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[AU]Darth Yoda:The Power of The Dark Side


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Okay this will be my next fic that I will start after the alternate endings on my current fic about Yoda turning to the Dark Side bringing a whole new Saga. Some things will happen from the movie but changed some. Hope you enjoy it:D The Prologue will come soon.

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I don't know...I just got the alternate endings out I guess probaly today but I can't deside how Yoda turns it has to be before Ep 1...any ideas...


Perhaps it could be set after Revenge of the Sith. I mean, too much would go wrong for the Republic if it was in Episode I. Your choice though.

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Perhaps it could be set after Revenge of the Sith. I mean, too much would go wrong for the Republic if it was in Episode I. Your choice though.

Yeah I might do that...But I think I'll start it when he is meditating on Polis Massa...okay starting now

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Darth Yoda? Interesting. I can't wait to see how deep Yoda fall into Dark side. Hope Count Dooku is redeemed and come back to finish his epic duel with master Yoda! Or Maybe Sidious will be back, too? (Nope. He's too dangerous to be left alive!--Mace Windu)

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There is no try-Yoda


Yoda sat in the small room of the base on Polis Massa. He felt a tremendous amount of anger going through him. He had also felt it during the battle against Darth Sidious, he knew what it was it was the dark side. He tried to fight against it. “No” he said out loud “there is no try.” He fought as hard as he could but it was no use it won. Suddenly Senator Bail Organa walked in.


“Master Yoda we have another message from the Emperor” he spat the word.


“He knows were here does he” Yoda said shocked.


“Yes, I don’t know how though.”


Yoda and Bail walked to the communication room. There sat the holo Sidious.


“Ah, Master Yoda you wonder why I know you’re here?”




Sidious looked at Organa, “Leave us Organa”


“Yes my Honor”


Sidious looked back at Yoda “I knew you were here by the Great power of your anger I coming to see you.”


The message ended, Yoda for some reason felt so much closer to the dark side. Yoda turned and walked out of the room. Organa stood there waiting for him.


“Master Yoda, Master Kenobi has arrived.”


“Good that is.”


Yoda walked pass Organa to see Obi-Wan. Inside the hangar Obi-Wan faced Yoda.


“Master, even on Mustafar I could feel your anger.”


The great anger filled him again. He used the force to pull Vader’s lightsaber from Kenobi. It flew to his hand, he activated it. Obi-Wan seeing this backed off. He looked into Yoda’s eyes, they were blood red. Fear hit Obi-Wan, Master Yoda was turning to the dark side too. Yoda flipped up swung at Kenobi than flipped again even before he hit the ground. Obi-Wan blocked them with his lightsaber then he turned and ran back up the ramp into Padme’s ship. He had to go to somewhere else to heal Padme and fast. He took off flying away.


Yoda stood shocked at what he had done. He had turned to the dark side and tried to kill Ob-Wan. He left the hangar and walked down the hall. Organa walked toward him “Master Yoda what happened, Obi-Wan just blasted off the asteroid.” Yoda activated his saber and thrust it into Organa’s skull. Soon Darth Sidious would arrive.

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We'll find out.


Yeah. Good point.


Sigh...Seriously, it's my time to be redeemed. I have suffered enough hunger, pain, hatred, and anger. Now it's my time to save the galaxy. [looking at his crimson lightsaber, he closed his eyes. And used "Force Crush" to crush it into thousands of pieces.] Farewell, Dark side! May the force with all Jedi.
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^^^thanks Jason and soon you will


I hear a new apprentice you have Emperor. Or should I call you Darth Sidious-Yoda


Chapter 2 The Taking of the Throne


Sidious flew into the Polis Massa hangar after making sure Vader was alright in his new armor. He looked forward for Yoda to join him on the dark side. He landed and saw Yoda waiting for him. He walked toward him, “Ah Master Yoda how are you.”


“No longer Yoda I am now I am Darth Yoda.”


“I see Darth Yoda, I look forward to our rule of the galaxy.”


“Not much to look forward there is, about to end your rule is.”


Yoda activated Anakin’s lightsaber, Sidious did the same. “You have lied to me Master Yoda.”


“Lied I have not, just know rule you will have my rule it will be.”


Yoda flipped to the side throwing his saber at Sidious. Distracted Sidious turned to stop the twirling saber. Yoda picked up Sidious’s ship and threw it at him. It hit Sidious and sent him flying. Yoda grabbed Sidious’s blood red saber and thrust it into Sidious skull. He then turned and got in the CIS bomber that Obi-Wan had left on his way back from Utapau. He sent out a distress signal to the Star Destroyer that Sidious came in saying Yoda had betrayed him. The Star Destroyer decided to let him in. He landed the Imperial shuttle in the Star Destroyer in the hangar and walked to the ramp. He paused the stormtroopers might shoot him if they saw him. He pushed the access button to lower the ramp. He walked down, the Stormtroopers raised there blasters as they saw him.


“What is this where is the Emperor” the ship’s Admiral demanded.


“No longer Emperor Palpatine is.”




“Died he has, Emperor I am now.”


“This is outrages.”


Darth Yoda had enough, he activated Anakin’s saber and cut down the officer. Another officer ordered the Stormtroopers to put down there blasters. He stepped up, “My lord, my ship since I am now Admiral” he said as he glanced down at the formal Admiral’s dead body. “Agrees to your grasp for power and will fight with you.”


“Good” Yoda replied. “Now take me to the last place you were you must.” With that Yoda turned and walked away to his new throne room.

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Yup, this is good, and on the rise. I hope we see some serious trydactil-Yoda like *** whoopin'. :D Great job Grivis.


Also, john_ctg, where in the heck did you get that quote? ^o)


I made it up. If it is not appropriate, I will change it. Just for fun.

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