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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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omg...hl2 runs brilliant. the detail is too much to take in....


time for lunch...tomato soup and grilled cheese...haven't made grilled cheese in a while, so hopefully it turns out good, considering i've been making french toast every other day.


@nute, 9,000 is still alot of posts.

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I reinstalled it. Hadn't played it since February 2006, i originally uninstalled it to make room for Star Wars Galaxies, set my ram to 1 gigabyte to play SWG on, and 2 months ago i uninstalled swg because i just got tired of my profession being neglected by the dev team, plus i got tired of paying $15 a month for it.

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Huh. i haven't played too many recent PC games myself... but that's only because my PC is 7 years old and doesn't want to know about them.


Show tonight: Mostly painless. Yay.




The bath mat is one of the absolutely most useful, yet totally underrated inventions ever conceived by man. Most of us will never give it a thought... yet imagine your life without it. What a truly miserable, cold, wet floored universe that would be. Not one that I would ever care to exist in, let me tell you.

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Huh. i haven't played too many recent PC games myself... but that's only because my PC is 7 years old and doesn't want to know about them.


Show tonight: Mostly painless. Yay.




The bath mat is one of the absolutely most useful, yet totally underrated inventions ever conceived by man. Most of us will never give it a thought... yet imagine your life without it. What a truly miserable, cold, wet floored universe that would be. Not one that I would ever care to exist in, let me tell you.


dont forgot how many deaths from slips and falls on the head would occur w/o bath matts


long week, ebay is on my bad side, I sold some stuff for good $$, but the stuff I ebayed with that money, the sellers blow nuts, super slow, bought stuff on friday(the 31st or whatever) and some of it hasnt been shipped yet *grumble grumble*


not enough stuff I need that I ordered showing up for this weekend of work, gunna be really dissappointing, but atleast I have GH2 to get me through it

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Boring day at work. One to be survived rather than enjoyed.


Taking tomorrow off, I think. Gonna try to finish the laundry I started last weekend. Do some shopping... maybe.


I have to work late on Saturday,.. and I'm gonna get dragged out to spend all day Sunday with the family, so tomorrow is my entire weekend.




I really need a back rub. But it's not likely to happen anytime soon. Not for free, anyway. I'm sure I could pay someone to do it for me... but that seems like it would really defeat the purpose.




I haven't eaten at a Taco Bell in a really, really long time. That is probably not a bad thing.

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yeah man...sometimes i get cravings for that chicken case-a-dee-a.....



woke up this morning, got my check...wasn't as much as I expected...oh well i guess. leaves me with a little over $100 (after regular bills) to save for the car...


I lost the ****ing title to my car, i dunno where the heck it is. Once I find that, i'm going to have it tractored out to the end of the driveway and put a for sale '$200' on it, and put a paper of what all stuff i did to it, and hopefully someone will haul it off...the back tires are less than a year old, brand new catalytic converter, and less than a year old muffler, so some junkyard person might find it a bargain. i dunno. just need to find the title just in case somebody is thinking of making it operational again...(unlikely it needs new transmission)



work was crazy today....started off slow and boring, lunch sucked because i had to stay in the store (no vehicle....) and so i went to subway and got ripped off...who spends more than $7 on a meal at subway? well, when you're that bored...


anyways, i get back from lunch and some guy wants me to make prints from 4 1 gigabyte compact flash cards....I start by telling him no, you gotta do them...he argues, and i end up giving in out of boredom and no customers in sight so why the hell not......


anyways he proceeds to tell me he wants doubles on each and 2 cds each as well...holy ****....guess how many prints total? 1,634....and the cds...14...all but 1 card had too many to fit onto 1 cd. that'll cost him about $345....plus tax. they were a ton of pictures from India too....how long did it take to do them all? well it took from approximately 5pm-8:55pm.....my dept manager is gonna freak cause we are almost running out of paper and with the stupid easter bunny pictures we may very well run out before fuji color processing ships us anymore. too bad.


tomorrow i work 5pm-9pm...that's going to be fun because I have saturday off. probably going to be cold out...i'll probably rent some movies and hang out w/my dad.

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I have to start my laundry... but have absolutely ZERO motivation. Must... Force... Myself...


If it was a warmer day I'd try to get out and get some exercise... but it's close to freezing out there!




I sometimes wonder what breed Schrodinger's Cat was supposed to be? My money's on Siamese...


R.T. #2:


Every generation thinks it's the very first one to ever discover sex... despite all evidence to the contrary. After a while the obvious contradiction in that thinking become way too apparent to ignore, so this is usually modified to the belief that while past generations may have known about, and perhaps even had sex,.. ours is the very first in history to truly understand it, to be the first to truly enjoy it, and the only ones so far in history to really do it right... again, any and all evidence to the contrary willfully ignored.


Same thing goes for music. Every generation thinks that the music it grew up with is absolute musical perfection, and that music that came before was hopelessly old fashioned, corny, and dated... and all music that comes after is just aggressive noise.


Of course, since every generation feels this way, any attempts to convince their parents and children of these irrefutable facts only lead to conflict.


I dunno,.. but I find these types of narcissistic traits in human behaviour wonderfully charming and highly amusing.

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well so far so boring of a day...was tired last night and fell asleep on the futon while watching national geographic channel. woke up at around 7:30 and made pancakes for breakfast...ran out of eggs real fast..only have 1 egg left. sux0rz. maybe i'll get some groceries before i come home from work tonight.


it's cold outside..less than 30 degrees. and there are flurries. just brilliant. o well, threw my running plan out the window. :(


played half life 2 for a while today, i'm stuck at this turret room, i enter the room seals and i get killed by like 5 ceiling turrets...sucks. so i backed out of the room and used the grav gun to trip it and well, locked myself out of the room! guess i'll have to do a part over. it is starting to get a little linear/repetitive, maybe i'll play some cs.

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day off, pretty bored sadly, had a full day planned out but other peoples ****ups are ruining my plans


plan b: try out stalker, if it sucks, play C&C 3 and GH2


tempted to try out WOW after playing it this morning with 2 friends.......

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Got laundry almost done (haven't done jackets yet... may not get to that today.)


Spent most of the day napping between washes. And sending links of really bad music I've found online over the years to people.


Never left the house today... go me. :dozey:


Thinking about getting the last load of the day out of the dryer, and fixing myself a cup of green tea or something. Then do a little reading before bed.




I really do go through a lot of slippers in a year.

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work was boring...4 hours definitely goes by slower than 9 hours for some reason. We had easter bunny in...so it was unusually busy, and sold alot of cameras. my manager was pissed that i accepted that 4 memory card order from someone, guess i'll hear about it on monday...i wrote a note saying that it wouldn't happen again. heh.


before i came home, i bought some more groceries, gonna try out chocolate chip pancakes sometime...that should be good. if that turns out the way i think it will, im going to move up to blueberry. hell maybe someday if i live past 35, i'll open a bed and breakfast, maybe a internet cafe/breakfast place....that would be cool, open it up like out in the middle of nowhere.


I rented Hills Have Eyes.....that is a messed up movie, but i think they really did look like mutants...the one in the wheelchair is prolly gonna haunt my dreams. -_-


Don't really have any plans tomorrow.....might clean my room up, go for a bike ride, shoot some arrows, and perhaps i'll set up my old computer out here and network it so i don't have to wait for my sister to get off to use it. and later go to my parents' and bring in my dad's hunting blind...hopefully it's not destroyed.


i'm tired of the news.....i've been watching it for a few days, keeping up w/the hostage situation in iran, watched the live coverage of it while playing half life 2. it was pretty cool, though i can't stop wondering what would happen if, for instance, one of those smugglers (who the iranians were patrolling for i think?) captured and boarded one of the british ships and 'smuggled' them into iran, or killed them-making it look like Iran did it. that would suck.

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Have to be in to work at 4. We have The Blind Boys Of Alabama tonight.


We've had them here before. It's always an easy show. A bunch of characters.


I still can't hear the name of the group without thinking about the old Cheech & Chong "Blind Melon Chitlin" routine and starting to giggle, though.




What was life like before the TV remote???!?? I know I lived through those days... but I just can't remember! I must have blocked those horrific traumatic memories out of my mind. Just imagine... having to stand up and move across the room to flip the channels, or change the volume. *Shudders*




About 20 posts or so before we totally eclipse the final post count of last year's thread... and we did it in less than 5 months. Not bad... not bad at all...

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wow, didn't realize we hit 20 pages!


today was kinda random...cleaned up my room a bit, sorted my laundry that i did last week, yeah it takes me a week to put it all a way..pain in the ass trying to find room for all my clothes. still don't have a place for all my pj tops (t shirts that are too old to wear, so they get thrown in the pajama category)


I really should go through and get rid of most of my clothes that i could care less for...this way, when i am forced to go do laundry, it won't take as long.


after i got clothes sorted and put on the bed to be put away for later, i headed over to my parents' and me and my dad went to go check on the hunting blind...the snow pushed it down again, but it wasn't as bad as the first time i went out there. then we went to go get my dad a pair of shoes, and my grandma called and she was in the area, so i got to visit with her and her blind friend for an hour at mcdonalds. i got a crispy chicken blt and a medium cup of coffee. didnt really talk much cause my grandma is weird like that and doesn't really care about my mom, my sister, and myself.


anyways we go from there and onto the place that sells the shoes, and my dad got some new shoes, and then dropped my mom off at home depot so her and my sis could go to lowes to pay a bill or something and me and my dad went back home, and i put in the hills have eyes...my dad didnt care for it mainly cause the stupid rape scene and the f-bomb being dropped a few dozen times. i guess im kinda desensitized to the f-bomb, i used to care and get offended in movies but now its like whatever its just a word, and i guess the sex scenes well i dont care for that stuff being in movies but if its there i'll still watch the movie, tho im more hesitant to tell my parents about movies w/that in it. i dunno why.


oh on a very bright note.....I FOUND THE TITLE TO MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! where was it? well, it was exactly where i left it, and i think i even looked there before. how odd!




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Got through the show. Pretty easy. This group will be coming back some time this fall, so I need to remember to save the scene in the board for tonight separately so I can recall it later. Save myself even that much time later.


Looks like I'll be spending most of the day tomorrow with the relatives. Oh well... at least the food will be good. I'll have to find a quiet spot to doze off at some point though.




It's utterly impossible to overestimate the impact that Jimi Hendrix had on modern guitar playing.

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Bleh, as always i get the mid shift on the boat.

were u/w, so cant really say where we're at *shrug* :D

didnt mind the rockiness of the water til about a couple of minutes ago, guess thats when the food really hit my system.

considering that mostly ive been eating was an apple and a bit of milk.

i just HAD to go for the pasta and the crappy steak.

now i feel kinda "Bleh."

back to my apple and milk for me. besides i could really lose the weight.


on other news on my time off i play C&C3:KE, and watch BBC:2040 (got that the other day before we left)

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stupid snow.


scar how you like the navy?


i couldn't stand being on a boat or in water for more than a day. unless it's on a cruise ship in pleasant weather.


i gotta work today as well.....12-9. sucks that i dont get holiday pay for it. i hate walmart policy. i think i close with the 60+ year old lady tonight. that sucks, she can be so annoyingly bossy and humiliates me in front of customers and im too much of a man to go to a manager about it, and too much of a nice guy to tell her off.


I can't wait to get another vehicle.....want to get a van or jeep, something that i can put my bike in. then again those cost 2,000+ most of the time.


work is most likely going to be slow, easter sunday, snow on the roads...i doubt people will be running to walmart to get pictures developed or purchasing digital cameras. that'll be tomorrow. -_- at least i have tuesday and thursday off...


The kitchen is a mess and i dont feel like cleaning it. got my room cleaned and it is better..I'm considering dragging the other computer desk out here and setting up a LAN.


I finally got bored of half life 2....just no motivation to play video games. it doesnt help....i've been feeling like crap the whole week. no motivation to do anything, no friends to hang out with, my sister doesnt even hang out w/me anymore, and so im alone whenever i don't work. nobody ****ing cares.


Besides that load of crap, I have no vehicle to go anywhere besides work with...(when i'm borrowing the dad's truck or the sister's car) and it's always damn cold out anymore on my days off, (i hate spring i hate spring i hate spring and i hate spring) and there's snow on the ground today, so i don't have motivation to go outside and walk/run/bike....i just get sick of being stuck inside with nothing to do without feeling lonely 24/7.

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Traffic was insane today. Took me an hour and a half to make the 40 minute drive down, and over 2 hours to get home.


The day was pretty good. Lots of food. Lots and lots of food.


Got to play a Wii for the first time. Didn't get much time on it though... with all the kids in the family there's only so many times you can hear "My turn! My turn!!!" before you just give up and hand over the remote. Still, it was fun. Maybe I'll get one. After a new PC and iPod... and a bunch of other things...


Gotta get up early for a dentist appointment. Crappy planning, on my part. I'm working the show tomorrow night. Promises to be a ordeal of truly epic proportions, too.


My shoulder hurts today. Might need some aspirin or Tylenol before bed.




Those little packets of peanuts they give you on the airplane... I mean,.. what's the deal with that?!??

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