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"Life's a... BENCH!"-The Official Dead Rising Thread

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It looks kinda cool, but I think if the 360 had any other decent games out, it would be overlooked and forgotten about. Having said that, I still think Zombies rawk and would be interested in playing it.


Try Stubbs the Zombie. I think that one is backwards compatibile, right? Actually don't try it because it sucks. It was so repititve. I really wanted to love it, but I just can't. It's cool for 30 minutes then lame. I'm trading it in next chance I get.

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It looks kinda cool, but I think if the 360 had any other decent games out, it would be overlooked and forgotten about. Having said that, I still think Zombies rawk and would be interested in playing it.


Try Stubbs the Zombie. I think that one is backwards compatibile, right? Actually don't try it because it sucks. It was so repititve. I really wanted to love it, but I just can't. It's cool for 30 minutes then lame. I'm trading it in next chance I get.

Eh, giving it a shot. Getting it on PC for free, using a totally legal method that is really, really, nice and totally legal... yep. Nothing evil and subtle there.

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Try Stubbs the Zombie. I think that one is backwards compatibile, right? Actually don't try it because it sucks. It was so repititve. I really wanted to love it, but I just can't. It's cool for 30 minutes then lame. I'm trading it in next chance I get.

I wanted to try Stubbs. Eating brains sounds like my kinda thing!

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Stubbs is pretty cheap now, so it might be worth it. If I had spent 50 bucks on it instead of 10 I would have to say it wasn't worth it. But if you're pro-zombie there really arent too many other choices where you can get the oppourtunity to eat someon's brain. Go for it!

Too many people are anti-zombie, as apparent here:


The following is a response from Wideload, the game company who created Stubbs the zombie regarding the "cannibalism" story,


The current kerfuffle in the US media about Stubbs the Zombie can be summed up in one word: semantics.


Stubbs, they say, is a cannibal.


This is nonsense, as anyone with a working knowledge of cannibals can tell you. Stubbs fails all the classic litmus tests for cannibalism. He does not wear a bone through his nose. He does not help FBI agents track down serial killers. He has not written a cookbook. He is not named Jeffrey Dahmer. The list goes on and on.


Stubbs is a zombie. Thus the title "Stubbs the Zombie." Zombies eat brains. That's what they do. Stubbs cannot just saunter into the cafeteria and order a plate of Freedom Fries. He has to fight for his meals. In fact, actual cannibals only make it harder for Stubbs to eat, which is why this "cannibalism" story is insulting as well as injurious.


It's no surprise that the all-human media cartel resorts to distortions and name-calling; their anti-zombie bias has been evident for decades, and Stubbs is just the newest target.


If you're a thinking adult, you're probably ready to hear the other side of the story. You'll find it in Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse, in stores now for Xbox, PC and Macintosh. Don't let the humanity-centric media tell you what to think about zombies. A free mind is a tasty mind.



Zombies are people too.


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