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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Seriously, this is all whiny crap, which has to stop immediately. I've never been worried 'bout this "Valentine's Day", I mean it's not like the only day of the year to have or find someone to love or whatever. Ptse. CALM DOWN, GET REAL.


Dude, what are you talking about? We have one joke post about Valentine's Day, and you go nuts. I don't think we're the ones preoccupied with the subject.

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Mmmh.. In that case.. I apologise for misbehaviour :) Valentine's *is* a sucky day, not because of the "spirit" but the commerce. Rereading your post, it seems I kind of took it totally wrong, twisted it up and then turned it inside out. On the other hand, I don't think I was addressing your particular post, but rather the "hype" people make of it.


In other words, when totally busy with work don't attempt to post here at the same time, it might be bad for your health, because someone might get curious how many punches your face can take. :PPP


You can hit me with a bat now. :D Twice. :D:D

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Valentine's Day is my dad's birthday. That's generally all I ever try to make of it.


Even if I had a gf I don't think I would let myself make a big deal... like all of our holidays it has been over commercialized to hell and back, as Ray says... plus doesn't this one have blatantly pagan origins? I mean... all of the others do too... but this one doesn't try to disguise it as carefully.


I always think of the Simpson's episode where they introduced "Love Day"...

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Valentine's Day is my dad's birthday. That's generally all I ever try to make of it.


It's also my cousin's birthday. But I don't care about her, so it doesn't really matter.


Even if I had a gf I don't think I would let myself make a big deal... like all of our holidays it has been over commercialized to hell and back...


So what? You don't have to buy her a Hallmark card or anything. Write her a little song, or a poem, or take her for a romantic walk or something. I don't think it's bad to have one day a year to indulge in a little pointless romance. In fact, if we could keep it all confined to one day a year, and the rest of the time focus on the more important aspects of relationships, I think that would be fabulous.


Frankly, some of my fondest memories of having a girlfriend are coming up with nice Valentine's Day surprises for her. Girls love that stuff. And we should love making them happy. So we should be happy to do it. Or something.

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I'm not big on rituals.




OK... so I had the kind of day that would make Mother Teresa spit on lepers.


I had to be in to meet the Boston Fire Inspector for our quarterly walkthru at 10:30 this morning. So I get up at 5:30 to give myself plenty of extra time. I leave the house by quarter of 9, on the train platform before 9. Should be in work before 10. Give me plenty of time to settle in, grab a coffee and bagel, check the e-mail and calendar for the day before he gets there. Easy.


10:45 -- I finally get to work.

Train broke down. Of course. The one day I actually need to get in at a specific time to take care of something.


Fire inspector got pissed and left. Came back later in a great mood. Needless to say I was in a spectacular mood myself.


Fun times.


The rest of the day I kind of just moped around the office in front of my computer, grumbling under my breath and composing pissed-off e-mails,.. except for lunch, which was OK... but a little greasy. Too much fried stuff on one plate. It'll have to be something nice and lite tonight.


The kicker: As I was leaving I stopped in down front to see if I had any new mail in my box. As I stood there I couldn't help but notice that all the boxes had a little Valentiney card and a couple of candies in each that someone had left there, presumably in honor of the holiday tomorrow.

That is, all of them... except for one.


Any guesses? :dozey:


I guess I have never truly expected anything less. :rolleyes:

Oh well, it's really a good thing I am far beyond caring what people think of me, or I might actually be somewhat offended by the slight. However, I can only assume it was strictly intentional... which doesn't help my outlook towards my co-workers all that much. Groovy.


Weather is supposed to be ****ty tomorrow. I'll probably have to get up at the crack of dawn to clear out slush... and yet still have to go in to work tomorrow since it's not supposed to amount to all that much in the end.


Life just doesn't get much better than this.


Sig says it all... Thank you Marvin. Sums it up far better than I ever could...

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i dunno about valentines day, more like christmas w/all the snow we're supposed to be getting. :p


and yeah it is a stupid holiday just like all of them. well except st patrick's day of course, but i don't drink and i am irish. ironic really.


I have permission to call off of work tomorrow so i hope we get alot of snow otherwise i'll be forcing myself to go in because 'i need the money' etc. the only thing about that, however.....probably won't have customers...or i will, and they will overwhelm me like fireants on that caged chameleon i had down in Florida....awful...just awful...


God, i love fire fox's spell checker. :D


Maybe my Ghost Recon Summit Strike will be in the mail tomorrow.....i need new nationality to shoot at, i get sick of shooting north koreans.

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Storm turned out to be dud.


As of now work is open,.. and I have no real reason to expect that to change. Guess I gotta get dressed and clean off the liitle bit of sloppy, icy crud that's out there and start getting ready to go in.


Oh joy of joys.

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Well, I just drove 25 miles in the ice and snow to get to work. Guess what? No one is here. Well, a couple people are. But most aren't. *Sigh...*


We have the most retarded bad weather policy ever. If you can get to work, you have to come in. If you feel you can't safely get here, then you can stay home. The company will examine the weather after the fact and decide if it was bad enough to justify people staying home. If it wasn't, anyone who stayed home loses a vacation day.

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that sucks Keyan



I got here fine this morning, sort of, roads are crap ontop of a pile of crap with crap filling.


I had to shovel out my own spot to park in because public works in its infinite wisdom ran a plow down the aisles and left, not clearning any spots, but even better, blocking all sports with a 18 inch tall pile of snow and mush!


most people arent here anyways, maybe 20% of the building was here by 9am..........


the gf's classes were cancelled, so we could do something, except the highways are awful and its a 50 mile drive........

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i woke up to my alarm clock at 5am, watched the news reports, and at around 6am i decided it best to call off, then fell asleep on the futon, as i had a stomach ache and a headache, probably sinuses or i need to set up the humidifier.


i then proceeded, at 11:30 to go out and check my mail. couldn't get out of the driveway, so i walked to the post office to find......no mail at all. so i walked to the gas station on the way back home and picked up a gallon of milk. now the snow is coming down pretty thick. I've got 2 more days off, so hopefully my gr2:ss comes in the mail tomorrow.

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Zee weather,.. she be suckin' hard!


Nasty out there. I crossed the street for lunch around 3 this afternoon... my shoes, socks and pantlegs still haven't dried out completely.


Show should go quick. Thank God. No huge teardown tonight either. Yay! Should be out early... early for me anyway.


I'm not looking forward to chipping my car out when I get back to the parking garage. That's gonna take a while.


Got the lowdown on the cards in the mailboxes. Long story... but the short of it is that I don't feel quite as ill-disposed towards the entirety of humanity as I did a couple of hours ago. Just back to my normal, everyday level of total loathing and homicidal hatred. And turns out I really wasn't the only one so rejected... so I guess I'm in some good company.


Still... it could have helped make an already crappy day a little less horrifying. That's all I'm sayin'...




So, getting back to the train-station parking garage from work was actually the shorter, easier part of my commute.


Getting into my car, which was a solid block of ice, was the hard part.


The doors wouldn't open... frozen shut. Finally, after several tries of each door, managed to get the rear passenger side door open. Get in, start engine, wait 20 minutes for defrosters to start working good enough to loosen ice to allow you to even start scraping.


After about 40 minutes of that, it was just clear enough to actually try moving. Tires were stuck to pavement. Ride home was scary, slippery mess.


Winter! Hoo-ray!


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Work was surprisingly busy today,.. even though I wasn't working a concert. Got home a lot later than I planned.


Had to help load in and set up Paula Cole and her band for a rehearsal, and it took a lot longer than I thought.


Then on my way out of the building all these little things just kept coming up.


Then there was a broken train ahead of mine coming home, delaying the commute considerably.


Paula is playing tomorrow. It's gonna be a real long day for me. We load in at ten a.m. I don't imagine I'll be home before midnight.


Gonna eat quick, and hit the sack. Hopefully I can get right to sleep. It doesn't feel like that's going to be much of an issue at this point though... I hope not. I'll be most miserable if I have to slog through the entire shift on short sleep.

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did somebody say mcdonalds? :joy:


spent most of the day inside, still no xbox game in mail, so i'm just gonna be patient...I beat Empire at War as Empire. It kinda got repetitious..maybe the expansion is better.


I did some of the cardio workout, about an hour of that. watched some of revenge of the sith, and now i'm bored. I can't shake this headache, it's annoying me, I ate supper and it just won't go away!!!!!! *turns volume up louder*


I hate being so lonely all the time. Nobody cares. Maybe i'll go out for a hydroplane....nah, i don't need a ticket. -_-

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"Is she still doing things?"

"... is she hawt?"

"did somebody say mcdonalds?"


Answers to questions asked of me:


Yes, sort of...

No, not really...

Maybe, I'm not sure...


It's up to you guys to figure out which answer goes to which question...


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