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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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bah, myspace what a waste...





They deleted my account for 'innappropriate content' in august.....no idea why, it hadnt changed in 6 months.....



my gf made me a new one because she didnt like not having her boyfriend on there, or else I wouldnt be

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I have one only to be able to log in so I can look a pictures of people

So... Add me anyway.


Now that I am on I want to be the biggest popularity whore Myspace has ever seen! And that's a pretty high standard to meet.


Took some time away from the comp today and watched E.T.


Way too damn cold outside to go out for very long... so I didn't. Not for long anyways...

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d'oh I'll try and get to it tonight Ed.......



had class last night...that was painful...........


no one else had the homework done...so we spent all of class on the homework that was already due. I talked to the prof after an hour and he told me what next weeks work was and I left.........why I even bother I have no idea........


it will get really messy next week when we get into REAL programming, if thens, loops.......they will be scared little rabbits

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Myspace? Come on guys...keep your pathetic loneliness bottled up inside, where it can fester quietly as a mental illness. That's what I do, and it seems to be working out for me.



yeah. That worked out really well for a few famous people, like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy...etc :smash::smash::smash:

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See kids: Horror can be avoided with Myspace.


Face it: we all know Keyan actually has 16 different Myspace personas... he just doesn't want to admit it and appear desperate and needy of the attention in front of us.


Or is he more of a Facebook fellow...?


Work was, for the most part, pretty uneventful. A little chiding over the page... but that was to be expected, I guess.


Totally crazy, out of control show on the stage tonight... but what the hell do I care? It's not my night to work! :D


But I stuck around long enough to help the other engineer set up... mostly by labeling and configuring the board for her while she dealt with the chaos on stage. Hopefully that saved her some time and effort, and made some of the rest of the night go easy.

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Face it: we all know Keyan actually has 16 different Myspace personas... he just doesn't want to admit it and appear desperate and needy of the attention in front of us.


Or is he more of a Facebook fellow...?


On the contrary my good fellow. My life is shrouded in mystery. No one on the Internet has ever even seen a picture of me. And so shall it remain...FOREVER. Or at least until next Tuesday. Whichever comes first.

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eh i looked up my name on google and well i found some disturbing stuff i wrote when i was 18...like a autobiography...and i was still in florida at the time, i even had a list of goals to accomplish by the time i turn 24....i did accomplish 2 of them at least. :)


i got my income tax return today, so i payed my cable bills, i got more than i expected, which is good i guess, probably going to just save it i guess....tomorrow i have to save half my check for rent, and pay my insurance bill.


Playing Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike, and i must say that it is intense!!! After i beat it, gonna go and get Advanced Warfighter. I dunno which role i like more, marksman or gunner.....gunner you get a hellalot of firepower, marksman you can snipe. I like overrunning machinegun nests and taking command and blowing **** up. it's awesome.


I've also got Galaxies running on my computer, so probably going to reset my expertise since i lose action way too fast....i do have alot of damage mitigation though, which is nice...but it's not that great for pvp.

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Yesterday at work: Should have been easier.


Same player for both the clinic and show. We had almost zero information about the set-ups of each, so we made some educated guesses, and set up in what we thought would be the most logical configurations.


We were wrong in almost every instance.


It also didn't help that the special guest player was pickier than a truck full of mining tools... (Think about it for a second... you'll get it. ;) )


It was also a slightly longer day than I would prefer, if I had any choice about it... which I don't.


Still, it was far less stressful than my typical night on the job,.. so that should count for something.


In other news: I now have 2 of the Mythbusters cast and one world-renowned physicist as Myspace friends... I rock!


Of course, this is far overbalanced in favor of all the bottom-feeding low-lifes I normally find myself associated with... present company included. ;P

Gotta do something to class up my page better...


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