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MC: AOTE: Fraught With Disappointment


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"Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly looking forward to callin' you up in the first place especially since you're close to bottoms on my list. Anyways, let me just get to the point: I'm a bit overloaded with my last shipment thanks to a bunch of dogs, and I need someone to pick up the slack. If you're interested, the haul on this one is worth about 20,000," Invai said over the comm.


However, his offer wasn't exactly at face value. He was using an old smuggler's code to inform Nic that he had some hot cargo and was under too strict surveillance to get it to the drop off point.

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Nic knew that the cargo must be somthing that someone didn't want moved from the way Inavi talked. "I may be interested, Where's the destination and whats the cargo?" Nic asked knowing that the answer would probably be in code... the amount of times he had smuggled 'fireworks' and 'health food' instead of Guns and medical supplies was too many.

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Beryl had just finished at the cashier and was pocketing the credit chip with her winnings when someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind.


“Nice game. Can I buy you a drink?”


She turned around to see the good-looking man she had spotted at the bar. “Thanks,” she said, smiling.


“I’m Cord,” he introduced himself. “Hate to sound cliché, but… do you come here often?”


“Nope,” Beryl replied. “First time.”


Cord nodded. “Me, too. I’m on leave, and our commander said we’re not allowed to leave this sector. So, I figured that….”


“On leave?” Beryl’s brow raised, and her smile faded. “You’re an Imperial soldier?” Oh, no…not another Imp again…. Why is it that can’t I find a guy that I like that doesn’t work for the Empire or I don’t have to work with?


“I work for the Empire, yes, but I’m not a soldier.” He gave her a weak smile. “It’s a dull job. Wouldn’t want to bore you with the details, but it’s a living and it’s much better than the job I had before.”


“Which was?”


“Load master for a refuse ship.”


Beryl nodded. Well, most any job was better than working on a refuse ship. “Point taken.” She glanced over at the bar where Ryshana stood near Cloud and Oliver. “Well, nice to meet to you, Cord, but I think I’ve got to pass on that drink.” She started to back away. “I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes.”


Cord nodded. “Oh,” he said disappointedly. “I see. Should have known that someone like you would be unavailable.”


Beryl grinned slightly. “I’m not ‘unavailable,’” she said. “I really do have an appointment.” With a swoop bike, granted, but still…. “Nice talking to you.”


She headed towards the bar.


“Wait!” he said. “If you’re not having a drink with me, at least tell me your name?”


“Garajaminder,” Beryl said, grinning.


She reached the bar and slowed as she passed by Ryshana. “Let’s get out of here,” she whispered.

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"Mostly precious metals and some maps. They need to be on the Old Temple Drop by next week," Invai replied. "And you'll need to avoid any bucketheads en route."


Of course, what he really meant was that he had some computer components and some kind of intelligence data which was a sure tipoff that the cargo was for military use. And the drop was located near the old Jedi Temple ruins on Dantooine. The last part meant that he needed to avoid contact with any Imperial Forces.


((from this, Nic should be able to deduce that the cargo is intended for the Rebel Alliance.))




Just as Ryshana recieved her Corellian Ale, Beryl came up behind her and informed her that she wanted to leave. Quickly downing the Ale, Ryshana cringed as the alcohol left a bit of a burning sensation in her mouth. Bah, these Corellians always did like their Ales nice and strong, Ryshana thought as she set the glass on the bar.


As she turned to leave, she grabbed a 20 credit chip from her pocket and left it on the bar for the bartender. Heading outside, she waited for everyone else.

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“I don’t believe it!” Beryl said frustratedly to Ryshana once she had joined her outside of the Cantina. “That’s three times now that I’ve met a good-looking guy, and he turns out to be an Imp!” She rolled her eyes. “First, there was that guy I sparred with at the gym on A12-76--turns out he was an instructor for Stormtrooper recruits. Then, that guy who I met in the forest on Naboo after I escaped those tusk cats? Imperial Sergeant-at-Arms. Okay, yeah, I knew he was an Imp to start with,” she added quickly, “but still….” She shrugged. “And now, that guy!” She looked askance at Ryshana. “Do I have “Dumb Blonde, Imps Considered” or something written on my forehead?”

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Cloud walked toward Beryl after finishing the ale he ordered and heard her say “Do I have “That’s three times now that I’ve met a good-looking guy, and he turns out to be an Imp... Do I have “Dumb Blonde, Imps Considered” or something written on my forehead?" "What?" asked Cloud. "I'm not good looking?" The he looked at the man again. "You could find better looking guys on Nal Hutta, and that place is full of Hutts"

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Hearing Cloud’s comment, Beryl realised that she’d been ranting. So much for self-control, she thought. This ‘controlling my emotions thing’ Ryshana wants me to do is really going to be hard. She paused, and took a deep breath, but then grinned stupidly at Cloud. “So, are you saying that I’d have better luck with you, or a good-looking Hutt?”

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Beryl chuckled at Cloud’s quick-witted reply. “Of course! Just as soon as Oli….” At that moment, there was the sound of a hiccup, and Oliver stepped through the door to join them. “Nevermind… he’s here.”


Beryl put a friendly arm around Cloud’s shoulder. “Well, c’mon, handsome. Let’s go.” She hailed a taxi, and soon they were all on their way to the Rex’s Repulsorlifts to purchase her swoop.


Once in the taxi, things were a bit quiet. Too quiet for Beryl, who was getting more and more excited the closer they got to the bike shop, even though she was trying her best to follow Ryshana’s advice and control her impulsive emotions.


“Wonder what Nic, Jana and Jack are doing right now?” Beryl asked no one in particular, trying to keep her mind off the swoop.


Oliver checked his chrono. “Well, Jana’s watching ‘Win or Die,’” Oliver stated plainly.


“Bah.” Beryl snorted with disdain. “Imperial propaganda….”


“Yeah,” Oliver agreed. “But tonight Gavin was going to tell Riqua that he had found a blaster hidden in Garik’s room.”


Beryl frowned. “Wait a sec… I thought Gavin and Riqua weren’t talking to each other. You know, after he found out that she was seeing Umber behind his back?” She cleared her throat. “Not that I watch it regularly,” she added quickly.


Oliver grinned. “Blatantly biased entertainment is better than no entertainment.”


“I guess,” Beryl agreed. The taxi went silent for a moment again, and Beryl began to get restless once more. Aside from the swoop bike though, there was something else on her mind.


“Ok,” Beryl broke the silence once again. “Ryshana, I might be out of line asking this, and I won’t be offended if you don’t answer, but what sort of ‘non-pointless’ item did you need 4000 credits for? ‘Cause I’d almost bet that it’s not a swoop.”

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Ryshana thought for a second and then answered, "Well, first off, you're doing well to think like that. Second, the money is for something that a very close friend of mine will be needing here very shortly. The plans haven't been finalized yet, but everything will be set into motion before too long."

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Beryl nodded. Although Ryshana's answer was a bit vague, Beryl accepted it and didn't pry any further accept to add, "Well, I took out a bit more than I needed for my bike, and won near a thousand at the tables. So, if your friend needs any extra, just let me know."


"Here we are," said the taxi driver. "Rex’s Repulsorlifts."


Beryl's eyes lit up. The bike she was after was sitting in the display window, gleaming in all it's Mobquet G3-I repulsorlift Supernova Red glory. "Would you look at that..." she said softly. She turned to the others. "Alright, I'd like to do this on my own. Can you all just wait here?"


She got out of the taxi, and after about twenty minutes haggling with the salesman (they could see her through the large glass windows of the shop) she came out with a huge grin and an an ignition key dangling in her hand.


"It's mine," she said proudly, and she nodded to where one of the red Mobquet-Zephyr custom hybrid swoop models stood over to the side. Then she produced another key. "And that one," she said, pointing to a blue swoop of a different model, is one we're going to deliver to the space port. Well, one Cloud's delivering anyway."


She put the ignition key in Cloud's hand. "I was going to ask to test drive it, but when I heard the two salespeople in the back discussing how they were constrained for time in getting a 'special' order to the docks tonight, I thought I'd volunteer our services. After all," she added, grinning slyly, "we are in the transport business. And, the bikes each seat two so we won't be needing a taxi back."


"So, which one of you," she said looking between Ryshana and Oliver, "is riding with me?"

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"Ahh, come on, Nic. Don't let your issues get in the way of a big payoff. Think about it for just a moment: 20,000 credits. You've got what, 5 or 6 people on your boat, thats about 4 grand in your pocket if you split it even," Invai persuaded as best he could.



Thinking for a second, Ryshana remembered how Beryl always talked about being "one" with the machine whenever she was piloting. Now with Beryl's offer out, Ryshana said, "I'm with you, Beryl."


Moving close to Beryl, Ryshana then whispered, "Considering how drunk Oliver is, its probably a good idea for me to be with you, anyway: I don't think that vomit is going to look very good on the red paint job."

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"Considering how drunk Oliver is, its probably a good idea for me to be with you, anyway: I don't think that vomit is going to look very good on the red paint job."
Beryl gave Ryshana a deadpan look. "Good point." The salesman came out just then, and gave them all helmets, Beryl's being in the same Supernova Red as her new bike.


"Remember," he said, "Bay 23A, and the paperwork is in the cargo bin."


"Gotcha," said Beryl. "And thanks!"


She put on her helmet, hopped on her swoop, got comfortable in the Krayt Dragon leather seat, then switched on the engine. It purred. As she revved it, she closed her eyes and savoured the moment. "It's absolutely perfect," she said, satisfied.


She opened her eyes and looked at Cloud's bike, or rather, the one he was to deliver to the spacedock. If she hadn't had her heart set on the Mobquet-Zephyr G3-I, she would have gone for the one Cloud was getting on--the Ikas-Adno 22-B Nightfalcon. Of course, the Nightfalcon's top speed was 300kph, half of what the G3-I could muster, but being in the city, that didn't really matter. Neither one could go more than 10 metres off the ground.


As Oliver lumbered on behind Cloud, Beryl gave Ryshana a secretive grin. "Hop on," Beryl said to her, revving the engine once more.


With Ryshana sitting behind her, Beryl nodded at Cloud. "Ok. Last one back to the Echo has to..." She grinned, thinking of a job both she and Cloud hated to do. "...check for conduit worms."


"Oh, you're on!" Cloud said.


"What are condu--!" Oliver started to ask, but his voice faded out as Cloud punched the accellerator and took off without warning.


"Yeah, you'll need a head start!" Beryl called out to Cloud. "Hang on tight, Ry," she said over her shoulder.


In less than than ten seconds, she had caught Cloud up. Each of them dodged and weaved through traffic, people, and low hanging signs. Beryl was matching Cloud move for move, but when they started to get closer to the spaceport, she pulled up near him, gave him a nod, and pulled ahead with ease.


"This is the next best thing to flying!" she shouted over her shoulder to Ryshana. "And these controls are so responsive! One with the machine, Ryshana! One with the machine!" She let out a whoop as she slalomed through traffic and then performed a hairpin turn down a sidestreet. "It's incredible!"


"It's the Force!" Ryshana said.


"What?!" Beryl wasn't sure she had heard her right.


"What you're feeling is the Force flowing through you! It's not the..."


Ryshana was cut off as Beryl's bike suddenly shimmied, left then right, then totally lost control at the next corner. It over-rotated, spun, but just as it looked like the two of them were going to smash headon into the side of a spaceport hanger, Beryl managed to turn the bike into the alley and bring it to a sliding stop.


The bike wasn't at all damaged, but Beryl was silent for a long moment, utterly shocked at what had just happened. She'd been flying ships and riding bikes for just about as long as she could remember, and had never, ever lost control like that. Finally, she cleared her throat. "Sorry, Ryshana. I don't know what just happened there. Guess I'm not used to the controls yet."

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"What do you mean 'Not used to the controls'? Before the skid, you were using the Force to guide your actions. You described it as being one with the machine; in reality, you're connected to the Force. Just after I told you that, you disconnected yourself almost simultaneously.


I'll tell you more once we get back to the Echo. Until then, lets get moving before we lose. And here's a quick tip: try it with your blast shield down." ((kinda like ANH ;) ))

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Cloud saw what happened to Beryl and Ryshana. It was then he noticed her connection to the Force. Cloud thought that strange. He then revved his bike and continued towards the spaceport, unaware if she would catch up. Then, he saw Bay 23A. He went as fast as he could on the bike and even connected with the Force to move through traffic, crowds, and a food cart. He landed at the bay and waited for Beryl while Oliver went over to a rail and barfed over it onto the food cart they passed.

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"What?!" Beryl physically turned around in her seat to face Ryshana. "With my blast shield down? I just nearly killed us and you want me to try and fly blind?"


"You'll do fine."


Beryl raised a doubtful eyebrow.


"Trust your feelings," Ryshana said confidently.


Beryl shook her head with disbelief as she turned back around. "And they call me Psycho...." She started up the bike again. The sound of the finely tuned engine piqued her confidence again, and she set off again.


Just out of the alley she had gotten them into, Beryl saw Cloud stream by on the main street. She took a deep breath, then took the plunge by flicking down the blast shield on her helmet like Ryshana had asked her to try.


For a moment, she was fine, luckily avoiding obstacles in her path. But as the seconds passed, she began to realise she could still see, or rather, 'feel' where she was actually going. It was a slightly different feeling than being ‘one with the machine’. It was… better. No… bigger. Deeper? Actually, it was hard for her to quantify the feeling into words, and the more she thought about it…. She felt a slight shimmy in the bike again, and quickly flipped up her blast shield. Soon, she was back in form again, but there was no way she was going to catch Cloud up.


She and Ryshana pulled up just in time to see Oliver vomiting over the rails of the docking bay, and Cloud standing smugly by the other bike.


Beryl shook her head, then let out a tiny sigh. "I know, I know," she said to Cloud. "Conduit worms."

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Coming up behind Beryl, Ryshana put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't worry. At least you'll have an extra set of hands to help you out."


Of course, that was to imply that Ryshana was going to lend a hand. At least, she was going to lend a hand whenever they finally got started. That time was a ways off, and there were other issues present that would complicate matters by a couple of hairs.


((at this point, i think it would be best if Wild had Jana walk in on the little conversation going between Nic and Invai. ;) ))

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Beryl gave Ryshana a skeptical look at her offer to help. "Are you sure you want to help me?” Beryl asked. “Looking for conduit worms has got to be the nastiest job on the ship. Unless you gas them out with Cyanoxis D-587, which is not only expensive but means a total evacuation of the ship for 24 hours, and Nic would never go for that. They're stringy, and fiddly, and creepy with those buggy little eyes peeking out from every which way. And, you have to crawl under the floor panels just to find the little bas….” Beryl suddenly paused, raising her brow. “Ah,” she said insightfully. “You’ve got a trick to find them, don’t you? A Force trick, perhaps?”


The dock foreman in charge of the bay came over to them, and Beryl explained to him that they’d been sent by Rex’s Repulsorlifts to deliver two swoop bikes to two different clients—one of which, Beryl told him, was the medium-sized freighter that was the Echo. Dock hands arrived to put the bikes on loader trolleys, and the foreman returned shortly with a credit chip for Beryl.


“Here,” Beryl tossed the chip to Cloud. “You delivered it, you earned it.” She looked around at the group, then smiled. “Well, it looks like everyone’s profited on our little outing tonight!”


“Not me,” Oliver moaned, finally over his motion-induced sickness.


“Yes, you did,” Beryl said. “You got free drinks.” Then she added, “It’s not my fault you couldn’t keep them down.”


One of the dockhands went to move Beryl’s bike, now safely loaded on the repulsorlift trolley, but Beryl quickly intercepted him. “Thanks, but I can handle it from here.”


She didn't want any scratches, dents or dings on it before she safely tucked it away to bed in the Echo's cargo bay, so with careful, gentle control of the repulsorlift trolley, she began to walk with the bike down the long, length of bays.


But after a few steps, she paused. "Erm...anyone remember where we're parked?"

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