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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Another night short on sleep. Even so: don't feel too awfully bad this morning though.

I'll probably be wiped-out tonight after work however...


I'm way overdue for doing laundry again. It's gonna be a challenge this morning to put together a full outfit that fits and isn't in tatters in order to get through the day.


Or find some clothes that I've already worn, but aren't visibly dirty and don't smell... well, too much...


Wish me luck. :dozey:

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off to a good morning so far.....alarm clock woke me up, only hit snooze 3 times before complying. now it's off to get my paycheck and file the taxes. I'll probably get alot (wtf alot isn't a word?) back, well enough anyways...gotta get some new glasses and clothes. maybe i'll pick up another xbox game today.

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I'm overdue for new glasses too... Maybe it's time to change my look; ditch the aviator-type frames I've been wearing since I first got glasses back in 8th grade.


I could go for contacts... but honestly, I've never seen myself keeping up with the maintenance properly. Last thing I need is a nasty eye infection...


Besides, I've been wearing glasses so long I just can't imagine myself without them.

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*sigh* people buying GM cars... what's your next purchase? dog poop on a stick?

In my defence, the Impala's the only GM car I seriously considered... They get ridiculous mileage (my old man got 31mpg on a 5 hour drive, doing 75 most of the way, and I've heard similar stories from others too), they're comfortable as hell, have enough cargo space to haul my gear around for jam nights, and if something does go wrong, I'm friends with a salvage yard owner and a few GM-specialized mechanics, most of which owe me favours.

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Renewed my Driver's License yesterday. Somehow I got a restriction on there that says I need mirrors on both sides of the car. This must be a mistake, because I did fine on the perepheral vision test. I guess it doesn't matter, since all cars have both mirrors these days, but still...kind of weird. I didn't notice it until I got home, so I couldn't ask about it. Meh, whatever.

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*sigh* people buying GM cars... what's your next purchase? dog poop on a stick?




stuck in the 90's still?


GM quality control is way beyond what is was.


All of their new cars have much improved interiors, and their drivetrains were always great. They didnt win best of show car and truck at detroit for no reason Ike, now if you were talking about recently demoted to 4th place Ford I wouldn't argue.


Alot of GM's new line is rock solid. Those that aren't probably aren't all the new.

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picked up Empire at War because i felt due for a strategy game.....and holy crap. i just spent the last 5 hours playing it. It reminds me ALOT about the rebellion/supremacy game, and with the added ability to go onto the planet surface and fight!!! It's so awesome.

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Been cold all day. Haven't been able to warm up at all.


Work: dull.

Highlight: Touring the building where the college's next concert venue is going to be built.

Still, it is a payday... never a bad day.


Will be hittin' the sack early again tonight.

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well i wrote to a recruiter from the goarmy.com site and was told people who have a felon (in my case careless driving) aren't allowed back in the military. recruiter said i should contact a local recruiter for advice....i can't see how something like a minor traffic violation (all i did was hit the gas when the light turned green and accelerated and my tires squealed...stupid cop and me for not fighting the ticket -_- ) would bar me from enlistment...especially since they can recruit someone that is like 38 years old. gah what a email to wake up to.

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that's a felony there??



my friend thats a 2nd LT now had a felony, he had to get a waiver signed by some colonel somewhere to get let in though, they have waiver's for about everything



All I like about EAW are space battles too, but man they are worth it!


I plaed the supreme commander beta yesterday, its pretty sweet!


payday for me yesterday too ed, it IS a good day!


I picked up a new monitor yesterday from a friend, older Viewsonic GS series 21 inch tube..........runs nice res, too bad its not a trinitron, but for 20 bucks I am pretty pleased

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Yet another utterly thrilling day at work... :rolleyes: But I guess I really shouldn't complain... I could be having a week of days all like the other night was for me.

I guess I'll take slow and dull over busy but death-wish inducing.


Oversaw the fixing some the risers, cleaning of the back hall, sorting out of the Plexiglas shields, and checking of lighting cables.


Got home and ordered Chinese and watched Friday-night political weekly wrap-up shows on PBS.

Now thinking about bed. Still tired for some reason. Seems like I slept OK last night.


Got an entire day of laundry ahead of me tomorrow. Oh joy of joys! :dozey: Bleh. Well... At least I'll get to catch up on DVD viewing while I do it.


Gotta plan on doing something interesting for Sunday though... my life cannot continue on in these doldrums like this much longer before I go out and do something risky and rash out of sheer desperation for excitement... like pick up a nasty, expensive, and self-destructive needle-drug habit or something.


At least then I might have some new and different things to talk about... :(



... probably no internet connection or computer to do it on though. So, on 2nd thought... :dozey:


I'll probably just gas up the car, grab a bunch o' fave CDs, and head out on a drive back to re-discover the lands of my youth, (Plymouth, Manomet, Carver...) before the weather warms up and they turn into an overcrowded tourist Hell yet again.

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had a good day off today....Woke up at around 9am and just stayed inside and played Empire at War til around 5pm...went to wendy's for supper w/my parents and sister, and now i'm back.


yesterday I picked up some advil cold and sinus medication, the kind that you gotta sign for to relieve the place of any liability if you use it to make narcotics. :rolleyes: anyways it's pretty much cleared up the rest of my cold. :D temperature outside is unforgiving...the weatherbug says 20 degrees, wind sucks. maybe it will warm up next week. :D


i think i'll get back into my workout clothes and put in a billy blanks dvd. been sitting down too long. -_- I went and added all my weights to the barbell in my room so i'm lifting like 100 pounds, can't do that when someone's trying to make me laugh though...i about dropped it all on my chest last time that happened. :p


Watched The Marine and Flags of Our Fathers the other day, Flags was pretty good.

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I need to get that, and the "Letters From Iwo Jima" DVD as well, when it comes out.


Still not completely done with laundry yet, but I think I'll just go get a snack and call it a night. Most of the stuff I couldn't live without is done anyway. Even if I don't finish tomorrow, I can still get through the week.

I still really want to get out of the house and do something (anything!) tomorrow. Hope the weather stays clear...


Finished watching Schindler's List (and the bonus features,) tonight between loads, then followed that with the last 2 episodes of Band of Brothers... talk about a sucker for punishment. :rolleyes: I spent the entire evening in a state of "choked-up." Had to watch a couple of HHGG episodes to lighten the mood a bit.

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aw man this game is just like rebellion.....4.5 hours straight, no break or anything. I control Geonosis and Ryloth though. :D And I have Victory Class Star Destroyers!!!



now to only mod it to implement Eclipse-class Sd's

Cracken knows what im talkin about :D

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geez ed, how many clothes you go through in a day? I do my laundry once every two weeks...it is such a hassle. :D

I have about 15 pairs of jeans that I can wear out in the world (a few more pair that are acceptable around the house only... :D ) and 2 drawers full of tee shirts that aren't totally faded, shrunk, ripped (another couple of drawers of shirts that are.)

When I start to run out of them, it's laundry time. I usually wear each pair of denims twice, unless I get them really dirty somehow... and each shirt only once. At least 1 change of undies and socks every day... 3 fleece hoodies, and a couple of other fleece pullovers that I wear out everyday when it's cold like this. And all the sweatpants or flannel pajama bottoms that I usually bum around the house and sleep in during the winter months.


Go a month or 5 weeks between washes and trust me, it all piles up!

I really should do it more often... but somehow it always gets put off until it is so desperate that I an left with only 2 choices: Spend an entire day doing laundry; or go out and buy enough all new clothes to get through another week of work.


I choose both options about equally. I figure in another year I'll have enough clothes to get through 2 months without washing... then it will take all weekend to get through it all... unless I spend the money to get a couple of of giant, industrial size washer/ dryers. The ones I have now can do less than 6 pairs of pants before getting overloaded... which is one of the reasons everything takes so long for me... practically everything I own is made from heavy fabric... and each basket of laundry usually represents at least 2 loads in the washer. Takes forever...


And none of this mentions all the other things like bath towels, bed sheets and blankets, tablecloths and place-mats, cleaning cloths and rags, etc... that's usually several loads in itself. (Although I rarely do them at the same time as my clothes...)


One of these days I'll learn. I think if the laundry room was on the first floor I'd probably do it more often, y'know, throw in a wash while fixing dinner after work... but it's down in the cellar, and getting everything down there and back up is enough of a hassle to inspire procrastination at every opportunity.




My Norton 2007 is being a bitch today. I still have at least 9 months subscription left, but it's telling me I'm out, and it won't let me re-activate. It just won't connect to thier server.


Damn. I forsee a long time in tech support Hell in my very near future. :rolleyes:

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