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[NSW Poetry] Blessings of the Written Word

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The one who says he's incapable of error made and error!! Bring out the champagne!!


What the gods have sought to see

And look on with joyous glee

One who stays the harden path

And crumbles with error's wrath


Just messing with you but the reason I thought haiku was the structure of that verse. I guess I still remember my foray with Japanese culture. I think I might explore the waka poems eventually.

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The one who says he's incapable of error made and error!! Bring out the champagne!!

I didn't make an error! I just increased my error margine!


Just messing with you but the reason I thought haiku was the structure of that verse. I guess I still remember my foray with Japanese culture. I think I might explore the waka poems eventually.

As I said, it was meant to be, but it ended up being 4-7-6, not 5-7-5 ;)

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Well, i'll try, althoughI don't know anything about Cambodia/Vietnam politics:


Cambodia is dead

Politicians lose their head

Vietnam not good

It's not like it should


Cambodia's dyin'

Vietnam is flyin'

Politics is bad

Soon to be sad


But they came back

Got rid of slack

They started growing

And the water started flowing


Now they can live

But we still have to give

Because we have stuff

And they sometimes don't have enough


So give to the poor generously!

-Matt G 4/12/06


Will that suffice?

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The Pearl Harbour poem JM12, that got me the feeling of actually seeing everything occur, made me feel that i was back in the cinema's watchin the movie (Abit wierd i know but hey! it was an alright movie lol) I liked yours aswell AumaSF, even thhough im the same .. Not that high up on the Vietnam education scale. Don't know much about it. Anyways, here is another one of mine, i thought i would share and stuff ... See what youse think. :D


- Darkened Soul -


As you stare through that Frosted window,

Taking another sip, out of that Silvery lined flask,

I already know whats in it -

I do not need to ask.


You are all couped up,

Inside this deadened, darkened hole,

All you have to do is reach over,

And grab that coffee cup;

I just want to see you whole.


Every night ... I'm just sitting here, watching you sleeping,

I'm wondering what your dreaming,

Even thinking, if it's really me you're seeing,

Go and turn off that light,

Turn around, and close the door.


Will you ever live again,

Or will you just stay here, forever more ... ?

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Akuma: That was very good. I ask this: Does the water refer to blood?


Mr. BFA: I did use the movie for reference but I also used the documentaries that they show on the History channel and textbooks. When I write for things that I have not seen but are accurately depicted on film, I write what is going through my mind. As to your poem, that was good about the coffee. Maybe you should PM it to stingerhs :lol:



Here is that poem I wrote on the Ia Drang Valley. It is not one of my best and I think I actually stuck my tongue out after it when I was finished.


The Highlands- Ia Drang Valley


Why are we here

as the time draws near?

At a place no one has seen

Nor remember what had been

In the highlands of a place

Where we have never before seen the other face


The first time new methods done

As members of the 7th Calvary shown

As they landed without a net

Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Where they face a major folly

Where no one remembers Ia Drang Valley

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Nice. You used the dialogue that the Jedi use when preaching about the dangers of the dark side. It could also be reference to darkness in the soul after a tragedy.


Here is another poem that I wrote about the greatest land here in America, the West. Of course it is before the West was won.


The Call of the Wild


Swiftly, swiftly sings the long rivers

As the fishes swim down its slivers

Splishing and splashing

In the distance the Bighorns clashing

High in the sky the eagle flew

As the wind swiftly blew

Across the plains

Soothed by summer rains

As the praire grasses dance

and the wild mustangs dance

Across the land Endless

In herds of perfect bliss

From forests to praires

That stretch to the seas

The land suited best

in the Heart of the West

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope this is the proper spot for my free-style ramblings.


I wouldn't quite label the following as poetry, but, I never was very good at following rules.



-No Title-


When the sunset begins, you don't even realize it has. Everything is still alive. The brilliance of the day is still with us and the sky projects its blue vastness. Clouds appear white and softly carefree. They are as innocent as they were this afternoon, riding high and steady.


As they drift on towards the horizon, chasing the sun and following him to the edge, I can see his orange glow has tanned them and he has painted them to his liking.

The blueness of the sky has deepened into plum. Orange has given way to pink salmon that crests the sun-less horizon which now desperately tries to hold off her purple blanket, so everpressing. The rest of the dark sky shrinks my pink glow even further down, smothering, extinguishing...


The rest of the sky has darkened. Clouds now seem colorlessly grey and lifeless. My beautiful pink brilliance has left me. Left me here to ponder and contemplate the comming night's cool breeze. The darkness proved too much. As with her light, so went her comforting warmth.


Night has descended. My heart sinks at the first twinklings of the bejeweled night sky. Only darkened clouds and colorless dreams drift above me now. Tears patter at my feet, but not all of them are of sorrow.

I'll live with her in my heart and dream of her warm rays around my neck, like arms warmly hugging me, comforting me, loving me.

...and just perhaps, I'll bask with her once again in the morrow.

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Cygnus darling that is beautiful. I can almost se the colors made of the setting sun, or is it the rising sun? Somehow I get the impression that you are writing to me. Anyway in response to that I have another poem that I wrote. This is based upon the Chinese Moon Festival and the Moon Lady. I hope you enjoy.


Moon Lady


Where is my husband, I do not know

Away, where I want to go

I know he is there

But loneliness is hard to bear

I follow the radiance in the sky

Yet I am always left behind

But he doesn't forget me, this is true

For his light gives my gown a silvery hue

So here I am alone

Where my husband, the Sun, once shown

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AkumaSF. I love the meter of life or Death it seems to roll off my tounge when I read aloud. Too cool.


JM-12 The Call of the Wild is sweet. It seems as if time is standing still for me to look around. Nice. It seems as if you've been there.


The MoonLady gives me that feeling of loss and longing. It's just like you to use your words to stir up emotions. You have the gift. Thanks for sharing.

More please! I may have to start begging again. :lol:


Mr_BFA I'm thoroughly impressed. That is definately heavy indeed. Lightly defined and left a lot up to my imagination. Absolutely loved it.



Paradigm Shift


This was sometime in the summer of '03. The war was on and I was getting antsy and contemplative.

Thought you might like.

This one actually prompted the anti-war rap I wrote later.



-Still untitled-


Hope this finds you

rational and sane

Do not refrain

or run from the pain and disdain

of what you see with your eyes

just realize

that it is our demise

to take our eyes off the prize

and side with the plans

that sends man against (his brother) man

to scan the sand

for his duty and pride

And although I've tried,

tried to be true

true to you, the Red, White and Blue

The place I grew

to become Who?


A man who stares

at the sunrise and cares

about the wares and tears

of those far from where...

they belong

A kiss and a song

It seems all wrong

to be gone, long

trying to be strong

for those back home

with family or alone

who's dreaming of them

wondering when

they'll get home again to spend

the rest of their lives

with love and pride

without having to hide

behind masks of lies,

sighs or painful cries


I'm trying to understand

this man against man

remembering a time

and my grandfather's rhyme:

"Don't believe in men's plots, schemes or plans,

the fate of the world

well, it rests in God's hands"

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I've really enjoyed reading this thread. We have some talented poets here! :^: I also have a few poems to contribute. Here is one:



The Unknown Soldier



Within our nation’s cemetery,

A monument of memory

Stands tall, alone,

In which few bones

Are laid – the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


For every man, unsung, untold,

Who did not his own life withhold,

In peace, in war,

But gave all for

America – an unknown soldier.


Such love of country – such sacrifice

Is here immortal – O! what a price

Is paid each day

For liberty—

And should the patriot fire smolder?


Should their deaths be set at naught?

The cause for which our soldiers fought,

Our young men died,

Our mothers cried,

And children grieved like ones far older?


The trumpet’s voice! Its mournful sound

Rises clear above the crowd:

“The debt we owe

Cannot be told.

God bless the unknown soldier!”


O liberty! O precious gift!

May the sleeping Eagle lift

Once more her wings

As America sings:

“God bless the unknown soldier!”

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I like that poem Emalin. Is that about the war in Iraq?

Here is another poem from me:



Our world is evil

Our world is dying

There is no peace

There is no love


But, what can we do?

We can try

But there are others

Who make more die







What can we do?

We shall all wonder

Until we all

Unite as one


Forget races

Forget colour

Forget wealth

Forget hatred


Than we shall live as one

-Matt G 4/01/'07

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@Emalin. I've seen the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and it is quite a powerful place. Very nice poem, drips with patriotism.


Way to jump in there AkumaSF. I wish more felt like you.


Where are you JM12? I figured you'd have something on this topic.


Well, of course, I'm going to change the direction once again.

Maybe this'll bring JM12 out of hiding.




The Reasons for Spring


Spiderwebs sag from the weight of the droplets littering it's perfect lines.

The accompanying breeze pulls them from their perch and lets them fall to the grass below, already drenched with the day's pour.


The drops sit bubbled then flatten and dissappear, leaving the ground wet where they once sat. Lying in scattered puddles, they wash away winter's secrets now un-thawed, preparing the ground for summer's lush intent.


That's what spring is for.


Buds fat and ripe crowd each other for the choice seats on the limb.

They are patiently awaiting the sun's caress to open them and reveal their green beauty. They sit and dream of the sun's nurturing smile that will praise them and make them grow strong and full to hide the limb's cracks and wounds of a menacing arctic struggle.


That's what spring is for.


The frosty bite is now gone, though we remember him in a breeze from the lake, still sharp and carrying the scent of ice. The excitement of the eminent summer to come takes some chill from the air and warms the heart with dreams of the past summers blended with ideas for the new.


The drab drape of winter will be pulled back to allow the rays of a new summer to shine through. Old habits, it seems, are discarded with old dreams to make room for brand new ones. Everything grows new again but, not quite like before.


I try to keep in mind

what I left behind

the best, mediocre and poor


But, as seasons change

we all must re-arrange

because, that's what spring is for.

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@ AkumaSF

Thanks! The poem wasn't written specifically for Iraq, but, now that you mention it, it seems to fit that very well. :D

I like your latest poem, too! I agree, it would be great if everyone could feel that way. It's a sad fact that humans hate so naturally.


@ Cygnus Q'ol

I adore your use of words, Cygnus. The whole thing paints a beautiful picture of Spring. :) I can't wait to see your next poem!



This one is one of my favorites. I wrote it for a literature assignment, but I was determined to make it fun. :lol:



Ballad Of A Grandparent Who Is Lame In Both Feet



I settled down on my front porch

With a steaming cup of tea,

And took a long, luxurious sip

As I looked out over the sea.


My darling cat stood at the door,

Pondering, perhaps, if she should join me,

Until, out of nowhere, stupidly skittered

A mouse—right there for my cat to see!


What happened next was all a blur,

Vicious squalls and high-pitched squeaks,

When—suddenly—a horrific shatter,

And the feeling of fire all over my feet!


To this day I’m rather lame,

But I keep a cheerful face, you see;

For, oh! how my grandkids giggle to hear

Of the day when a mouse spilled my tea!

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Darling Cygnus, I have been busy this holiday season. I do have another poem that was inspired by WWI and trench war fare. I wrote it after reading All's Quiet on the Western Front. I loved yours as well, even your ramblings.


Emalin: That was sweet about the grandparent thing. Kind of makes you feel lucky that you can still move. Your unknown soldier poem is good too.



Over the Top


Sitting here in the mud,

Makes me feel like a dud.

Water and blood up to my knee,

As any of my pals can see.


Far away the great guns boom,

Along with the feeling of certain doom.

That we go towards Death's door,

As we lie here on the moor.


As I sit here,

I think of my Sally dear.

Seeing her pretty eyes,

Instead of thinking of our demise.


Sitting here in the mud,

While holding fast to my gun.

My heart does stop,

As I go over the top.

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