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Unsatisfied Hunger

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(Click the above picture, which igyman also made to read the first part of the Sera Tana series, Echoes of Darkness).


Hello everyone and welcome to the second part of the Sera Tana series. I'll release the Prologue, but the Chapters won't be released, until Saturday, since by then, I should have some Chapters to release, since I've only written two. I'll release the banner(s) that igyman has made for me (Thank you once again).






I'd like to thank all my fans, including CSI: Nihilus, Jason Skywalker and many others. Well the Opening Scroll and Prologue are below in Post #2.

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Star Wars

Unsatisfied Hunger


One year has passed, since the death of the SITH LORD, EMPEROR DEVON and the planet, TRAMOND XXV. The JEDI EXILE, SERA TANA and her husband, ATTON RAND have been blessed with their own child, KAVAR RAND, who was named after one of Sera’s JEDI MASTERS, prior to the MANDALORIAN WARS.


REVAN still hasn’t been seen for five years, since he ventured into the UNKNOWN REGIONS and the REPUBLIC ADMIRAL, CARTH ONASI is concerned of his whereabouts. Since the REPUBLIC is still being rebuilt and work on the new JEDI ORDER hasn’t even begun, Carth knows only one person who can find his old companion, during the JEDI CIVIL WAR.


Eleven years before the current events, prior to the Mandalorian Wars, a young JEDI KNIGHT discusses to the wise Jedi Masters on the JEDI COUNCIL, about the MANDALORIAN attacks on certain planets. Little does the Jedi Knight know that all of his decisions will lead him to the DARK SIDE


“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering! I sense much fear in you.”

- Yoda


Zann Sturm, a Jedi who had recently become a Jedi Knight, stood before two of the Jedi Masters from the Jedi Council. He had requested a meeting with them, to discuss about the recent Mandalorian attacks on several planets in the Outer Rim. Zann had been very concerned at this, knowing that many innocent people were in danger and the Republic in which the Jedi Order aided were also losing to the Mandalorians. Master Vandar, the Grand Jedi Master, who was also the shortest and oldest of the Jedi Masters spoke first.


“Knight Sturm,” Vandar began, “You’ve requested a meeting.”


Zann bowed to Vandar before speaking. Despite Zann’s disagreements with the wisest members of the order, he had always respected Vandar with great interest. He had taught Zann the ways of the Force, since he had joined the Jedi Order, when he was very young. A Youngling, as Vandar and many of the other masters liked to call the members of the order who were thirteen years old or younger.


“I have master,” Zann began, “And I appreciate that you have let me speak to you about the Mandalorian attacks.”


“Well, we like to listen to what any member of our grand order has to say,” The elder Jedi Master, Vrook snapped.


Vandar held his hand up in the air.


“Patience, Master Vrook,” Vandar told Vrook, “I know that you and Knight Sturm haven’t gotten along in the past, but we must discuss what Zann wants to discuss.”


Well, what could Zann say? He knew that many innocent people were in danger and that the Jedi weren’t doing anything to help the Republic, who were trying to defend them from the Mandalorians.


“Masters,” Zann began, “As you might already know, I believe that we should send a small group of Jedi Knights to aid the Republic, who are failing with their task of defending the innocents. Isn’t it what we do? We’re keepers of the peace…”


“Not soldiers,” Vrook interrupted, “Vandar, myself and the other Jedi Masters have discussed this and we believe that the right time to aid the Republic is when we decide the right time to send help.”


“That is arrogant, wouldn’t you say, Master Vrook?” Zann asked, regretting the fact that he had sounded rude.


Zann was expecting a rude answer from Vrook, but there was silence. Vandar didn’t speak, nor did Vrook. Zann didn’t have anything else to say, until either of the masters spoke.


“We appreciate you for coming to speak to us,” Vandar told Zann, ending the silence, “Vrook, myself and the rest of the council must discuss this privately. We have nothing more to discuss. You may leave, when you are ready.”


Zann once again, bowed down to the two elderly masters.


“As you wish Master Vandar,” Zann told Vandar, “I appreciate your patience.”


Zann turned and left the room.




Several hours later, after their duty of sitting on the council was over, Vandar and Vrook returned to the same room where Zann had discussed with them about the Mandalorian attacks. They were going to talk about Zann, but it wasn’t really about their recent discussion.


“Master Vandar,” Vrook began, “Today, I caught him in a heated argument with my Padawan! His master refuses to properly discipline him. I want to know what action you intend to do about this!


“Vrook, I respect your wisdom, but it is not your concern,” Vandar told Vrook.


“But he isn’t disciplined, he is uncontrolled!” Vrook shouted, “Whatever the other Padawans see him do, they are quick to do the same, however, other students dislike him intensely!”


“I strongly disagree,” Vrook continued, hoping his master would listen to him, “He is a mediocre Jedi, who has a lust for power! It will lead to the dark side! Furthermore it will…”


“This isn’t a matter we cannot discuss, until what you are saying is proved Master Vrook,” Vandar told him, “This matter shall not be discussed anymore.”


Vandar walked off, leaving Vrook annoyed.

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[Force Manuscript Drain]Now I'm really hungery...More manuscripts...[Grabbs Pottsie's uncompleted manuscript, with glowing yellowish eye]...Can't resist...I must feed!!![/Force manuscript Drain]


Just kidding.


However, this may like a RP. So I may consider it it'a sort of advertising...Nicely done, Pottsie and always looking forward to see more.

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Am I that predictable Jason? It is possible that Zann is Nihilus, but I'm not revealing anything yet. Remember that I shall be posting some Chapters on Saturday. Anyway, thanks for the comments igyman and Jason Skywalker.


Also, since igyman and I couldn't decide which banner we liked more, although I think that the Korriban banner looks a bit better than the Malachor one. Even though I've now decided which I prefer, I thought that the public could still choose which they prefered, for when I do the FIN version. Feel free to vote.


Anyway, thanks for the comments all.

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A reason why the Malachor banner would suit it better - Nihilus learned of the Sith and got his powers on Malachor, Revan also turned to the Dark Side on Malachor.


I suppose it's personal opinion I suppose, but a Malachor banner has already been used with the Echoes of Darkness and it would be a bit too similar to the previous one, but I decided to let you guys/gals vote. Also Grivis, can you say which banner you prefer. Remember, Chapters should be posted tomorrow, at different times, since I want comments for just one Chapter at a time, so until I get one comment on a Chapter, I'll post the next Chapter. I'm writing Chapter 5 by the way, at the moment. Oh and thanks for other comments all.

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I suppose it's personal opinion I suppose, but a Malachor banner has already been used with the Echoes of Darkness and it would be a bit too similar to the previous one, but I decided to let you guys/gals vote. Also Grivis, can you say which banner you prefer. Remember, Chapters should be posted tomorrow, at different times, since I want comments for just one Chapter at a time, so until I get one comment on a Chapter, I'll post the next Chapter. I'm writing Chapter 5 by the way, at the moment. Oh and thanks for other comments all.


i would say now, but i can't because i can't see igyman's pics anymore on my computer. Just his for some wierd reasn. I saw them on my schools computers. Is the second one the one with Nihilous and Malachor 5 in nthe background, if so that one.

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I'm sorry I didn't post my Chapters on saturday, but LF wasn't working for three days, but I'll post one Chapter each day, since I break up for the Christmas Holidays today and I'll be on LF more. Happy holidays.






Chapter I - Dream or Vision?

"In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone."

- Darth Malak


Inside a dark building, a young man, around his thirties, stood pacing around the large library. The library was the main part of the building. Many holodiscs and consoles were in the room. Normally, all the holodiscs would be stacked tidily, but the young man was obsessively looking through all the holodiscs, as if he was looking for something. Something that he had lost.


“Where is it?” He asked himself, “It should be here, I sensed it!”


In anger, he immediately threw the holodisc he was holding into the corner. He sighed and let his hands run through his long brown hair, as he thought for a moment. He seemed troubled, as he flicked through the other holodiscs, each of them receiving the same result, as they were thrown into the corner. As the man was looking through one particular holodisc, that seemed to be the one he was looking for, he heard a noise. A noise that seemed familiar, yet he couldn’t think of what it was.


“Who’s there?” He asked, grabbing onto his Lightsabers, but he wasn’t igniting them.


There was no reply. The only reply the man received was the silence and darkness of the night. The man heard the noise again, only this time it was louder.


“I demand to know who’s there!” The man shouted, igniting his purple and red coloured Lightsabers.


The man used his Lightsabers to see through the darkness, but he couldn’t see anything. The Force had also blinded his senses. The man felt more troubled than he was earlier. The fact that he thought that he wasn’t alone, terrified him even more. The man heard the noise again, this time it was directly behind him. The man turned around to see something, dressed in black, but the man couldn’t see the thing’s facial features, except for two eyes.


“Speak to me,” The man demanded, clutching onto his Lightsabers.


The thing said nothing as the thing forced the man opposite into a Force stun.



Sera Tana, the Jedi Exile, immediately awoke, her forehead sweating, as her eyes became accustomed to the dark. Her husband, Atton Rand was still asleep and Sera couldn’t hear their child, Kavar wailing for his parents. Sera got out of bed and walked outside to the garden, outside their home on the restored planet of Telos. Sera felt at peace, every time she was outside in the garden. She had always liked the great outdoors. Sera sat on the cobbled path and began to meditate, after flattening her short blonde hair.



Atton woke up and noticed that his wife had gone. Atton always knew where his wife was, every time she wasn’t with him. She was in the gardens, trying to escape the nightmares that plagued her mind every night. Atton got up and got changed into his clothes, before checking up on Kavar. Kavar had been named after one of Sera’s Jedi Masters, before the Mandalorian Wars had begun. Kavar slept peacefully as Atton brought the bed sheets back over him, to keep him warm. Atton gave him a kiss on his little head, before leaving Kavar’s bedroom. He had to check up on his wife.


Outside in the garden, Atton saw his wife in deep meditation. Her legs were crossed and she was silent. Atton couldn’t even hear her breath. He walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder.


“Darling,” He began, “You seem troubled, I can sense it.”


Sera stood up and turned to see her husband.


“Atton, I’ll be back to bed soon,” Sera told him.


Atton chuckled slightly, as he took off his torn brown jacket and put it on Sera.


“It’s cold tonight, isn’t it?” He asked.


Sera nodded, immediately turning around, without replying.


“Don’t give me that,” He continued, “I can read you like a Pazaak Deck. You’ve been having nightmares all week and I can tell. You’re all shaky and it isn’t because of drinking too many Juma Juices.”


Sera sighed and turned around, to see her husband again.


“You still compare me to Juma Juices,” Sera told Atton, “Can’t you see that?”


“Of course I can,” He told her, “I’m your husband. Don’t shut me out from your problems Sera, let me help you,” He grabbed her hands and rubbed them together, trying to warm them up, “Let me help you, like you did on Nar Shaddaa for me.”


Sera walked towards the house, taking Atton’s jacket off and throwing it back to him.


“Kavar wants his mother,” She told him, before returning to the house and leaving Atton alone in the garden.

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Good beginning Pottsie, i want to see more, and i just hope you don't quit on the Sera Tana Saga! Or else...




... There will be trouble. Anyway, I've broken up from school now for two weeks from today, 19th Dec 2006 - 3rd Jan 2007. I might be able to write some of this Fic more. Thanks for the comments Jason and I hope I don't quit either. I've got two more parts planned after this. Anyway, I hope this Fic to be about twenty Chapters long.


Here is Chapter 2.


Chapter II - Answers

"I can feel its power!"

- Darth Malak


The next morning arrived quicker than Sera had expected. Since looking after Kavar last night, after her discussion with Atton, Kavar had been asleep and neither Atton nor Sera had spoken to each other. Sera woke up early and began breakfast. By the time Sera had finished breakfast, Atton had woken up and sat with Sera at the table.


“Last night,” He began, “I’m aware that you couldn’t tell me your problem, but I need you to tell me. I can help you.”


“Well, I dreamed about someone,” Sera told Atton, “I think it was Revan.”


“Revan?” Atton asked, “That’s a new one.”


Sera swallowed hard, before continuing.


“I know,” She told him, “He was in a library of some sort, searching for something important. Something important to him. And there was a voice. A voice I haven’t heard for a while and while I think I recognise it, I don’t remember it.”


Atton shook his head, confused.


“You sure confuse me Sera,” Atton told her.


“It doesn’t matter anyway Atton,” Sera told him, getting ready to leave the room, “It was only a dream.”



Inside the hangar, opposite Sera’s home, Sera’s Wookiee friend, Roarboar, was repairing her ship, the Ebon Hawk. Like most of his species, he had brown fur, with a tint of grey, showing his old age. He was very tall and he made Sera feel small in his presence. When Sera entered the hangar, Roarboar immediately roared in happiness and left the Ebon Hawk to greet Sera. He immediately lifted her up from the floor and embraced her. Sera choked at the strength Roarboar was using. Soon Roarboar let her go.


“Roarboar, I think you broke half of my ribs there,” Sera told him.


Roarboar laughed at her and walked back over to the Ebon Hawk. Sera followed him. Roarboar was a Wookiee, Sera had saved, during the Jedi Civil War, in her adventures as an exile. He had been on Sleheyron, under captivity by the Trandoshan Slavers and Sera happened to be on the planet at the time and rescued him. Like most Wookiees who were rescued, he swore a life debt to her, but Sera knew that he had a family to return to and Sera told him that he would serve his life debt to her, by returning to Kashyyyk and staying with his family. It wasn’t until after the events on Tramond XXV, that Sera was reunited with Roarboar on Telos. Roarboar remembered his life debt and continued to serve her as a family friend. He had looked after Kavar, the two Droids that Sera owned, the Assassin Droid, HK-47 and the Utility Droid, T3-M4 and fixed the Ebon Hawk, when it needed fixing.


“Thank you for doing this Roarboar,” Sera told him, scratching under his furry chin, the one place that Roarboar liked being tickled.


“Query: Master, what are you doing with the furry meatbag?” HK asked, as he walked down the boarding ramp of the Ebon Hawk.


“Nothing HK,” Sera told him, “Where is T3?”


“Answer: He is on this vessel, tinkering around with the security systems,” HK told Sera.


“Well at least I know,” Sera told HK, before returning her attention to Roarboar, “Roarboar, I won’t be needing the Ebon Hawk for a while, so you and the Droids can come home for a while.”



Later on in the evening, Sera, Atton and Roarboar were sitting around the table. Kavar was asleep, as usual and the Droids had been turned off for a while.


“Sera, we didn’t finish our discussion this morning,” Atton told Sera.


“I can’t talk about it Atton,” Sera told him.


Roarboar roared sadly, hoping he could get Sera to talk to her husband.


“The dream was strange,” Sera told both Atton and Roarboar, “I believe Revan was there and he wasn’t on his own. He had company with him and he didn’t want any company. But the strange thing is. Is that I heard that strange voice before.”


There was silence. Sera took this opportunity to think. Perhaps it was a sign that Sera should go and search for Revan, like she did, before she had Kavar. The Force worked in mysterious ways indeed.


“I must see Admiral Onasi,” Sera told Atton and Roarboar, standing up.


“He’s in a meeting with the new Senate,” Atton told Sera.


“I know Atton,” Sera told him, “Carth has told me that I can see him at anytime and besides, politics and politicians aren’t my thing.”


As Sera ran out of the house, Roarboar laughed at Atton.


“Laugh it up fussball,” Atton told him, getting up to check on Kavar.

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Exile said it was. :)


Also Pottsie, on a side-note, i look forward to see your new shortie tomorrow.


Thanks Jason. It's very short, about two pages in Word. It isn't my best work. Anyway, thanks for the corrections igy and I won't be revealing any spoilers to this Fic or it's future Sequels.

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Chapter III - The Meeting

“The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is.”

- Yoda


Sera ran towards the large, dome building, where all the meetings were held. The Senate Chambers was the most beautiful building on Telos. The sun always shone on it’s gleaming, white exterior and there wasn’t any dirt marks or anything on the building. As Sera approached the Senate Chambers, the doors automatically opened as she walked towards the first meeting room.



Inside the Senate Chambers, the Republic Admiral, Carth Onasi had called a meeting with the majority of the Jedi Masters. He wanted to talk to them about restoring the Jedi Order on Coruscant. Carth stood tall and proud behind his podium as the meeting began.


“Jedi Masters,” He began, “I’ve called you here this evening for one reason. To talk about restoring the Jedi Order.”


“Where is Senator Katare?” Brianna asked.


“She is on business on her homeworld of Alderaan,” Carth told the young Handmaiden, who currently resided in the secret Telos Academy in the polar part of Telos, “She has asked me to continue the meeting for her.”


Sera entered the room and sat behind one of her friends, the Miraluka, Visas Marr. As Sera got comfortable, Visas began to speak.


“Admiral Onasi,” She began, “The other Jedi Masters and I have decided that the new Jedi Order shall be restored on Telos. Both of the orders on Dantooine and Coruscant have both suffered and the people on the planet, don’t want us to return.”


“Well people will have to cope, since not everything will go the way they want it to,” Carth told everyone, sternly, “Coruscant was where the Jedi always gathered, before and after the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, shall be where the Jedi will be for many years to come.”


“So basically, you want us all to leave Telos for Coruscant?” The Zabrak, Bao-Dur asked.


“Yes, Bao-Dur,” Carth told him, “I’ve discussed these matters with Mical and he agrees that the Jedi Temple on Coruscant should be rebuilt and used once more.”


Sera stood up and walked to where Carth was standing. After all, she was the leader of the Jedi Order at this present moment in time and since Revan wasn’t here, she had to make the decisions.


“I agree with Admiral Onasi,” She told the entire Senate, “Coruscant is the perfect place to re gather the Jedi Order. When I was in the Telos Academy, the place was tainted with the dark side and I don’t wish any more Jedi to suffer like Atris did.”


Nobody replied, but they did agree with all of Sera’s points. In the end, it was all decided that the Jedi Order would be on Coruscant and the Jedi Orders on Telos and Dantooine would be forgotten. Everyone started to leave the Senate Chambers, but Carth had requested another meeting, this time with Sera and another Jedi Knight, Bastila Shan.


“Jedi Exile, Sera Tana, I’d like you to meet Jedi Knight, Bastila Shan,” Carth told Sera, “I served under Bastila, during the Jedi Civil War. You know, the one I told you about.”


Sera shook Bastila’s hand, before returning her attention to Carth.


“Of course I remember Admiral,” Sera told him, “She fell in love with Revan and…”


“I already know all of that exile,” Bastila told Sera sternly, “This is what the Admiral, you and I need to discuss. I had a dream, or a vision of Revan.”


“What a coincidence,” Sera told Bastila, “So did I. He was in a library, of some sorts.”


“We can’t discuss about this now,” Carth told the two ladies, “Revan is alive and from your discussion on the vision, I believe he is somewhere in the galaxy. The only question is where. Look come back tomorrow and we can discuss this matter in more detail.”


“As you wish Admiral,” Sera told Carth, bowing to him, before leaving the Senate Chambers.


Questions ran through Sera’s mind as she left. She had heard many rumours of Revan returning to the light side, during the end of the Jedi Civil War. Was he the same person as he was in the Mandalorian Wars? Sera doubted it, since people changed over time. Sera knew this. She was once the independent sole traveller, during her exile, but after meeting Atton on Peragus, it all changed. Whether Revan was alive or not, changed or not, Sera was determined to find Revan.

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