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[Fic] Knightfall

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Hello all, this Fic is based on the Duel RP, Duelling between CSI and RSM (Which was based on Tysyacha's The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story), but they want it to be renamed, Knightfall: A Duel Between Light And Dark. I'd like to thank both CSI and RSM for allowing me to write the Fic version of the RP and I will post as much as I can, before I return to try and finish Echoes of Darkness, before I continue this. You can discuss about the RP version of this here.




CSI - CSI: Nihilus

Darth Revan - RevanSithMaster

Nauk Grelan - Pottsie

Bastila Shan - Dark_Lady

Kirabaros - JediMaster12


Please note that this Fic isn't canon, since Revan fell to the dark side and Nihilus returned to the light side as CSI. This Fic is in no way related to my other Fic, Echoes of Darkness, except for the fact that Nauk Grelan is in this Fic. Once I post Chapter 1, Part 1 will be named Duel Between Light And Dark. I hope you enjoy this Fic.


Star Wars



Approximately four thousand years before the rise of the GALACTIC EMPIRE, the JEDI CIVIL WAR has come to a close as DARTH REVAN has returned to power as the DARK LORD of the SITH, after slaying his apprentice, DARTH MALAK.


On the STAR FORGE, two former JEDI MASTERS fight for their lives on the new base of operations for Revan’s new SITH ARMADA. One seeks to escape from the Star Forge and the other seeks Revan, claiming he was once the SITH LORD, DARTH NIHILUS.


Meanwhile, prior to the events of Revan returning to the Star Forge, his new apprentice, the fallen JEDI KNIGHT, BASTILA SHAN begins to tell the Sith Armada that Revan has returned to power…


The Jedi Civil War was finally over. But it wasn’t the end. It was only the beginning of the many battles ahead. Darth Revan sat in his shuttle, noticing his new apprentice, Bastila Shan waiting for him. He also noticed that the new Sith armada also stood patiently, waiting for their new master. Lehon would be the planet where Revan’s new Sith Armada would use as their base of operations. Underneath Revan’s hood, he felt himself smile a crooked smile as the shuttle landed on top of the Temple of Ancients.




Bastila Shan stood patiently, as the shuttle landed. She didn’t feel nervous, nor did she feel afraid at the fact she had fallen to the dark side. Revan would keep her strong and she wouldn’t feel fear ever again. The shuttle’s boarding ramp descended to the floor and Revan himself walked out of the shuttle, escorted by two Sith soldiers. Bastila knelt to the floor as Revan looked at his apprentice.


“I’m so glad you’re here Lord Revan,” Bastila told Revan as she got up from the floor, “Your Sith armada is waiting for us both.”


Revan didn’t reply as he observed his Sith armada from a distance. They all stood tall and proud, but Revan felt their fear within them. The dark side wasn’t really with them. When they would finally fight, many of them would die, simply because they weren’t as strong as him. Bastila walked towards the platform, where the Sith armada would look up at him.


“Malak is dead!” Bastila announced over the nervous armada, “All hail the return of Darth Revan! The true lord of the Sith!”


Confidently, Revan walked out and the armada immediately cheered.


“All hail Lord Revan!” They chanted, their chants growing louder and louder, “All hail Lord Revan! All hail Lord Revan!”


Revan ignored their chanting and turned to Bastila. She smiled and Revan smiled back.


“The Sith bow before you,” Bastila told Revan, “You have reclaimed your rightful throne. The Jedi Order is in tatters. It is only a matter of time until your Sith minions wipe them out from the face of the galaxy.”


Revan felt pleased. The Jedi Order’s grand Jedi Master, Vandar had died, along with the Republic admiral, Forn Dodonna. Both the Republic and the Jedi Order would fall to Revan’s armada.


“The Republic fleet is decimated,” Bastila continued, “The Core Worlds are defenceless against us.”


Revan folded his arms over his chest and stood proud. The dark side of the Force was strong with him indeed.


“We must return to the Star Forge,” Revan told Bastila, “I want to see my grand armada leave for the core worlds.”


“As you wish my lord,” Bastila told Revan, “I’ll prepare the shuttle right away.”

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Neat. I could find one error though. It is defenseless instead of defenceless, or is it a difference between British English and American English?


Probably a difference between the British and American English. Thanks for the comments all and I'll try and post Chapter 1 as soon as possible. I'm not making any promises though. I wonder where CSI is...

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This has a good start so far. I am interested to see what will happen when other people come in to play the RP. Not bad on the spelling. It would help that the palyers be more descriptive in certain things like the twirling of a blade or describe a movement they make. That way it is not all dialogue. Still good start.

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Returning on-topic, I would've edited JM12 on the Cast List, but my Internet connection has been down all day and has reconnected at 7:20PM. I'm going to catch up with the RP too, if any posts have been made.


RevanSithMaster, Darth Grivis, Darth_Kotor--use the PMs for chatting and keep the thread on topic. --Jae

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@ Jae, what I had to say was related to the Story, JM12 was supposed to be in it. Darth_Kotor, now known as Akuma SF was also on topic.


The ones I deleted were related to Christmas avatars and 'dorks', which are not on-topic. If you ever have questions, please PM me to discuss it there, since this is also off-topic for this thread. --Jae


Anyway Pottsie, can't wait for the next chapter!

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[Announcement: Since Pottsie no longer continues this fic, so I decided to continue this fic. Now enjoy Chapter 1...I think it's short...]


Chapter 1


Aboard the Star Forge, Darth Revan sat there and meditated. Bastila came in and waited patiently.


Slowly opening his glowing yellow eyes, Revan raised his head and asked: “Anything, my love?”


Bastila asked Revan: “Did you feel it…The Jedi…They still exist. What are you going to do?”


Revan meditated carefully. He tried hard to search the Force. Korriban? None. Ruusan? None. Dantooine? Too few to be threat to him. Taris? Perished. Telos? None…Yavin? Yes! He can feel it. A blue figure appeared in his vision. A huge light aura was around the figure. It was a blur, and he can’t see the face clearly. Suddenly, his vision shifted to the battle between Darth Nihilus and the Exile. Flashback:


After an intense duel, Exile destroyed Darth Nihilus’s lightsaber. He knelt down. “Strike me down, Exile,” Darth Nihilus laughed, “Prove yourself strong!”

The Exile was standing in front of the kneeled Darth Nihilus and replied calmly: “No, I will never strike down a defenseless opponent.”


“That’s why you Jedi scum are weak!” Darth Nihilus shouted.


“No. You’re wrong, Darth Nihilus. Showing mercy to someone and offering help is not an act of weakness—instead, it means you’re strong instead. And I sense you have good inside you. You have not fallen, you are just misdirected by Darth Traya.”


Darth Nihilus knelt there and said nothing. But clearly, his mind was struggling between light and dark.


“You can be redeemed. Although you have done a lot of evil deeds, but I still believe you can be saved.” The Exile said kindly.


Visas, who stood beside the Exile: “Look at me. I feel I’m at peace.”


Darth Nihilus raised his head, and asked the Exile: “Can I still be saved?”


“Yes, you can.” The Exile said, with a little happiness.


“Thank you, my former apprentice, Visas Marr.” Darth Nihilus stood up, and bowed down to the Exile: “Thank you, the Exile. Before you go, I want to show you something.”


He turned around, back to the Exile, and took down his mask slowly and turned to face the Exile and Visas.


“No way! It can’t be…” The Exile widened his eyes to see such a drastic change.


His face skin was healing rapidly, no more scars, no more corruption. It’s just peace. And his eyes are no longer glowing yellow. Instead, they’re glowing white.


“Yes…I can no longer feel the hunger…Yes…It’s what I wanted to be!” Darth Nihilus said happily, “And I’m no longer Darth Nihilus. My name is…CSI!”


Mandalore reported: “Sirs! I hate to interrupt such reunion, but this ship is going to be exploded!”


“Let’s hurry!” The Exile smiled and waved to CSI, “It’s nice to have you along with us!


Finally, he answered: “Yes, indeed.”


“Master, please let me go to Yavin IV! I won’t fail you!” Bastila exclaimed.


“No…He’s too strong…” Revan said slowly, “But I’ll dispatch you to Ruusan for another mission.”


“Ruusan? There is nothing except Valley of Jedi!” Bastila said.


“Exactly. Now go.” Revan waved to Bastila, and said, “I will take care of him.

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