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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Chaos theory incarnate.





Licence to kill. Yeah... I think I could use one of those right about now.

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my day was pretty bad too. we pulled into a port early in the morning, and it was one of those deals where we pull in early morning and leave early to mid afternoon, but i was getting off of my 12hr mid watch. so im dead tired. so i went to bed

and when i got up, they secured liberty. couldnt go out and do ****. and especally go and get supplies i could use for the next week or so.


the basics, razors, soap, TP would be nice...

but nope. cant even leave the boat to check the atm to see if my taxes got back...

should prolly get online banking... o.o

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oh man that sucks scar.


how is hurricane season out on the seas? I know it's not season yet, but how was it last year?


it's snowing here, well not really snow more like teaser snow, as it's not what i would call flurries. Fortunately the ground isn't frozen...but that could easily change overnight. i have off tomorrow, yesterday was BEAUTIFUL. in the 40's...


For breakfast this morning I made some more of that tuna cheesy pasta, gonna wait for it to cool down so i don't burn my tongue.


This friday i'm going out w/some coworker friends, gonna go bowling. I haven't been out w/friends in a few years, so this should be very interesting.


I close tonight, i working 12-9...gonna finish up my weekly maintenance on the printer.



I didnt run into that lady that's selling her jeep yesterday, so maybe today i'll tell her i'm not interested in it anymore. or not. need something around the 2-3k range...tho it will probably cost more because i don't have any credit history. hm.


I need to go get my head shaved again, hair is too long. And I need new pair of glasses, these ones don't fit so well when i shave my head.

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I know, people ON THE INTERNET are always complaining about having to go to the bank and ****. I think the only time I ever go to the bank is when I need to get a roll of quarters for laundry. Because they haven't mastered the technology required to send a roll of quarters over the internet.

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Spent pretty much the entire day sleeping. Yay.


Not that I think I'm really missing anything... it sucks outside right now. Just sitting around waiting for my cellar to flood. Seems pretty inevitable at this point. I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong, though.


Day off tomorrow... gotta use it for much needed and oft-neglected housework.




Why exactly would anyone wish to be an Oscar Mayer wiener?

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why do you guys not have online banking??? you spend how long online per day, posting about all kinds of **** here, and it takes about that long to set up online banking! Even if you just use it to check your balances, get it set up!



mainly cus of my ilability to want to write down my account number and crap :)

not only that my bank's online stuff seems a bit complicated to me. coming from me that should surprise people, but i just really dont like it.


rather to not know and not spend my money like a drunken sailor, which im not (i'm 21 and i dont drink :p)

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Somethin' 'bout hurricanes on the high seas, methinks...




I have never played a Rickenbacker guitar that I really liked... yet for some unknown reason, I still want one. Why is that?


Rickenbacker basses, on the other hand, are the coolest instruments on the planet. I'll take one in every color, please. :D

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Spent the weekend listening to recordings of Schiff's lectures on Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas. Very interesting stuff. Alas that I will never be able to play all of them. Right now I'd say I'm good enough to play about half of them and still have some unexplored potential. But the very hardest of them will probably be beyond my reach forever.


Ah, if only I could master the "Hammerklavier" sonata! One of the most difficult piano works of all time, but also one of the best. But it's hopeless :( I once speant an entire day practicing the first two notes and still could not play it with any consistency. It's a massive jump in the left hand from a bass note to a chord much higher up, and it happens very fast. It's so easy to miss. And the right hand meanwhile is doing absolutely nothing. The right hand could easily have played that chord instead. But no. It's like a challenge from Beethoven, telling you what you're in for if you dare go any further. "You think you can play this sonata, mother******? Well good luck, because now it's on."

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why do you guys not have online banking??? you spend how long online per day, posting about all kinds of **** here, and it takes about that long to set up online banking! Even if you just use it to check your balances, get it set up!
Err, where I live you've got to actually leave the house to finally set up online banking. Okay, you can download and print the forms/documents yourself, but you have to enter a bank (while it's officially open) to confirm the whole thing.


Thought I might point this out.


Just in case..


..you err..


..might be err..






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Yeah, that's how my bank did it, too. Otherwise, I guess anybody that stumbled across your account info could theoretically set up Internet banking in your name.


I still don't really use the online stuff as much as I could (though I have set up almost all my major, monthly bills for direct payment withdrawal...) since there's still a few things I prefer to do in person. Dealing with large sums happens to be one of them. (At least when they happen to be MY large sums, anyway...)


But other than that, it's all direct deposit and ATM visits.




There is no spoon.

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Today: Housework.




Needed to be done. Still no fun.


Didn't finish everything that needed to be done... but made a dent. It's a start.




Have you ever seen a person faint or swoon out of sheer surprise or shock? I never have.

Seen people get weak from hunger, pass out from drinking, and collapse from nerves or illness... but never that classic fainting spell you see all the time in old movies. Did that ever happen? Or did it use to be common, but we have all become so blasé and jaded that nothing can shock or surprise us to that level? Or am I just sheltered?


R.T. #2:


Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane. :dozey:


R.T. #3:


Is anybody else here as freaked out by the ad I always see on the side when posting here for some 3D IM program (IMVU, maybe?) that features a pic of just about the scariest CG demonic cupie-doll sluts from hell? Is that supposed to make me want to sign up? Turn me on?


Run like hell is more like it... like weird-city, man...

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i saw someone pass out, but not from shock or surprise or anything like that.


well today was boring....i cleaned the living room a little and put away my clothes in my room, lifted weights for a bit, and i played Morrowind on computer for a bit. and i checked the post office and i didnt get any letters. :(


I got a nice hoodie from where my mom works, i helped her boss 'share' a file between 2 computers and i don't really want payed for it.


i watched Drive and 24 tonight. good shows. tomorrow i gotta figure out how i'm going to get to work.


i need a vehicle bad. money's not coming til sometime in may. at least $400..lol cause i owe insurance, rent, and cable all in 1 shot. BAM. well, at least i get payed again 3 days after the end of the month, so that will help. i definitely gotta get back up on my feet financially...and then take myself back to bct and own that ****.

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More rain. My cellar is already wet. Not as bad as I've seen it... but bad enough. It's unlikely to dry out anytime soon this week, as rain is predicted every day straight through to the weekend.


Oh,.. and all that cleaning I did yesterday?.. Turns out it was pretty much for naught; as there are now little muddy cat paw-prints all over everything,.. from the cat walking through the water in the basement before getting in the litter box, and then tracking it back upstairs.


Basically: I totally wasted my day off, yesterday.




On a related note:

There is no aspect of my life that is not a major source of frustration for me right now. If I am ever going to have an emotional breakdown, now would be a pretty decent time.


I imagine the day will come soon where I refuse to even get out of bed.

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i work today.....12-9 and im off tomorrow yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! didnt really do much pt today. aside from pushups. it's damn cold outside!!


uhm......think i close w/old people tonight. :( sucks the fun right out of walmart.

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i withdrew a couple bucks out of my account...got an extra large coffee from dunkin donuts hopefully it'll last me this afternoon...i managed to convince them to put a little ice in it so i drank it all in one swig. :D I did 100 pushups within 30 minutes today...dunno, i think i'm getting better at em? :D my achilles tendon doesn't hurt anymore....tomorrow im gonna run a mile as fast as i can, goal for 1 mile is 7 minutes...if i can get 2 miles in 13 that would rock...lol


I'm back into playing MORROWIND. it rocks and im gonna get addicted again, and with being on pc....well i'll be able to keep record with xfire. lol !


setting up a background in myspace is tricky. =\ i got this profile editor thing and it generates the code and looks fine until i actually implement it.....i dunno if it has to do with firefox...i hope not. maybe i missed something. :D


i'm excited im going to go get a car sometime!!!!!!! maybe i'll get a jetta. lol

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I think I have seen some nice Hello Kitty underwear going down this year already. Last year too.



Dunno if I pointed this out already, but please keep in mind that MySpace, in fact, *is* the devil, and I know you don't care, but my advice is to wear rubber gloves when going there.

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