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MC: AOTE: Fraught With Disappointment


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The Echo was slowly brought into the Hanger of the imperial dreadnaught. Nic walked down to the Cargo bay and got ready for the inevitable imperial swarms that would infest the ship seconds after the gears hit the hanger surface. Nic knew that these imperial inspections could get pretty nasty real quick, just the slightest thing could end them up with a heavy fine or even thrown in prison.

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After Nic's announcement, Jana downed the rest of her beer, almost two thirds of it in just a few seconds. Oliver's eyes widened at the unexpected motion and he dropped his own, staring at Jana as his beer spilled over her floor. She stared back for a moment and then gestured to the spilled beer.


"When we're through with the Imps, you'll be cleaning that up," she said. "C'mon, Ollie... let's go."


What startled Impe further was that Jana seemed perfectly sober, no trace of instability on her feet or anything after downing two-thirds of a beer as quickly as she had. Almost as if hearing his thoughts, she answered his confusion.


"The stuff just doesn't affect me like it does others," she said. "Back in the TCTA, one guy was bragging about how many drinks he could take in a row. Said nobody could beat him. Over the next three weeks, he went up against a different person every night. Was true, even the non-humans could outdrink him."


"But you did?" Oliver asked. Jana smiled faintly.


"More than just outdrunk him," she answered with a light chuckle. "I barely felt a buzz by the time he couldn't see straight. Poured more of the stuff over his clothing after that. Finally passed out ten minutes later... and I could've taken more."


"Wish I were like that," Oliver muttered.


"And I'm glad you're not," Jana was quick to reply. "I wish I weren't..."


But she left it at that and they joined Nic in the hangar.


"Imperial inspection, eh?" Jana asked thoughtfully. "Did they say why they're suddenly so interested in us? Or are they trying to pass an unusual event off as 'routine' because of..." she shrugged, "Oh... something, I don't know. They're unusually crafty at finding reasons to do something not routine..."


She frowned and shook her head, but said nothing more.

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As the door to the med bay opened, the two Stormtroopers who had escorted Beryl there appeared.


Beryl lay still, her eyes half-closed, pretending to be ‘groggy’ from the sedative that Conn never gave her. Inside, though, she was dreading this next stage. Processing. That sounded like a heap of fun. Not.


One of the Stormies snorted, the hollow sound echoing from the voicebox in his bucket-like helmet. “Heh. Not so much of a firecracker now, huh?” he said, nudging Beryl’s shoulder with a gloved finger.


“Yeah,” said the other trooper, who was obviously the more senior of the two. “They’re always a lot more compliant when they come outta here.” He tugged on Beryl’s binders and hauled her to a sitting position, then placed his hand underneath one of her arms. “C’mon,” he said to her. “Up you go.”


Beryl was hauled to her feet, each trooper taking an arm of hers each and holding her between them as they dragged her off the exam table to a semi-standing position.


Conn approached them, holding the bag with Beryl's clothes in one hand and the bin with her knick-knacks in the other. "Don't forget these," he said, handing the bag to one stormtrooper and the bin to the other. "And do try to be more gentle when handling prisoners. I really do hate it when you lot make more work for me."


“Tell that to the bounty hunters,” the senior trooper replied. He shook the bin. “Any contraband?”




“Damn,” the other trooper said quietly.


“Watch yourself,” his superior cautioned. “We’re not supposed to do any confiscating. That’s the controller’s job, remember?”


With her head hanging, they began to drag Beryl out into the corridor. “C’ya, doc,” the first stormtrooper said over his shoulder, with a twinge of contempt in his voice. “You do nice work. She cleaned up well.” His wicked chuckle echoed from his helmet as the door slid shut.

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"You know the usual, We have a ship with guns, hence we are bad people and they must make sure we're livin' the imperial dream." Nic Replied.


The ship suddenly shook as the Echo was brought into the Reapers hanger bay. It shook a second time and the gears touched the metalic surface of the hanger. Nic hit the airlock open button and stood in the middle of the room.


Within seconds 20 stormtroopers ran into the room with their weapons raised.

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The Imperial officer walked onto the bridge after the stormtroopers had surrounded the reminants of the crew. "That's for us to decide." He replied to Jacks question as he stepped up to Nic, and looked him up and down.


"Arrest them and take them to the brig." He ordered his stormtroopers.


"Whooo. You have no grounds." Nic replied.


"Really, You see a ship of this class was found smuggling a jedi 6 months ago and now you just so happen to be dropping one off in a prison." The Officer informed.


The Stormtroopers removed all the weapons from their prisoner and binded their hands behind their backs

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Outside the interrogation room, the two stormtroopers stood at attention. They had heard a bit of yelling, but that wasn't too unusual, but then again, they both knew better than to believe it was just yelling. They knew all too well what happened behind that door.


Then, they heard a woman screaming out. As their adrenaline spiked a little from the surprise, they settled down quickly. As they listened, they could tell that whomever was interrogating her had to have been doing something horrifying. The trooper began to think about it for a moment and started to cycle through various options.


Rape?? No, that had never elicited that type of a response. Branding?? Possibly, as he had personally seen it done to a prisoner before. Capitalizing on a phobia?? Again, another possibility. A new torture device?? Definitely a possibility. In fact, that was the most likely scenario as the guys from the Jedi Facility always enjoyed an opportunity to test one of their new "toys".


In either case, this one was definitely screaming in absolute terror. Then, the screaming started to fade, and finally stopped. Suddenly, the door swung open as two other troopers were very quickly carrying a body outside. Hmm, well, I guess that "toy" worked a little too well, the trooper thought to himself.



Meanwhile, the two troopers very quickly moved through the hallways as they carried an unconscious Ryshana to the medbay. Finally arriving, they practically pushed the men carrying Beryl out of the way as they entered the medbay. Moving past Conn, they set her down on the table.


Following Ryshana and the troopers was the Colonel from the Interrogation Rooms. "Doc, we have an emergency," the Colonel stated quickly.

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Conn had just finished up the paperwork for Beryl when the doors to the med bay slid open again, admitting two more stormtroopers dragging an unconscious Twi'lek woman and an Imperial Colonel. The stormtroopers placed the woman on the table and the Colonel approached Conn at his desk. Conn stood up hastily and threw a salute.


The colonel returned it, then stated breathlessly, "Doc, we have an emergency."


Conn grabbed his medkit and made for the table. "What's wrong with her?"

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Nic, Cloud, Oliver, Jack and Jana were all had their binders removed from their hands and were thrown(some more literally than others) into the same cell. Nic sat on one of the bunks by the side and leaned against the wall.


This wasn't his first time in imperial cells but it was the first time they didn't have any real reason to put him in one. Nic tilted his head back and closed his eyes as if he was getting ready to get some sleep. "This wasn't part of the plan."

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"She passed out, and we weren't getting a heartbeat," the Colonel replied. "The rest is up to you, Doctor."


With that, the Colonel remained where he was to make it obvious that he wasn't going to leave. He'd been in this situation before, but he was aware that Conn didn't like him being there mostly because the prisoners were often times just marched right back to the interrogation room for more questioning.

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"I don't suppose this is the condition she was received in, was it?" Conn asked dryly, allowing a small hint of bitterness to creep into his voice. He wasn't really expecting an answer, since it was clearly obvious that this Twi'lek woman was the Jedi that caused the alert and that she had already been put through an arduous Imperial interrogation. Jedi were treated ten times harsher than normal prisoners and Conn had been challenged on more than a few occasions to bring them back from the dead. He hoped he wouldn't have to do the same with this one.


Upon examination, however, it became apparent that he'd have to pull this one from death's clutches as well. The Twi'lek woman's purple skin was cold and clammy to the touch and she wasn't breathing. She had a host of other injuries, but the most important thing at the moment was getting her heart restarted. He'd no idea how long she'd been out, but it was safe to assume that the Imperials had pushed her to the limits. He took a pulse detector and wrapped it around her arm. Pulling two defib pads from underneath the table, he hit a few controls on the console, then placed one pad on the right side of the Twi'lek's chest and the other on her left side just under her ribcage. "Clear!" he called out before pressing the buttons on the pads, sending an electrical charge through the woman's body.

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Beryl let the Stormies drag her down the corridor for a while, but then she started to try to regain her footing. After all, it wasn’t as if she was supposed to be completely unconscious. And she didn’t imagine that the sedative that Conn should have used would have been that long lasting. But as she raised her eyes, she was shocked by what she saw.


Two troopers very quickly moved toward them, barrelling through the corridor as they carried an unconscious Ryshana to the medbay. Beryl couldn’t help but let out a gasp. Taking the risk of ‘reconnecting’ herself to the Force, she tried to mentally reach out to her friend and ‘Master’, but then shuddered at what she sensed. Or rather, what she couldn’t sense.


Taking it as their prisoner was merely coming out from under the effects of the sedative, the two troopers holding her took little notice as they let their comrades pass.


“Was that the Jedi?” one of them said to the other.


“Yeah. S’pect they’ll be taking her to processing soon. If she survives,” he added with a casual snort.


They tugged Beryl to her feet and she stumbled along with them to the processing area, head still hung low so that neither of them would see the look of dread on her face. She had to fight back the urge to resist them and go and help her friend, but then she felt the bacta bandage on her ribs shift, and she remembered Conn. Conn would help Ryshana. She was sure of it.


Beryl and her escorts were ‘greeted’ by the same Imperial soldier in grey that had slapped her across the face earlier. This time, he had a smug look on his face, and as he approached her, she cast her eyes submissively down to the floor, fearing that if he looked at her eyes close enough, he’d be able to tell she wasn’t as ‘sedated’ as she appeared.


He stood in front of her as if thinking of a way to accost or verbally assault her, but as she said nothing and didn’t look up, he made his way back to his control desk. In a few moments, he returned, and she felt a sharp pain in her arm. He had injected something hard just under her skin.


“You are now Prisoner 21790,” he said to her. When she didn’t respond, he roughly grabbed her chin. “Do you understand?” he growled in her face.


Beryl blinked a few times, and nodded groggily.


“Good.” He released her, and stepped back to his station. Then, she heard a door slide open. “Take her down,” he said to the Stormtroopers.


Take her down? Beryl thought nervously. But as she was dragged through the door, she understood what he had meant. She was in an elevator.

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Ryshana's body jolted with the shock from the defrib pads. On the monitor, a single beep let out but soon flatlined. The first shock didn't work. The Colonel looked on a bit nervously as it happened, and he knew that her death would mean hours worth of paperwork for him to deal with.


However, before the defrib pads recharged, the monitor started beeping. The result was a bit puzzling since a normal heart doesn't just start up on its own.


"Well, Doc, it looks like you won't have to work so hard after all. We're done with the questioning; so go ahead and get her processed," the Colonel stated. Sitting down in Conn's chair, the Colonel waited for him to get started.

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"They're charming," Jana said sarcastically after a period of being uncharacteristically silent. Frowning, she shook her head. "However our 'friend', Mr. Dreadnought Captain might not be acting of his own accord... there might be someone else behind this..."


She frowned and stared intently at the door to the cell, again falling into silence.

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Conn was just as surprised as the colonel was as the woman's seemingly cooperative heart. Small blessings, he thought to himself as he stowed the defib pads away and moved to his console to scan the battered Twi'lek. His scans showed the type of injuries typically associated with Imperial hospitality: cracked ribs, bruises everywhere and a mild concussion. Two anomalies ere present, however. One was the metal ring she had around her neck; he'd never seen anything like it before, but it seemed to act on her nervous system, judging from the readouts. He frowned darkly as he surmised it to be a new Imperial torture device; they were quite fond of using such things, especially on Jedi.


The other anomaly was much more welcome. It seemed the Twi'lek woman had an artificial heart. The jolt that Conn had applied had given it just enough of a boost to start pumping again. Small blessings indeed.


Conn grabbed his medkit and moved back to the table. Extracting a syringe, he filled it with a viscous green chemical, then injected it into the woman's arm.


The colonel craned his head to get a better look. "What is that you're injecting her with, doctor?"


"A sedative," Conn replied, throwing a look at the Imperial officer. "And save it, colonel. This woman has been through enough. She could use the respite."


The colonel looked as if he was about to protest, then thought better of it and said nothing.


Conn turned back to his patient and breathed a small sigh of relief. He'd always bucked authority before because the Imperials trusted him to do his job well, but he was beginning to wonder just how long his luck would run before they'd decide to make him more compliant. He pushed the thought out of his mind as he worked on the Jedi woman's injuries. Hers were much more extensive than Beryl's had been, so he had to use quite a few more bacta bandages. Her skimpier clothing made it that much easier to work on her, as he didn't have to contend with it as he was treating her injuries. She was groggy from the sedative he'd given her, only opening her eyes slightly as he treated her face with bacta swabs. Conn could feel the pain radiate from her and was glad that his sedative was allieviating most of it. Finishing up his treatments, he moved to remove the Jedi's binders, but was stopped by one of the stormtroopers.


"We can't have you do that, doctor," the colonel's voice intoned from behind him.


He half-looked back at the officer. "It's only for a moment, to prep her for decontamination." He looked back at the stormtroopers. "And you have your lackeys here to shoot her if she tries anything funny. Though I doubt she will, given how much I've sedated her."


This seemed to sate the colonel for the moment. "Very well then."


Conn undid the binders, then scooped the Twi'lek into his arms. She was surprisingly light. He walked over to the decontamination chamber, the two stormtroopers in tow. Setting her down carefully, removed her shirt, then reshackled her hands and lifted her into the chamber. Securing her binders in the straps in the ceiling, he removed the rest of her clothing, then looked at the colonel pointedly when he came to the ring around her neck. "I don't suppose this thing is waterproof," he said dryly.


The colonel made a face. "It isn't. Will decontamination take long?"


"Not more than a few minutes. And I've sedated her heavily, so there's very little risk of her waking up," he added, answering the colonel's question before it was asked.


The colonel didn't seem too happy with this prospect, but he nodded and motioned for the stormtroopers to raise their rifles towards the chamber.


"Now that's just uncalled for," Conn muttered under his breath as he reached up and unsnapped the collar from around the Jedi's neck. Moving off, he closed the chamber door and started up the decontamination process. Setting the collar aside, he rummaged through her clothing, removing various items and placing them in a bin, much like he'd done with Beryl's. When the console beeped at him, he grabbed a set of prison clothes from underneath a desk, as well as a roll of bandage tape, a towel and the collar and made for the chamber door. It hissed open, emitting steam. Conn carefully took the Twi'lek into his arms again, folding the towel over her body. He strode quickly to the table, again with the stormtroopers in tow, and set her down again. Taking the prison trousers, he pulled them with some difficulty onto her lower half, then used the bandage tape to wrap her upper torso and parts of her head and lekku. He then snapped the collar back onto her neck, making sure the colonel saw him do it. She was still drifting in and out of consciousness and he idly hoped that the extra-powerful sedative he had given her would last through whatever further torture they had planned for her.


He gave her clothes and items to the nearest stormtrooper and faced the colonel. "I don't suppose you'd let me see her again in a week, just to check on her?" he asked, fighting to keep the sarcasm out of his voice as he knew full well he'd never see this Jedi again, if past experiences were any indication.

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"That won't be necessary, Doctor, although your dedication is admirable," the Colonel stated. "And you won't have to worry about more torture this time; she gave us the information we wanted just before she passed out. Besides, I'm likely to get my own form of torture when the Captain finds out how far things went. You know how he is."


With that, the two stormtroopers picked up Ryshana and headed out of the medbay. "Well, that's the last of the new prisoners. So take it easy, ehh?" he said as he turned around and followed the troopers.


Going down another series of hallways, Ryshana was struggling to stay awake. Earlier, she had become fully awake just briefly in the shower. Without the collar on, she had been able to use the Force to awaken herself and actually get her bearings straight, even if she had been extremely groggy from the sedative. Letting herself drift back out, she now found herself looking up at the ceiling as she tried to wake up from the sedative.


Finally, though, she was set down on a cart in a room. "Ahh, Colonel Mathyhuse, I see that you've brought me another specimen to work on. Its definitely been a while," a man stated somewhere in the room.


"Yeah, well, stow the thanks, Twerna. If I had it my way, we'd still be trying to get some info on her," the Colonel replied.


"Yes, I know. You always seem to have a knack for abusing my specimens enough that I have to wait at least a week before I can start on them," the man named Twerna replied.


"Stow it, Twerna. That's your problem, so deal with it. Now, would you hurry up with those 'prints?"


"Yes, yes," he replied as Ryshana could here the sound of datapads being sorted out. "And there you are Colonel. Now, was there anything else that you needed?"


"Absolutely not. Now get the prisoner out of my sight," the Colonel replied sharply.


Just as Ryshana thought that she was about to go, a man stood over her. With the sedative still working, she couldn't really make out any features on the man's face. "Well, it looks like the good Doctor did a good job of patching her up. Perhaps we won't have to wait so long this time. Anyways, lets get her into the elevator. We've got a long trip ahead of us," Twerna said to somebody in the room.


As they picked her up on a stretcher this time, Ryshana decided that if it was a long journey, it'd be better off if she was sleeping so the time would pass quicker. Almost as soon as she thought of it, her eyes closed again, and she was out cold.

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Conn watched as the stormtroopers dragged the Twi'lek Jedi out of the med bay, the colonel in tow. He didn't really trust the Imperial officer's word that the Jedi wasn't going to be tortured again, but he took small solace in the fact that he'd done all he could to alleviate her suffering. He'd lost more than a few Jedi on his operating table, so every one that left his med bay alive was a victory.


Sighing, he went about filling out the paperwork for the Jedi. It was scant, since it was basically just a list of her injuries; the Imperials never provided any substantive information on the Jedi he treated. Finishing it up, he spotted a stray bacta swab on his desk. It was then he remembered putting it aside from when he was treating Beryl's injuries on a hunch. He grabbed it and made his way to his testing equipment.

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The energy field keeping the Crew in the cell deactivated as the imperial officer and several stormtrooperswalked in. The officer looked down at a clipboard in his hand. "Take the corellian girl to interrigation room 23, The pilot to 13, The medic to 5 and the Enginneer to 7." The officer ordered as stormtroopers walked towards their perspective prisoners and binded their hands.


"Hey what about me?" Nic asked feeling a little left out.


"Oh You." The officer replied. "The captain wants to see you."


((OK Grace and steven you can be interrigated anyway you want, Tortured have a good imp, bad imp. I'll take control of Oliver and one of you can take control of cloude)

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The trip to interrogation room 23 was a short one and Jana was quite happy for her 'escorts' being silent. She had a lot on her mind and wasn't sure how she'd react to chatty Stormtroopers. She smirked slightly, wondering if there even was such a thing. An officer was waiting in the room for her and looked up as she entered, trailed by the guards.


"Set her across the table there," the officer instructed, as if the guards had no idea what they were doing. In typical silence, they did as ordered and left the room. As the officer shuffled through a few papers on the table, Jana stared at him, her gaze unwavering. Finally, in annoyance, he looked up.


"Oh, you want to get started then?" he asked. Apparently, the question was rhetorical, as he merely shuffled a few more papers and cleared his throat. Then, the interrogation began.


"What is your name?" he asked. Jana stared at him for another moment longer in silence before answering.


"Gerani Mo."


"And what is your..." the officer began. Abruptly, he paused and frowned. Lifting his eyes from the paperwork before him, he snapped, "Your real name."


A brief look of surprise flashed across Jana's face. "If you know my real name, why ask?"


"I want to hear you say it," he answered. "And once you've settled enough to give me your real name, stare very hard at me again until you realize who I am."


Jana's mouth fell open. "Marcus Hallsey?"


With an 'almost cheerful' wave, Officer Hallsey said, "Hello, Ms. Vincent. Now that you know I know who you are, why don't we be a little more open about the truth, shall we?"


"I never pictured you as an Imperial interrogator," Jana observed. "Though, I guess you were enough of a smartass for it."


"It's a good job," Hallsey answered. "And rather interesting sometimes. Did you know I've been attacked at least ten times in the last month?"


"I bet you loved it," Jana quipped. Hallsey almost smiled.


"Are you going to come at me too?" he wondered. Jana laughed sharply.


"I could kick you from here to Corellia and back in a fair fight," she bragged. Hallsey nodded.


"Indeed you could," he agreed. "But this ain't a fair fight. And we're long past TCTA. I'm an interrogator. You're going to answer my questions."


"Programmed you, did they?" Jana snapped harshly. "Programmed you to see how great and beautiful the Empire is? Programmed you to ignore all the pain and the fear caused by your wonderful leader."


"Those comments alone are reason enough for me to send you to an Imperial prison for the rest of your life," Hallsey snapped. "However, that won't be the way things go. You will answer my questions."


"That depends on the questions you ask," Jana challenged.


"Name!" Hallsey barked.


"Gerani Mo." Hallsey let out an exasperated sigh and Jana smirked. "I'll stick with Gerani 'till I go blue in the face. You may as well ask the next question."


"What is your position aboard the ship... Echo, is it?"


Jana shook her head. "What an odd name for a ship. No, that's not it's name... so far as I've ever heard, it doesn't have one. I'm the chef."


"A chef with a black eye?" Hallsey wondered doubtfully. "What'd you do, ram your head on a hanging pot?"


"I have a horrid temper," Jana answered shortly. "And it was sorta fun taking my anger out on that idiot smuggler we handed over at the prison just before your fool of a captain decided we were suspect for some reason or another!"


"That's a second count against you, Ms. Vincent," Hallsey said. He shook his head. "You are just as stubborn as you were at TCTA."


"I don't know what you're talking about," Jana snapped. Hallsey rolled his eyes.


"Your name is Jana Vincent," he said. "Your ship, is the Echo, you are not the chef. You are the first officer. Now that you have a taste of what we know... let's begin. How long have you had the Jedi aboard."


Jana fell silent and would not speak. Hallsey sighed.


"I can make this harder for you, you know," he said. Jana glared at him.


"You would," she muttered. Raising her voice, she said, "So do it. I'm sure you'd just love to see how much torture I can take. And all the while you know I'd die before giving..."


Without warning, Hallsey reached across the table and backhanded Jana's left cheek.


"Before giving me information?" he demanded softly. "I warn you, Jana, the people above me are more than willing to kill you off... especially considering your attachment to your captain."


"I don't know what you're talking about," Jana snapped. Hallsey shrugged.


"You will," he said. "Just wait 'till they pit you against the Monster."


"What's that?" Jana scoffed. "Some creature going to eat me?"


"Worse," Hallsey answered. "She'll rip your brain apart and learn everything you know."


With that, he stood and left the interrogation room. Several long minutes went by before the door opened again. Jana glanced over her shoulder, but could see nothing more than a shadowy figure. Slowly, the newcomer crossed the room, finally taking a stand across the table from Jana.


"Hello, Jana Vincent," a rich, eerily familiar voice said, not unkindly. "I am the Monster."


Jana's jaw fell open in disbelief as she stared across the table at none other than Reibe Vailar.

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Nic walked hands binded behind his back down a long metal corridor with two storm troopers either side of him. They were following the imperial officer that had greeted them at the hanger. Soon they arrived at the Captain's office and the officer knocked onit. There was no answer for a few moments and nic looked above the door and noticed a camera focused on his face. The door then slid open and the officer walked in, one of the troopers pushed nic and then they both stood either side of the door after it closed. The room was quite small with a large window at the back, The Captains chair was turned so he Nic couldn't see the captain.


"We've brought the Prisoner as you requested." The officer Informed.


The Captain did not reply and continued to look out of the large window.


"I gotta say i feel inda honoured, Captains don't usually interrorgatePrissoners themselves." Nic replied with more than a hint of Arrogance.


Secconds past with out a reply when the Captain Let out a destinctively short laugh. Nic's heart skipped a beat at what he heard as the arrogance was replaced with shock.


"Well i like to make Exceptions for people i know." The Captain began to speak. Nic's jaw dropped and eyes widened as his suspicions from the laugh were almost confirmed. The chair swirled around so the captain was now face to face with Nic. "Hello Simon!"

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"Hello Mr.Goren," said Jack's interrogator as he entered the room a neatly put his coat on the opposite chair from Jack's own chair across the table.


"Morining," Jack replied "By the way nice coat. It suit's you."


"Shut up," the interrogator replied. "Tell me about the Echo."


"It's a spaceship, has the good gun or two, for protection reasons of corse. Not much else I can say, I've only been working on it for two or three months you see." Jack replied.


"Then what's your impressions on the crew?" The man asked, his questions had Jack wondering why he was being interrogated at all.


"They're allright, got plenty of character though," Jack replied "Have to worry about that Beryl though, found a few holodisks in her room. A few naughty holodisks. A girl on girl one was included. Kinda makes me wonder. And I've noticed that Cloud is becoming... how would I put it? Interested in her. Not surprised though, she is rather attracted but a little young for my type. Ohh, imagine the look on his face if he saw... maybe he'll find that a turn-on, it's does turn some people on accutally.. how about you?"


The man ignored the question and moved onto another one of his "What happened on the Rhea?"


"Rhea? Why'd you ask?" Jack wasn't answered, he just recived a dark glare from the interrogator "Well we went on the Rhea, we looked around and then your guys showed up. We escaped."


"There's something your not telling me Mr.Goren. And I'm going to get the answers. Do you know what I'm famous for." The man asked.


"Catering?" Replied Jack, taking a wild stap in the dark.


"No, torture. And do you know what my favorate torture methord is?"


"No wait, you have Hutt Porn!! Please say it's not Hutt Porn... Please, don't show it to me. The last time I caught a glipmse of it I nearly shot myself." Jack joked, hoping he was really begining to annoy this man. However the laughed and shook his head.

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Reibe sat down in the chair just recently vacated by Hallsey, across the table from Jana. She studied the papers for a moment and burst into laughter.


"Gerani Mo?" she giggled. "Oh, my dear, I really ought to introduce you all to my ID expert. Jana still said nothing and finally, Reibe's laughter settled and she examined Jana casually.


"Jana, I should tell you something," she said softly. "I am not here by choice."


"You'd say that aloud in an interrogation cell?" Jana retorted. "I'm sure they're recording every word."


Reibe laughed. "Oh, no they're far to fearful of me for that," she said. "After hearing one of my interrogations, they decided they just didn't want to know what I did to people. Seeing them after the interrogation is more than enough."


"And that's what you'll do to me?" Jana snapped. "Make me... not me?"


"I'll teach you how to look 'not you', as you so artfully put it," Reibe said cheerfully. Sobering a little, she went on, "Jana, I am not here by choice."


"You said that already," Jana reminded her.


"Of course I did," Reibe nodded. "Yes, of course I did. Now are you going to interrupt me again, or do I get to tell the story?"


"Tell away," Jana sighed, still unsure of the other woman's true allegience.


"Imperials are trained to shoot first, ask questions later," Reibe began. "And I didn't have my shields up. Lucky shot, they had, fried my left engine and sent me reeling toward the planet. Tatooine, I think it was." She shuddered at the memory. "Ghastly planet, really. At any rate, there was no explosion, so they figured I'd survived and sent someone down to investigate."


"And you bribed your way out of prison time?" Jana interrupted. Reibe laughed.


"You never were one for patience," she said. "No, there were no bribes. I told them my name, they tried to take me by force, I told them they were free to walk around with me... ect. and so forth. At any rate, finally one of them asked if I wouldn't mind seeing their commanding officer. That happened to be Admiral Tocsa, someone I'm familiar with. He managed to place a call to the Emperor himself."


"And big daddy Palpatine wanted to know where the hell you've been," Jana summarized. Reibe grinned.


"More or less, yes," she agreed. "I told him I'd left him a note that I was hunting Jedi in the Outer Rim and that he must not have gotten it. Reminded him how karked up the mail system is lately." She giggled slightly. "He promised to reorganize it."


"He makes promises to you?" Jana wondered, trying to determine exactly how much of this story she could believe.


"On the rare occasion, yes," Reibe agreed. "So he asked me if I wouldn't mind hanging around with Admiral Tocsa for a while... overseeing interrogation. I did for a while. And then..." She paused. "Did you want anything to drink? Corellian Ale perhaps?"


"And then what?" Jana insisted. Reibe shook her head.


"And then, I got a call from Vader," she answered. "Turns out Admiral Tocsa was a traitor to the Empire... spreading falsehoods and feeding information to pirate groups. I killed him and promoted Jonas Petraelias to his position. So far as I know, Petraelias is still commanding that fleet. But my usefulness there was at an end, since I'd turned the entire fleet into frightened babies when I killed their Admiral." She smirked.


"So you got transferred here," Jana filled in the blank. Reibe frowned.


"Jana, I was not transferred," she corrected. "I am never transferred. I move about as I desire, on the occasion agreeing to a polite request given by either Wrinkle-Face or his asthmatic giant lackey."


"Wonder what Vader would think of being called that," Jana giggled. Reibe laughed.


"You should hear what both of them had to say upon hearing their nicknames," she exclaimed. "Palps was all like, 'Eh... mind not calling me that?' and Vader was just doing his heavy breathing thing... trying to be intimidating, I imagine."


"And yet a five foot nothing freak of nature is just that hard to intimidate," Jana teased.


"Freak of nature?" Reibe echoed. She nodded. "Suppose I am. Well at any rate, I agreed to come over here... the captain's name is Kriss Raikeeli. Nice enough fellow, I suppose. A little cold, but what else can you expect from an Imp, eh? So here I am. Funny how we keep running into each other, huh? You'd think after thirty years we'd drift apart."


"Maybe you can explain that," Jana suggested. Reibe raised an eyebrow.


"Sounds like maybe you have a few ideas of your own," she observed. "However, we're not ready for that yet... I really do need to interrogate you."


"So you're just another..." Jana began, but Reibe's eyes blazed.


"Don't you dare accuse me of being like that filth!" she hissed. "The only reason I'm still here is because I've had no decent opening for escape." She collapsed backward into her chair and groaned. "Jana, do you have any idea how hard it is? To be in the same place, day in and day out, every day hating what you do, but having no escape?"


"I'm still unsure of you or I'd suggest you help us escape and leave with us," Jana muttered. Reibe smiled.


"It's a kind offer, but it would blow my cover," she said. "Now, interrogation. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing."


Jana flinched ever so slightly as Reibe reached out and gently gripped her head, one hand on either side...

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Peering intently into his microscope's eyepiece, Conn adjusted the slide with the sample of blood he'd taken from the bacta swab he'd used on Beryl. Carefully isolating the bacta and alazhi molecules with microscopic controls, he studied the blood composition carefully. Fairly standard, he thought to himself. Mostly erythrocytes, a healthy number of leukocytes, probably how she manages to keep herself alive through all the crazy stuff she puts herself through. He frowned and looked even closer, trying to find something he wasn't really sure was even there when a beep went off next to him.


He raised his head from the microscope and looked at the centrifuge sitting a few feet away from it to his right. He picked out a tube and swirled its contents, watching the dark fluid move and separate. Moving to another set of instruments, he placed the tube into a receptacle in a console and pressed a series of keys. The machine whirred for a few moments, then began producing information on the screen built into the console. Conn read the data as it was splashed onto the display, his eyes growing progressively wider. No way, this can't be...

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((OCC-@Steven- youdon't have to change what you did but so you know. The crew are suppose to be saying they found beryl piloting a ship smuggling Ryshanna.))


Nic stood in the office facing the one man he never wanted to come across again, the person he had been running from for all the years. Nothing had been said since the Captain had said Nic's old name, the name his father had gave him but he had to change all those years ago.


"No wise crack Simon." The Captain finally spoke. "Commander was he armed?"


"Aye Sir!" The officer replied placing Nic's pistol and Ryshanna's Lightsabre on to his desk.


"Well." The Captain said looking at the lightsabre. "This is interesting, but something is still missing, isn't Simon?"


Nic Remained Silent looking distressed at the Captain.


"Commander if you'll be so kind to check his right boot, there should be a concealed pocket." The Imperial officer bent down to Nic's side and reached into the boot and pulled out his Knife. "Ahhh Simon, i still know you, You haven't changed that much."


"I wish I could say the same Kriss. Mum and Dad must be turning in their Graves. Joining the Imps." Nic replied.


"Well my brother Speaks!"


"I thought dead to you." Nic said. "I remember you saying you never wanted to see me again."


"I was... hasty." Kriss replied his expression changing to one of anger. "I want Revenge Simon, And i always get what I want... Commander This prisoner is now a level one priority, ensure his interrogation suits that."


"But Captain, Reibe says she wishes to interrogate the first officer." The commander informed.


Nics mind was suddenly switched on hearing the name the commander said. 'what is she doing here?' he thought.


"Then Begin it yourself and have Reibe brought to me immediately." He Ordered.


The officer then grabbed Nic by the clothes and pulled him out of the room.


((OK 'm going to change Oliver’s Back story to suit my own needs))


Oliver sat on a chair in the Interrogation room all alone, this was a standard imperial technique, leave a suspect to sweat and let their own minds come up with the worse thing that could happen.


He had been their for a full twenty minuets when the Interrogator walked in alone and without saying a word sat down.


"May i first say it's an honour to meet you." The Interrogator began. "It's not everyday i meet one of the men responsible for the Dark Trooper."


"That was a long time ago." Oliver replied looking at the table without emotion.


"Indeed." The Officer concurred. "Once the most Promising Imperial Scientist to a drunk flying with mercenaries and scum."


"Well, We are the life we choose."


"Hmmm... But you didn't choose this life, you lost it for refusing to kill a Rebel."


"She was a teenager." Oliver said with a hint of anger.


"Yes. That's why the Captain is willing to give you that life back, if you want it..."

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