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The Covanent


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Okay, so my friend had a birthday party and of course wanted to go to the movies. Typical of a teenage girl, right? So we're there and I obviously want to see The Illusionist, which looks stunning, innovative, and cinematically beautiful all at the same, while everyone else there wanted to see The Covanent. Succumbing to peer pressure, I of course agreed.


Bad idea.


After the movie, everyone was like "omg! it was soooo good! Who was you favorite character?! Man, I can't wait for the sequel!"


And it SUCKED. Horribly. It was poorly cast, the lighting was crappy, the acting was definately sub-par, and the storyline was innovative at best. It had nude shower scenes just to catch the guy's attentions, and close ups on swimmer's speedos to keep the girls awake, both of which were definately not needed. In fact, the only good thing I can say for this movie is that the cinematogarphy wasn't bad. Like most "horror" (there wasn't a single scary scene in the movie, btw), it had pretty unique camera angles and such, and they definately weren't over used. And the special effects were pretty good.


So this leads me to my question:


When are screenwriters, film directors, and production studios going to realize that special effects, nude women, hot guys, and a couple witty one liners don't make a good movie? Come on.


And what pisses me off even more, that this was number 1 at the box office for a while, and some people actually LIKE crap like this. I think I need to find new friends :/


Seriously, when are we finally going to get an innovative, original story, along with a brilliant cast, gifted directors, and a good budget backing them up? I feel as if I'm starting to lose faith in the film industry.




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Any movie with nude babes is bonus! As it was in Snakes on a Plane. :p


Well, the Covenant was one of the movies ,my buudy and I could have chosen to see that tonight, but we picked "Girdiron Gang". Btw, it was an awesome movie. We choose not to see the Covenant, as a result. I honestly thought the movie looked like crap. And do did my friend.

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They're capitalist pigs, those movie makers. Such as with jarhead


Producer "OK, we've got a solider's memoirs on the apparent lack of war in Iraq"

Producer 2 "Hmm... lets pander to the teenage crowd and spice it up"

Producer "I say Jake Gyllenhaul should be in it, he's a stud

Producer 2 "We need more marketability, lets throw Jamie Foxx in there, and use Kanye West's Jesus Walks as background music!"

Producer "PERFECT! Kids are too stupid to know that the song has nothing to do with the movie"

Producer 2 "Lastly, we throw the only semi epic scene in the trailer to excite the not-so-dumb in the theater"


I ****ing hate people >.<

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F***. I wish we here at the forums could make a movie and show people how it's done.


The Covenant looks like complete crap. You should've taken my advice and gone to the Illusionist, Hollywoodland, or possibly the Black Dahlia.



It was actually your "review" on the Illusionist that I was considering when I said I wanted to see it, that combined with the fact that the trailer looks awesome. And yes, in case I haven't made myself clear, never see The Covanent. Ever

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Jarhead was good..


Just watched the trailer for the covenant.. boy it looks generic and bad!

It looks just like The Craft, but with boys. It rips off the "droping from roof into crouch" from Underworld. the whole look and feel looks SO generic.


Its currently rated at 19% on metacritic and 4.5 out of 10 on IMDB. I think i'll give it a miss. Though i'm obviouslt not its target demographic anyway...

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Generic, cliché-filled movies sell, unfortunately. On the other end of the spectrum, truly creative and unique movies generally do badly as the audience is largelly afraid to "take the plunge" and try something new.


The same applies to video games, in fact, which is why innovative and different titles such as Thief and Ground Control never really caught on.

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