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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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good morning so far....i've been up since 4am. work is lame, upgraded the digital print center and now we're getting paper jams and ****. called in to kodak to fix our problem w/orders not clearing out on the picture maker, they had me do a system recovery...i highly doubt that that will work.


on my lunch break now....when i get home, gonna put in Ghost Recon Summit Strike, i'm playing on hard difficulty, got my speakers set up and it sounds so real, the sniper rifles and stuff...I'll probably pick up Advanced Warfighter before I go home from work tonight, it looks like they're getting ready to take it off the shelf, but I may just buy a copy from the guy i bought summit strike from if he has it.

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Well, I got my answer...I have no chance. Dammit. I'm not sure whether I feel better or worse now. Either way, I sure don't feel good.

Well, at least you know. I feel for you, man. But sometime the squashing of all our hope in something that will never happen can be the best wake up call to reality that any of us can face, I guess...


The positive spin: You can truly put that torch out now and really start looking around for someone to light the next one.


Lesson to be learned: Next time, act quicker.


But that's damn easy for me to say... (Hopefully I'll also take my own advice next time the opportunity presents itself.)


Talk about small consolations...

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Well, at least you know. I feel for you, man. But sometime the squashing of all our hope in something that will never happen can be the best wake up call to reality that any of us can face, I guess...


The positive spin: You can truly put that torch out now and really start looking around for someone to light the next one.


Lesson to be learned: Next time, act quicker.


But that's damn easy for me to say... (Hopefully I'll also take my own advice next time the opportunity presents itself.)


Talk about small consolations...


Well, perhaps I made too much of it - no chance is perhaps going a bit far. No present chance might be more appropriate. Acting quicker would not have helped, I think; if she had been interested and free, she would have let me know. I think if I caught her at the right time, and I were a little persistent, I could possibly convince her to go out with me. I mean, come on - I'm not talking about getting engaged here, I'm talking about going on a date. A nice dinner and some conversation - not exactly a big deal. But I don't intend to put any more thought or effort into this. I left her with some things to think about, and perhaps those seeds will grow in time.


In the meantime, no I am not looking for any more girls. This one was an exception. Someone very special who I knew from a time when things were different for me. I don't intend to look for any others. Nevertheless, I'm still bored with my life, and I will need to find something to do with it. I'm really running out of options here. But I will be patient for now. As Kenny Loggins sang:


Here's a sweet september morning, there's the sense of autumn on the rise

He steps into the wind and sadly sighs

"why does it always seem to be, there's a cold december wind in front of me?"

The more he fills his empty evenings

The less he feels that there's a chance to find

Something that can bring a peace of mind

Is there a place where you can go?

A little something you should know to turn the tide to your favor?


Wait a little while to welcome what you're after

Give it the time to find its way to you

And soon as you no longer try, you'll turn and find it standing by your side

Come and get it, when you let it, it'll come to you

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Yeah, well, Keyan... I found an old crush of mine on Myspace tonight. She even actually got back to me. Still married, 2 kids... ah. Oh well.


Her profile even still says "Single" but only because she hasn't gotten around to entering all the correct info yet. She's newer to it than I am...

That's precisely what I figured... but... well, you know... For almost half I second I kinda almost let myself think: "What if..?"



This old post might just be somewhat relevant...

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no sleep for me....time to rant -with a good reason...


my sister decided to wait til i get ready to go to bed to hand me my mail, from the bank stating that i overdrafted like a mother****er. now i'm killing myself in worry, wondering HOW in the god damn **** this ****ing happened. I've been keeping my checkbook DAMN accurate, every time i use credit or debit, I record it in my checkbook...EVERY ****ING TIME, as i got ****ed over before with stupid overdraft charges.... so tomorrow morning i'm gonna have to race in to the bank and see what's up. wish they were open 24 hours...i could always check it by phone, but i don't have that set up....i don't think. -_- thing is, i did 3 more overdrafts afteri deposited, didn't know the lady meant i only had 60, thought that was before depositing. now i'm ****ing pissed off at her.


what should i do? i have to work 12-9 tomorrow....bank opens at 9am...i doubt i'll be able to sleep if i can't check my balance history over the phone.


well that ain't happening and the place is closed for the evening.


This is such bull ****. and what's worse? the people that say 'I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO' i swear.....it's either i have just enough money to pay my bills, or some mother ****er comes and just ****ing steals it.


anyways, at least the weather will be nice and warm next week...a week that i'll need to make another OVERDRAFT if i don't get the situation resolved.....:(


I don't know what happened, and not being able to access online banking (too lazy to set it up, the time i'd check it would be the time they want me to set up yet another password with kajillion letters and numbers).....is what is killing me now. And i know for a god damn fact that i'll owe another $120+ because i recently overdrafted 3 times. (well that would be $90+ so far...) fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk. I could always save myself and put my rent money in and borrow from my loving sister or parents and get ****ing nagged to death about it. I did let ONE overdraft occur 2 weeks ago, i dunno what it was, thought i would catch any others, but nope....someone's gotta be stealing, and i suspect GULF gas station...i'm $69.41 out of cash...then again....maybe i am in the green zone? i made a deposit on wednesday and then another on thursday...and now that i think about it, the teller seemed a little flustered when i asked what my balance was, and she said $59, and now i think she said it was after my deposit of $230................*twilight zone music starts playing as i think* soooooo.........if that's the case, anyways i still gotta go in and see what the **** is up w/that?! i'm supposed to have about $156.40.....according to my glorious checkbook management skillz....however...i could have as little as $20 or less (hope not less....) if i don't get that fixed.


worst case scenario: I'll have to pay more overdraft fees next payday and my car insurance will be late...


better case scenario: I'll have to be late on my car insurance.....


best possible case: I find out what the hell happened and it was of no fault of my own, and am totally reimbursed for all the overdrafts.


i dunno why i wrote all that out.....i've been up since 4am, had 3 coffees at supper...i can't seem to just shut my mind off like normal.


I'll be ok, sleep is soon to come.

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yeah i was set up for it and everything until they made me change my password a kajillion times. -_-


sucks that they don't open sooner than 9am. i think i'll get ready and take a trip there anyway so i know what my balance is and just ask for where i went wrong. i think it's either the gas station or kost tires....or i messed up a deposit. or worse, they messed up a deposit...

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well i did get some sleep. now i'm pissed because i went to bank (they dont open til 9) and its saying i owe em $80+.....and the funny thing about that, my balance was about 60 on thursday after the deposit (i think?) and i only did 2 debits since then, not equalling greater than $50.....so someone ****ed up at the bank. I hope. I suppose this is what I get for saying 'every time i have money in the bank something happens....' I just don't know...maybe...just maybe i better check WoW...i don't remember giving them my credit card, but that's the ONLY thing i can think of being that took away my money. nope...just checked it wasn't WoW....Now I have absolutely no idea what it could be. Before the overdraft fees, i was -$49.41....i have no clue where that went. think i will print out my checkbook...(i've been using wordpad, this way calculator is handy and i don't have to search for it)

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Stuff like this comes up a few times a week at work, and the only thing I can think of is either theft/fraud or a preauthorized payment you forgot about... Also, I don't know about your bank, but the one I work for can set up telephone & online banking right over the phone.


Good luck.

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well i got 60 back...didn't feel bold enough to ask for the other 60....so i dunno....i did get the overdraft manager deal taken off...i feel so mad at myself for this, but i suppose it's a learning experience, if not a crappy one. Like i said before with my car...every time i'm about to have more than $200 in the bank that isn't owed to anybody, something comes along to snatch it. there were 2 things i didn't put in my checkbook...35 dollar check and 17 something at walmart...i'm thinking it was those hunting clothes...


btw i played LotR online last night a little, and it's pretty cool......i got work 12-9 today, and well it will be so much fun because i don't have to stay til 10!!!!11


word of the day: peacemaker....blessed are they for they will inherit the earth. I just made peace w/myself, so yeah. i pwn j00!!!!1111111

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The last 2 days at work have been a zoo.


An insane amount of people and equipment on our tiny, postage-stamp sized stage. The board got up to 64 or 65 inputs before we said "no more!" And that was mainly because we ran out of microphone cables. Every single one we have is out on the stage at the moment. Even if we wanted to, we simply couldn't add another input without taking something else away.

Plus, they want to multitrack record the whole show... with a 48-track hard-drive recorder.

65 is more than 48. I checked it. Twice.

We had to build sub-mixes of all the strings just so we could get it all to fit to the tape.


The show is tonight... but fortunately, I'm not actually working it. I just helped set it up, get the board labeled and configured, and stuck around for the rehearsal/ soundcheck yesterday.


I don't have any real plans for today. Maybe just: Take it easy. Do a couple of chores round the house. Noodle on the guitar. Maybe a spot of drawing. Catch up on sleep.


I'm facing 3 late nights at work this week. Don't want to try to push it too far today.

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well, work was ok yesterday...same old, same old. people freaking cause we're getting snow. :rolleyes: you'd think they were hogs, cause all the groceries they got last time should have lasted them til the end of march!


I'm able to do 30 pushups now with little difficulty, can push them to 40, i'm hoping by constantly trying to do more, that i'll be able to do 75 by the time i enlist, the only other thing would be running, with the ice all over the roads i won't go out and risk an injury.


I got a couple mos' i'm interested in:

military police

imagery analyst

field artillery surveyor


those are all interesting to me, so we'll see...MP is the one that holds most of my interest.


Now about my morning so far...


woke up at around 9:20, showered, played LotR:O Shadows of Agmar beta....it doesn't really like my graphics card, but it's playable. Reminds me of World of Warcraft, but with Lord of the Rings stuff, and without all the pvp crap. The detail is amazing, the music is nice, only thing is it's all text...not many voice overs unfortunately, but I'm used to that from Galaxies....I made an Elf Hunter named Alcarohtar. (elvish for my real name) :D


Then I made some scrambled eggs for breakfast, and now i gotta get ready for work...working til 9pm, gonna play more Summit Strike when I get home, I'm halfway through it...it's getting much harder as the game goes on...I spent about 2 hours on the last mission! But that was because i was in 'lone wolf' mode, where i could call in artillery strikes, and wield an M29...great fun. :D And i turned off the radar half the mission, which made it that much fun.

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40 being the ait standard minimum. when i go in next time i want to do better than average, which is around 50, so aiming for 75 which is "excellent" the run is my main concern at this point though....gotta get to the point where i can run for 2 miles straight w/o thinking of stopping for a breather.

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