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MC: AOTE: Fraught With Disappointment


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Maxx smirked and sidled into the room, then heaved herself onto the bunk above Sam's. "You're lucky, if you choose to call it that." Stretching her legs, she kicked off her worn shoes onto the floor. "After all, you could have Time as your Trustee. I can see to arrange that for you, if you like."

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Maxx laughed at Beryl's question. "Depends on the kind of corrupt you're talking about, newsie." She observed the reclining smuggler carefully. "We all specialize in different types of seedy dealings, so it really depends on what you're looking for. Because I can tell you're looking for something." She eyed Beryl critically.

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Nearly an hour later, Captain Raikeeli strode into the interrogation room where Reibe was dealing with Nic. Initially, his expression was shocked, taken completely off guard to see his brother in midair and uncomfortably stretched. Then, a grin of satisfaction spread and he chuckled.


"Suffering, is he?" he asked eagerly. At the sound of his voice, Reibe removed her hands from Nic's head and he fell halfway on the table and then into a heap on the floor.


"He has just been put through a considerable amount of pain," Reibe answered wearily. "And I am exhausted."


Without another word, she left the room, leaving the two brothers alone together.

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“Stuff?” Beryl gave Sam a quizzical sort of look. “Stuff like…?” Beryl shook her head. She couldn’t imagine Conn stocking any spice in the med bay. “Nevermind,” she said hurriedly. “I don’t think I want to know.”


There was a loud clunking type of a thud that reverberated through the prison, then the lights began to flicker.


“Lights out!” Beryl heard Time bellow down the corridor, just as everything went dark save for the faint glow of a few security lights that lit the main throughways.


It was silent in Beryl’s cell for the moment, and then she heard a strange, rhythmic wheezing noise from somewhere she couldn't quite place. “What the hell is that?” she asked.


“Wretch,” said Ice from the bunk above her.


Beryl hoped that was someone’s nickname, but she didn’t press the issue with her grumpy bunkmate. She sighed. “So much for a restful night’s sleep...,” she murmured. She had been hoping for some time, and some silence, to ‘meditate,’ but then as she thought about it, she imagined that Ryshana would have told her it was good to practice in less than ideal situations.




Maxx was right. Beryl was looking for something. Or rather, someone. Finally having time alone, and purposely ignoring Maxx’s querying look, Beryl closed her eyes.


She took a few cleansing breaths, then began to relax.


”Close your eyes, and empty your mind of thoughts and questions," she recalled Ryshana’s words.


She did, allowing herself to relax even further. It wasn’t long before she felt the ‘oneness’ with the Force, and so slowly she began to reach out, searching out for any hint of Ryshana.


There was none. This greatly confused Beryl. Had Ryshana been moved off world to some other place? She didn’t think so, but the thought of her friend and mentor being someplace else…. She began to feel the twinges of panic.


“Having a certain degree of serenity is important: it keeps your feelings from distracting you from the Force.”


That must be it, Beryl thought. She wasn’t ‘serene’ enough. And, there was something else.


“The Darkside is distinguished by coldness and death. Whenever you connect to the Force, the way your surroundings feel is how you can determine which side of the Force is leading you,” Beryl recalled Ryshana’s warning.


A prison probably wasn’t the most conducive place to connect to the Light Side of the Force. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t connect to Ryshana, she thought.


She let out a sigh, giving up her search for serenity and her friend for just plain, ‘ol sleep.




Sometime the next morning, standing in the queue with the rest of the prisoners to get food ....


Beryl looked at the bowl that contained a gelled substance of what Ice had told her was breakfast. She sighed, wishing for foodboard instead. Hopefully, this wasn’t a precursor for how the rest of the day would progress.

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((i'm assuming that we're progressing on to day two for those of us involved in the prison part of this rp.))


Ryshana suddenly woke up in great pain. She could feel something literally boring into the base of her skull. Trying to open her eyes or struggle, Ryshana lied there horrified that she couldn't move a single muscle in her body. Heck, she couldn't even breath even though she could feel air moving in and out of her lungs. The pain was so intense that she almost missed the dialog going on in the backround.


"Sir, I'm picking up thought patterns here. I think she might be awake," a female voice stated. Not long after that was said, the pain subsided a bit even though she could still feel something writhing around in the base of her skull.


"Kripes, I thought you guys put her under!!" a familier voice yelled out. "Give her a sleeping agent now!!" With that, Ryshana could here someone scrambling around in the backround. Then, a sharp pain in her shoulder was felt, and she slowly started to feel the pain subside as she drifted off into nothingness.

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Beryl blinked and rubbed her forehead, feeling a slight headache coming on.


Sam sat beside Beryl. "Trust me, you get used to it."


Beryl grimaced as she watched Sam downed a couple of blue pills, then washed them down with the slop in the bowl.


Feeling nauseous, Beryl swallowed hard. She swirled the contents of the bowl around, trying to determine what exactly she was supposed to be eating.


"You gonna eat that?" Ice asked as she stared at Beryl's bowl.


Beryl handed out her bowl to Ice. "I'm not really a 'breakfast' type person," Beryl lied. Oh, what she wouldn't give for some scrambled nuna eggs and some buttered toast right about now.


Ice greedily snatched the bowl from Beryl's hand, then laughed. "Too bad. The prison's not much of a 'lunch' and 'dinner' establishment."


Beryl raised an eyebrow. "They only serve one... 'meal' a day?"


Ice merely grunted.


Beryl sighed. "Great."


She turned to Sam. "So... when do I get to meet with this 'Big Cheese?'"


Ice laughed. "After you finish your shift in the mines, sunshine," she said between her slurps of Beryl's former meal.


"Mines?" Beryl's eyes narrowed. She didn't like Ice's tone of voice and she was getting the distinct impression that what her meaning of 'work' entailed.


"Don't worry. You'll get used to it.” Ice’s friend Biz said, grinning sardonically as she sat down next to her. She reached out and squeezed Beryl’s bicep. “And, it just might put some muscle on you.” Ice rolled up her sleeve then flexed her bare arm, allowing Biz to smooth her hand slowly across her pale skin.


“Yeah, you look pretty soft,” Ice commented to Beryl.


“Soft?” Beryl raised an eyebrow, then snorted. She worked out regularly. She was hardly 'soft'. “Yeah, right.”


At this, Ice stood up. “You saying I’m a liar?” She cracked her knuckles.


Beryl rolled her eyes. Ice was obviously spoiling for a fight, but Beryl had better things to do at the moment. “Sit down, whitey.” She grinned. “I ain’t as soft as you think I am.”


No, Beryl thought, this is not going to be a good day.

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Ice seemed unphased by Sam's warning, so Beryl rose to the challenge. She and Ice were approximately the same height, so it wasn't a problem for Beryl to look Ice directly in the eyes in a most intimidating manner.


"Look," she said in a low, even tone. "I don't know what your problem is with me, but I don't have time for this."


"You're in prison. You've got all the time in the world," Ice replied, cracking her knuckles and stepping closer to Beryl. "Softie."


From the corner of her eye, Beryl could see that some of the other prisoners were either starting to get out of the way or getting ready to start taking bets. She sighed. "Fine. But not here. If only for the fact that I don't want you spewing your breakfast all over me when I gut punch you."


At this, Ice's pale eyes narrowed, and she made a quick jab towards Beryl's head. But Beryl's Force enhanced reactions were quicker. She caught Ice's fist in the solid palm of her hand--and then held it there. There was a communal gasp in the prisoner's galley, before Beryl repeated, "I said, 'Not here.' Or are you too thick to understand simple Basic?"


Ice snarled, and angrily snatched her hand away from Beryl's grip. "You wait until we get in the mines, sunshine," she threatened as her friend Biz began to tug her away. "Then you'll find out what pain is."


"Promises, promises," Beryl chided.


As Ice and Biz left, the rest of the prisoners began to grumble about the lack of good entertainment as they began to vacate the chow hall and head towards the exit... and to the mines, Beryl presumed.


"So, Sam...," she asked pensively. "Does everyone here work in the mines? Surely there are 'other' jobs that people can do." She looked at Sam then, Ice and Biz having faded off into the crowd. "Is that something this 'Big Cheese' can help me with?"

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"No, there other jobs like lundary and cleaning, and yeah. He's like the 'foreman' of the whole prison. He assigns all the jobs. However it's gonna cost ya something." Sam replied before taking a spoonful of the "food".

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"It's not currency he wants," Sam said, giving Beryl a sly wink. "Don't worry, you'll have no problems, after all your an attractive girl. Well atleast I think so," Sam said, grinning to herself as she continued to eat for food.

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"Erm...thanks," Beryl replied slowly to Sam's compliment. It had suddenly dawned on her that she might have been a bit naive as to the reasons why Sam had been being so nice to her--and that Ice and Biz might be more than just 'pals'.


"I think I get the picture," Beryl said. "Just hope the Big Cheese's price isn't too steep. I may be in prison, but I'm still a Corellian. And Corellians don't grovel. Much," she added in afterthought.


Most of the other prisoners were heading towards the exit now. Their twenty minute breakfast period was almost over. "So, you finished?" Beryl asked, looking at Sam's near-empty bowl. "Care to show me the ropes on what we're supposed to be doing?"

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Sure enough, in a few moments there was a loud whistle. The Trustees began ushering out all the prisoners, herding them like nerfs through the exits of the hall.


Beryl followed Sam out one of the exits, but just as she was expecting Sam to turn left, Sam turned right and headed for the lift shaft. Time, the male Trustee that had 'greeted' Beryl the day before, stood in front of the lift's gate with his arms crossed over his chest.


"And just where do you think you're going?" he asked the two of them.

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"To see the Cheese, we have an appoitment." Sam replied "So Time, if you don't mind, bugger off! Wait, I hear Merry in cell five is feeling pretty lonely." Sam mocked and refering to Time's previous incidents with several inmatres

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Time moved towards Sam and Beryl, face contorted with anger. Before either of the women could react, Maxx flew in between them and the enraged Trustee. Placing a firm hand on Time's broad chest, she stopped his forward progress. "Now now Time, now's neither the you nor the place," she said, smiling wryly at her own humor.


The larger Trustee snorted and looked at Sam with loathing. "You're lucky you've got Maxx here protectin' you. Otherwise..." He drew his finger along his throat.


Maxx sighed and shoved Time out of the way. "Yeah, yeah," she said. "Let them go, you big lummox." She gestured to Beryl and Sam to go on ahead. "Watch yourselves," she intoned. "You think Time is mean, better not get on the boss's bad side."

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Ryshana's eyes suddenly snapped open. She was still in the same hospital room as before, and moving a hand behind her head, she could feel the wire connected to her head. Carefully sitting up, she suddenly remembered that she needed to report to the exercise room. Wait a second, Ryshana thought to herself. Why do I need to report to the exercise room?


It was so strange that on one hand, she knew that she needed to be in the exercise room in ten minutes according to the clock, but at the same time, she had no reason for why she knew that piece of information.


Looking over at the nearby refresher, she caught sight of a datapad that had some sort of information on the screen. Carefully getting up to retrieve it, Ryshana cringed as she felt the stiffness in her body. I'm definitely starting to get too old, she thought to herself with a smile.


Retrieving the datapad, she then read a message on the screen. It was instructions for how to remove the wire from the base of her head. Cringing a bit at the instructions, she finally realized that whatever this wire was for, it had to have something to do with her brain. Theorizing for a minute, Ryshana figured that the wire was interconnected somehow with her brain, and that meant that she must've had some sort of surgery to install the needed implants.


Looking up at the clock, she was down to six minutes. Oh well, I'll worry about that later,[/i] she thought to herself. Reaching behind her, she pressed a couple of safety latches on the connector and twisted the wire clockwise. Pulling backwards, a long piece of metal slid out of her head. Feeling momentarily dizzy, she shook it off.


Out of curiosity, she studied the shaft of metal that was apart of the connector. It was about 45mm long, and it had numerous little indentations on it. It was also coated in a clear, grease-like substance that Ryshana figured was probably some sort of a dielectric grease. Following the cable, she set the connector down on top of a machine that she recognized to be a life-sign monitor. I guess that would be what that thing is there for: to monitor my vitals, she thought as she briefly studied the device. It probably monitors more sensitive brain wave and thought patterns as well.


Looking up at the clock, she now had 4 minutes. Walking over to the door, it split apart with the press of a button on the security panel. Heading into the hallway, she looked both ways. Nothing about the building seemed familiar to her, but for some reason, she felt that turning right was the best route. Going down the hallway, she was a bit surprised that no one else was in the hallway. The only thing that was even distinguishable was her soft feet padding on the floor and the hum of electronics.


After a moment, she finally reached a junction in the hallway, and once again, she felt that the correct direction was to turn left. Going down the hallway, she noticed a room labeled "Exercise Room". Figuring that it was the correct place to go, she pressed a button the security panel and went inside.


"Ahh, Miss Ryshana. You're right on time," Twerna stated with a smile. Looking around the room, she noticed several weight machines and a large empty space that was presumably for various exercise routines. Then, she something caught her eye: it was a lightsaber that was sitting in the middle of the exercise floor. Walking over to the lightsaber, Twerna simply followed her movements as she moved towards the lightsaber.


As Ryshana neared the lightsaber, she instinctively reached out with the Force, and the lightsaber instantly moved to her hand. Wait, I shouldn't have been able to do that, Ryshana thought for a moment. Turning to face Twerna, he said, "I've disabled the ysalimiri in this room for the moment. I wanted to allow you the freedom to do your own exercise routines without having to think about what you're doing. As you're accustomed to performing your routines with the use of the Force, it only makes sense for me to allow you this ability."


"So, I can perform any routine that I like?" Ryshana asked.


"Of course. Just try not to damage anything with the lightsaber. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take your leave as I have other work to attend to. I'll be back in about a half hour," he replied as he turned and walked out of the room.


Looking down at the lightsaber, she noticed that the hilt was strangely familiar. Studying it for a moment, she knew that it had belonged to someone that she had known in the past, but she couldn't remember who it was. No matter, though, as she activated it and performed several basic flourish moves. The hilt was very well balanced, and the violet blade was in perfect tune.


Closing her eyes to concentrate on the Force, Ryshana breathed in deep and focused. Moving the lightsaber around, she then concentrated on performing the most artful of routines that she could think of.

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((OCC- Sorry about being AWOL but i've had some Real life things to deal with which prevented me from RPing.))


Nic hanged by his rists against the matallic wall as he watched Reibe walk out of the room. He was breathing and sweating heavily, as he looked back up at his brother. Kriss was smiling as he looked down and walked other to a chair in the corner of the room. He began to drag the chair from the corner and just infront of Nic before sitting in it.


"So Nic White." Kriss let out a laugh. "I never would have guessed you would have chose that name to hide under."


"Why not?" Nic asked despite the fact he knew the answer.


"Well not many people will name themselves after assassins who were sent to kill you." Kriss leant back. "I've been waiting long time for this."


"Really." Nic replied. "Are you going to kill me now?"


Kriss laughed.


"That's what you've been waiting to do isn't it?" Nic asked


"No Simon, if i wanted to kill you i would have done it a hundred times over by now." Kriss replied. "You know Simon, There are cultures in the Galaxy who beleive in an Eye for an Eye."


"What do you mean?" Nic asked.


"I've been reading all about Nic whith on the databace been traveling withthat Jana Vincent for a while now." Kriss leaned forward to wispur into Nic's ear. "Do you love her Nic."


Kriss then leaned back and looked at Nic. "Not in the way want me too."


"Well Simon." Kriss replied standing up. "We'll see about that."

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Reibe strode into the detention center, flanked by two guards. Approaching the cell holding Jana and Cloud, she signified for one of the guards to deactivate the containment field. Startled at seeing her, Cloud rose to his feet, positioning himself as if to guard Jana.


"What are you doing here?" he demanded. Reibe raised a single eyebrow in boredom.


"I'm here to see Jana," she answered coolly.


"Someone they call the Monster did something to her," Cloud answered. "You'll get nothing out of her."


"I am the Monster." Cloud's mouth dropped open at this. Reibe smiled slightly and continued. "Jana, you can get up now. Captain Raikeeli knows you are alright."


Slowly, Jana stood. "So what happens now?" she wondered. Reibe gestured to the guards and they departed.


"Now, I take you to my personal quarters and we have a chat," she said once the guards were gone. Sorry, Cloud. You're not invited."


Jana stepped forward and the containment field switched on behind her.


"Lead the way," Jana instructed. And Reibe did just that.

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