaidens and she could face the Senate. She stood up straight and breathed in deeply. When the senator of Ryloth came to fetch her, she looked every bit like the women warriors spoken of in legend.

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Yeah it is a quiet chapter. I believe in that saying of the calm before the storm. It is raging but it is not there yet. As to the Zherron name, it is mentioned again in HotG if you remember. I decided to give a tribute to the character in TSL in this one but when I originally named the tribe I just picked a name. It didn't occur to me that I named the tribe after the leader of the militia on Dantooine. Then again the general personality of members of this tribe is that they are a no nonsense group. They are willing members of their homeworld but they are also determined to see things through. That was what kept the Confederation of Tribes together when it was formed but that is like years after this story. Glad you enjoyed this chapter.

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Another good chapter. I just noticed a couple of little things, but overall it was good, as usual ;)


It had its dangers of course but like anything else, the Avalonians took to it like anything else.

You used "like anything else" twice in the sentence; you could either go with but the Avalonians took to it like anything else or but like anything else, the Avalonians took to it


It was here that Lady Mara set foot after departing from Coruscant with the goal to see that no harm came to here people.

This one's simple. You just accidently tacked on an extra "e" onto "her". with the goal to see that no harm came to her people.


Those are the ones I noticed in particular.... seems to me that I saw one more thing the first time I read it over, but that was before I went to martial arts..... I'm too tired now to figure out if it was just my imagination or not :xp:

But it's really good, nonetheless. Waiting for more!!

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That first line I wrote was intentionally. I know that it doesn't make grammatical sense but it has its purpose. I was trying to convey the idea that Avalonians in general take things as they come. They hardly ever worry about the future in terms of individuals and things like that. A lot of the phrases and sentences I use are intentional mainly because I find that it brings out the personality of the individual people. Kirabaros himself likes to speak in riddles but he can be serious and takes it in a lighthearted manner. That doesn't mean that he is heartless.


As to the second error thanks for pointing that out. Sometimes I type so fast that I tend to tack on an extra letter when there shouldn't be one or rearrange the letters into a word that doesn't make sense. I am glad that you liked it and I am almost done with 42 so look for it within the next few days. This one I really went introspective on.

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A quiet chapter. Just like you said, it sets the stage, nothing more, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. That Zherron thing made my day (a tribute to the character of the same name from KoTOR 2, no doubt).


Agreed. I liked Zherron in TSL. Anyway, JM12, good Chapter and I'm looking foward to more and the character that will return in the next Chapter.

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