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MC: AOTE: Fraught With Disappointment


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((So I believe I've gained a majority vote in here. In light of that, I hereby take full control of the character 'Jana Vincent'. And now, on a much less formal note, I must announce: I am sooooo gonna enjoy this :D ))



"Sneaking, Nic?" Jana echoed, shaking her head disapprovingly. "We don't 'sneak'. We're 'covert'." She tapped her head and then his. "There is a difference, you know."


At that, she left him, going in search of Beryl and Ryshana.

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"Yeah." He replied to Jana as she left. "But we're being sneaky."


He turned back around to Jack, Cloud and Oliver. "Well we gotta' get ready for landing on the imperial station so we can actually leave. That means we need to hide anything illeagl and make sure that if we have permits for anything like guns that will still check out. So let the girls have their fun and lets get to work."

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Beryl was sitting quietly on the cargo bay floor with Ryshana when she heard Jana coming down on the ladder. The salt pot spun slowly in mid-air in front of Beryl. Then it stopped, and began to reverse its rotation.


"Thanks to Ryshana, I finally got the hang of it," she said to Jana without looking over at her. The salt pot wobbled irratically and then dropped into Beryl's hand. She grinned at Ryshana, then looked over at Jana. "But I have to keep my concentration going or I lose control."


Beryl stood up and stretched. "At least I didn't bruise my swoop. Oh!" she said to Jana. "Speaking of bruising.... If the plan is to sedate Ryshana and put me in binders, I'm going to need some bruises. Not serious ones, mind, but more for cosmetic purposes." She grinned. "I mean, can you imagine me 'going quietly' anywhere I didn't want to go? Especially in binders?" She paused a moment. "Jana, I know you don't 'approve' of sparring," she said, mimicking as best she could Jana's signature 'look'. "But, think Nic or Jack might help me out? I promise I won't use any Force stuff. Well," she looked sheepishly at Ryshana, "I'll try not to anyway."

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"I've got a better idea. How about you do your best to use the Force and spar with me," Ryshana offered as she got up.


Looking over at Jana, Ryshana grinned and then said, "Don't worry. You can join in if you want. I promise that I won't use any Force Powers or the like. Just some old fashioned Trandoshan Kickboxing."

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Beryl's brow raised in surprise. "Trandoshan kickboxing? Is that something that the Jedi taught you? Or did you pick it up on your travels?" She grinned. "Either way, I'm game for it."


She looked around the cargo bay. "You, erm, want to get the mats out," she asked tentatively, "or do you want to just 'rough' it?"

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"It'd be best if at least one of the crew also had a few bruises," Jana decided. She smirked. "And in a fight to beat down a person deserving of prison time, can you really picture me standing on the sidelines cheering the others on?"


She crossed the cargo bay and hovered a hand over the intercom. Frowning, she muttered, "Jack doesn't bruise easily... Cloud's likely busy with the engine, Impe's a pacifist..." She hit the intercom. "Nic, would you come to the cargo bay? We'll be needin' you for a minute or two."


Shutting the intercom off, she grinned at the other two. "Soon as he gets down here, we can begin!"

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"Actually, that's just one technique that I can show you how to use. There's a couple of others that I know fairly well that don't involve using the Force, particularly some excellent Echani fighting styles," Ryshana answered Beryl.


"The ones that the Jedi use, and conversely utilized the Force, are mostly based on the various Echani fighting styles with more of an emphasis on disorienting and disabling your opponent rather than killing them outright."


Listening to Jana, Ryshana had to grin a bit at the idea. "This should be interesting; I've always wanted to see how Nic could hold up against trained fighters."

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Beryl couldn’t resist answering Nic's question. “We need your body,” she said, flirtatiously wiggling her eyebrows at him. She patted the mat on the floor. “Right here. Right now." Then the grin she had been suppressing started to manifest. "Just for a bit of rough and tumble before we get sent to 'prison.'"

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"No 'fraternizing', Nic," Jana giggled. "More what it is, will be a bit of a brawl. After all, a few of us on the crew are going to need a bruise or two to make it seem realistic that we beat down our little fugitive here." She gestured to Beryl. "Jack doesn't bruise easily, Impe's the medic, and we need Cloud to be prepping the ship."


She grinned. "That leaves you 'n me to get and give some bruising, Cap'n."

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“Aw…,” Beryl said with mock dejection at Nic’s refusal to participate. “I think he doesn’t want to play because he knows he’ll get beat,” she said with a wink to Jana. “But that’s okay,” she said quickly. “You can be the referee, Nic.”


She stretched her arms over her head to limber up, then cracked her knuckles, and then took a place on the mat. “Okay, I’m ready,” she said with a challenging nod in Jana’s and Ryshana’s direction. She beckoned with her hand for either Ryshana or Jana to step forward onto the mat to fight her. “Bring it on.”

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"Bring it on?" Jana echoed. TCTA? Beryl grinned and wiggled an eyebrow.


"Who's first?" she challenged. Stamping a foot impatiently, she repeated. "Come on! Bring it on!"


Jana smirked. "You got it!" She took a step back, placing herself behind Ryshana...

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Beryl moved forward towards Jana--slowly, deliberately, and with a grin on her face. She knew that Jana was ready for her, but she took time to study her stance, trying to anticipate how she might react. Beryl raised her arms in a classic boxer’s stance.


And then Beryl struck out at Ryshana with a forward thrusting uppercut, while at the same time, Jana dropped to the floor behind Ryshana to do a sweep kick with the intention to knock the Jedi off her feet.


It was a team effort, similar to the moves that TCTA students would do when challenged by an instructor. It had worked well for Beryl in her class, albeit it was only good for one fall. But she was hoping that it would work just as well on Ryshana.

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Beryl was surprised to have her feet kicked out from underneath her by Ryshana, instead of the other way around. She fell, feeling the sting of the mat on her cheek as she hit the ground.


She was up in a second though, and facing Ryshana again. Without waiting for Jana to get up, Beryl launched a series of roundhouse kicks at Ryshana. The Jedi deflected them easily, but Beryl's intent wasn't to necessarily make contact with her but to make her back up. Jana was still on the ground, and Beryl hopped she would stay there and then rise at just the right moment, 'causing a tripping obstacle for the Jedi.

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As Ryshana backed up, she sensed Jana behind her. However, Ryshana continued to back up, and as she reached Jana, Ryshana arched backwards as Beryl's last roundhouse flew harmlessly by. Reaching behind her, Ryshana braced herself on top of Jana's back as she started to perform a backflip.


However, instead of performing the actual backflip, Ryshana used the Force to launch herself feet first at Beryl.

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Beryl didn't have time to dodge or even prepare for Ryshana's move off of Jana's back. It wasn't something that a 'normal' person would have been able to do. But then again, Beryl should have realised, and anticipated, that such a move was very possible for Ryshana. And, she also should have realised that it was possible for Ryshana to lie. She had told Beryl that she wasn't going to use the Force to fight her, but she had. But was it really a lie? Or was it one of those "from a certain point of view" things.


Beryl thought about all this while laying flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. There wasn't much else she could do until she got her breath back. Ryshana had hit her hard with both feet smack in the middle of her diaphragm.


Slowly, Beryl began to rise to her feet. "That wasn't fair. You used the Force," she choked out to Ryshana. But somehow, Beryl knew that there was going to be a lesson involved in all of this.

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"And so can you. Besides, I promised that I wouldn't use the Force on Jana. If you want this to be a fair fight, then stop trying to hit me and hit me," Ryshana said.


Without waiting for Beryl to respond, Ryshana performed a leaping spiral at Beryl. At the last second, Ryshana threw out her fist while still in midair.

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Feeling the Force pushing her towards the wall, Ryshana quickly turned herself so that she was facing away from the wall. When she hit the wall, Ryshana appeared to be crouching down, but in reality, she was using the Force to pin herself against the wall.


In an instant, Ryshana released herself from the wall, and used her legs to lunge forward in a roll. Gathering the Force inside of her, Ryshana came out of the roll in an incredibly fast flurry of strikes mostly using her fists.

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