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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Work impressions from yesterday:


Soundcheck ran long. A bit chaotic. Too many last second additions/ changes. Show went well. Ended early. Always a good thing. Everybody happy? Seems like it. Tough crowd to make happy... Hope Wed. night goes as well. One mic failure... on the one song it was actually needed. Worked all night before, and all night after... totally dead the one time it would have been used. Recording guys probably not happy. Nothing to be done about it during show. Too crowded on stage to go out and troubleshoot while band was playing. Sounded fine in house,.. but multitrack probably compromised. Oh well... can't win them all... It's all for the paying audience anyway, right? Everything else is just gravy.


I'm starting to get a lot of total strangers asking to add me on Myspace now. I'm not sure what to make of it...

On the one hand it's flattering that people want me as their pal on the sole basis of a couple of facts listed, and a few rambling monologues.

On the other hand: I never intended this to be anything more than a tool for tracking down and keeping current with people I already knew. Adding a bunch of total strangers seems to defeat that particular purpose somewhat.

Still, I feel bad about totally rejecting them outright.


I think I'll let their applications sit for a few days while I mull it over.


Also: I have invoked the wit and wisdom of the Rabbit in my blog there. I wonder if that has anything to do with this sudden infusion of interest in my being... 'cuz Lord knows it can't be me...



Ahh... what the hell... I'll just add them all anyway. Simpler than trying to sort them all out.


Might just give people who don't know me the impression that I actually have some friends...

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I beat Summit Strike on hard......now I'm playing Advanced Warfighter on the hardest difficulty available (ghost) next hardest needs to be unlocked....the controls are difficult to get used to, kinda sluggish and its weird seeing your weapon, in the other gr's you never saw your weapon unless in 3rd person mode.

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Good to know.


Yeah one of my recent adds posted a vaguely spammy comment today.

I deleted it, and set my options to have to approve comments. I haven't deleted the person yet, but that's probably my next step.


Most of the adds are from bands, though. Most of them linked off of pages of bands I've already added.


This person was the only wierd, inexplicable one. I guess the yoink stick is in order...


By the way Ike, where do I find you? ;)

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I guess I'm going to have to be more selective too.


Managed to get in touch with the last of the guys I lived on the Lennon Bus with. (Oh, and Nitro: He was not only not upset about the jam tapes going public... he was actually kind of PSYCHED about it! He even went so far as to download the .mp3s off your server so he could have them at work.)


Work was an otherwise uneventful slog thru the day. Got home, ate, and went to bed early.

Got a morning meeting (oh joy of joys :rolleyes:,) and a show tonight. How fair is that?


Oh well... I'm pretty sure I'll be taking Friday off to make up for it.

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  Rogue15 said:
no haven't contacted recruiter yet, as i know last time they got me into meps like the world was ending tomorrow. I got a 55 on the asvab.



I'd review whatever you think you did poorly on, that score *can* keep you out of certain MOS's


Myspace is fun like that Ed! Before I got deleted before I had like 7 'hot chick' porn bots as friends that would leave random comments on random occasions, and its always nice having 7 hot chicks say happy birthday on your wall :smash:

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  edlib said:
Managed to get in touch with the last of the guys I lived on the Lennon Bus with. (Oh, and Nitro: He was not only not upset about the jam tapes going public... he was actually kind of PSYCHED about it! He even went so far as to download the .mp3s off your server so he could have them at work.)

Sweet deal!


I've been working, sleeping, and going skiing... Rather pumped about the latter. I used to go skiing on a weekly basis as a kid, but life started getting in the way. But I've been out more times this week than I have in the last 5 years combined... Feels good to get back into it again.

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Long day at work yesterday.

Another one today.


Hopefully it's easy one. Solo performer. Keller Williams. I'm not sure why we need to be in so early to set one guy up for an 8 o'clock show... but whatever. It's extra money.


I need one good night of sleep again, though.


The weather Friday is supposed to be craptastic. Sounds like a good day to spend taking it easy and catching up on rest.

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meh, boring days off...


took my dad to hospital for a test of some kind yesterday, i was sitting in parking lot listening to radio....forgot to turn the lights off so it needed a jump-start. good times. :rolleyes:


I watched The Prestige on tuesday with my dad, then watched 2 Fast 2 Furious, as I never saw it. It was pretty good, then watched Prestige again w/my mom and sister, while eating chinese takeout, understood more of it at the end. Pretty good, if not a bit long.


@Zarg: I have my old scores on my packet, I don't know what happened to my discharge papers so I don't even know my RE code...my drill sergeants did make it seem like I could reenlist later on...when I went before the lt col.


Don't have any plans for today other than being bored out of my mind...I may drive my car and take some pictures. i dunno...so boring.

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I dont remember exactly, are you prior service R15?


if so I imagine signing back up would be easy peasy, and you probably then are not limited by anything since you are already in of sorts


its freakin 'warm' here today, 44 with a forcasted high of 56 this afternoon, too bad its storming and there is a tornado watch, or else I woulda rode to work today :(


Got a call last night from a good friend who was back in town, so we went out for a few beers. Found out he got laid off because Slumberge lost some big contracts, so hes back home(was working in about 6 states out west) came home to his wife telling him she wants a divorce. That made for some fun conversation..........really sucks :(


atleast we get to hang out while he looks for another job, hes already had a few calls so he will doubtfully be unemployed for long...

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prior service, kinda....i was in a reserve unit from february-april then went basic training up til august 8 (when i got discharged/ELS and sent home). I hope if i go back that i get sent to a bct unit that is doing the 13 weeks and not 9...9 didnt seem long enough, hardly any tactical training...maybe a week total?

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ed, i'm nowhere to be found... yet :)



seriously, i have a myspace, but it's deliberately inactive until I straighten some things out. Such as, don't want the wife to think that I'm doing anything secretive on there. So, until i finally make full disclosure, i'm leaving it blank for now.

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Roger, Ike.


H.B.D. Keyan! Try have a good whatever's left of it.


As for me:


What a ****ty day! :mad:


The artist should never have been booked into this hall. Period.


He's actually a really nice guy, but his crew was expecting something completely different, and the audience is far more rowdy than anything else we ever have here, and we are not equipped security-wise to deal with it.

A bunch of stoned-out-of-their-gourds teenagers twirling in the aisles and dancing on their seats and lighting up their joints in the hall.

Glad I'm not house- or security-manager tonight.


The artist's engineer was enough of a handful to work with all day without having to deal with that crap too. Rabid and hardcore anti-digital-mixing-desk jihadi.


They brought a ton of gear, lighting, video, and sound. The show is 3 hours long, too. I didn't drive in. I was figuring: "Hey! Solo performer... How long could he play? Teardown can't take too long... Hell, I'll just take the subway in. I'll be out early enough tonight to get home no problem!"


Think again, ed.


So, I had to call in one of our other staff guys to come and oversee the teardown tonight so I can get on the subway at a reasonable hour, and not take my chances of missing the last train.


So... I can't wait until I see the other guy come thru the door. I might stick around until the end of the show to reset the system... or I might just shut everything down and get the hell out of here, and come in for a few hours tomorrow to deal with it.

But that's only if the show ends on time! If it runs past 11 (like I suspect it might...) I'm going to have to just bail the hell out anyway. Let someone else shut it down, and let the chips fall where they may.


Good grief. :(

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I downloaded America's Army last night, since I haven't played it since I put more RAM in this computer, and I must say, very impressive. I got expert marksman on my first attempt...now that would be nice to do for real. :D I'm still in training, gonna try and unlock everything so I can get different weapons. At least I get sniper rifles now. :D

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I worked with him both times I went out to L.A. for Berklee. He volunteered to stick around and give a hand with the tech/ production crew for the two weeks we were out there. Worked along side him every day during that time. I got to know him pretty well.


Yeah, that Chapman Stick looks like a blast to play... though I'm sure it's not easy.


I found a couple of Steve Hackett MySpaces... but none of them look very official.

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