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the best kotor?


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Having played them both in the last couple of months I admit changing my mind on TSL (K2), It's not as bad as I remember. The story is quite good (even with all the missing stuff) but it's obviously unfinished with all the empty rooms, easier sidequests, and the ending (YUK !!!).


I'd still have to choose the first one.

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Architect- No, you didn't come off as a jerk. The conversation reminded me of someone else I've talked to who did, on the Obsidian forums a while back. He was the kind of person who called people stupid for not seeing it in advance. That jerk.


I see what you mean about taking time away from the game. Speculating about what happens between movies, like Pirates of the Caribbean or The Matrix 2 and 3, is hard to avoid, while during a movie, its better to just watch it.


In KOTOR, I didn't space it out that much. Also, I don't think I ever really pondered the plot or how my character fit into it. There's a lot of stuff that the twist explains that I completely bought as simple facts of playing an RPG. Like the ambiguous origins of my character, and why they got to be a Jedi so fast.

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I like KotOR for the more cohesive and compelling story and NPC sidequests.


I like KotOR: TSL for the improved gameplay mechanics (lightsaber forms, force forms) and animations, upgrade system, and influence system.


If asked to choose the best out of the two I would go with the original because the storyline is the major factor for me in an RPG like this. I like TSL but just not as much as the original.

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The first one was better IMHO because it was a finished product (after the patches at least) and it was intended as a standalone game. It tells a story and wraps it up, whereas TSL was a rush job which built on the story while failing to really clarify things. If they'd finished making it, it would've been a lot better than the first due to expanded force powers, feats, character classes and all the extra bells and whistles they added in, but the unfinished story, cut content and plotlines that wind up going nowhere really hobble it in comparison to the first KotOR game.


But it any event, you should really play the first game first, just to get a handle on the story, characters and game mechanics before diving into the muddled mess of TSL's storyline (such as it is). Get a good grounding in character building in the first one before moving up the learning curve.

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In my personal opinion KOTOR1 is better, it's a complete, stand alone, game. I quite like the whole good/evil black/white basis that comes from the Star Wars films. Well... to an extent.


One example of my intolerence to an excess of it is DS Jaden from Jedi Academy, "THE SPECTRE WILL BE MINE!" try being sneaky and manipulative you dumb fallen Jedi.... but that's another story for another forum.


As for what game to buy (if you haven't already) it really comes down to what you want. You've said you don't like the whole black and white storytelling, then thats a cross against K1. You're basically saving the weak good faction against the strong evil army... you'll get that feeling the most from Dantooine. So if you're more inclined for the unseen, unheard, basically unknown enemy conspiracy, then TSL might be an option.


However, TSL was not properly completed (as if it was, I think there'd be a few less debates on this board) and if you're someone who enjoys climaxes that ties up the loose end, then you'd be conflicted as this game has more depth that the original. TSL has more feats, more skills and has like eleven or so lightsaber style, which K1 only has one universial style. But, playing K1 first could be beneficial, as if you did then went to TSL, you'd understand the plot as best anyone could.


As for figuring out the plot twist before it even occurs, I didn't. As I was more interested in spending time with my girlfriend than picking apart a game's plot.

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I like TSL for a couple of reasons...


1. It broke the trend of "Oh here's the bad guy, and here's the knight with a pretty blue saber ready to save the day!"

2. In KOTOR 1 you were phrased for being charitable, now in TSL you are doing more harm then good.

3. Being able to turn your friends into Jedi, and with an interesting subplot before they ask you to turn them.


My only gripe about the game is that it was unfinished. I basically stop playing the game when I get to Malachor.

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Ah, I see. I thought you were all having a go at me. My mistake.


As for figuring out the plot twist before it even occurs, I didn't. As I was more interested in spending time with my girlfriend than picking apart a game's plot.


You make it sound as if I spent a whole day trying to figure out the plot twist. I didn't. It only took a few minutes of my time. I'll just say one thing (and it is not my intention to be arrogant). This isn't just directed at you by the way.


Even if you weren't trying to guess what was coming, how could you overlook the 'in your face clues'? Such as:


-The visions

-Vrook: "Are you certain Revan is truly dead? What if we undertake to train this one and the Dark Lord should return?"

-The computer on Kashyyyk. "Match found."

-Saul: "The Dark Lord would probably reward me if I just killed you once and for all, given the trouble you've caused him...and the history between you."

-The fact that you never hear Revan speak and he/she wears a mask. Now who else don't you hear speak? Who doesn't have a fixed appearance?

-The Jedi Council lying to you about how Revan was 'killed' when the second vision on Taris shows a different story.

-DJM on Manaan: "Wait. I recognize you! Lord Malak was most displeased to hear you had escaped Taris alive. He has promised a great reward to whoever destroys you."


Sorry, but I found these clues hard to overlook. I couldn't help but think my character was Revan before the plot twist, because of these things.

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Knights 2 is a bugged up, half-finished, glitched-to hell mess that crashed my computer with alarming frequency. If they put as much thought into the plot as they did the workbench and lab station, we might have had a story that made the slightest bit of sense.


The good points to Knights 2? It's a much grittier game, much more shaded in terms of right and wrong, allowing you to play a more nuanced Darksider.


Knights 1? Much less sophisticated for the battle system, but the story is a powerhouse, the Star Wars feel is perfectly in place, and it takes time to work with the entire cast.

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