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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Yes, it's filthy and evil... and I simply can't get enough! (The funny thing is, back-in-the-day I used to know some girls who met all those exact same qualifications, too...) :joy:


Slow day at work yesterday. Nice. Managed to get to the bank and deposit tax-refund checks yesterday as well. Also nice. My savings account is starting to look somewhat healthy again.


That is, until I rape it for money for new PC... as well as paying for my Stratocaster re-build (which still isn't finished yet!!!!!!!!! Oy vey! :rolleyes: )




"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

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lol did you see that timberland(sp?) video that one chick had there a while back....that was funny as hell, the responses to it i mean. :D outraged mothers. haha.


i networked both mine and my sister's computers so now i don't have to wait my turn on my own damn computer.....god that was so annoying!


wednesday.....isn't lost on tonight. hm maybe i'll watch it.


oh btw...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fXIZmQ-Ijw


I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved bourne identity/supremacy!!!


some animal got into a garbage bag i left out and threw trash all over my landlord's yard....think i might clean that up today. :D


i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to get a car....had a dream i got my other one up and running. :( i should start it anyway. =\ need to move it to end of road and put a for sale on it. someone MIGHT buy it....or negotiate a price.. lol i'll put it out there for $300 since i only expect $200..


heh want to see something funny look at what someone i worked with for about a year said about me on my myspace. sad that someone can learn more about me through my page than a whole year working with me. im such a Clam04N.jpg.

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Finished show. Going home. A couple of headache moments,.. but all-in-all mostly painless.


Looking at my schedule: A don't have another day off until a week from this coming Sunday, if I don't take this Friday off. So that's exactly what I'm planning to do.

Hopefully they let me keep to that plan and don't surprise me...


Long days and late nights both days this coming weekend... and then the big show of the year, with a week of set-up and rehearsal before the show. More long days and late nights.


Oh goody. :dozey:




I'd love to fill the bubbles on bubble-wrap with really, REALLY noxious and foul-smelling gas someday... to discourage people from popping it constantly,.. (usually next to my desk when I'm trying to concentrate on something important.)


That would be cool.

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meh lost was same old same old. tho i wish i saw the other episodes.


today was pretty dull, i didn't do anything much except for cook breakfast, wash dishes, and play Morrowind. watch my hours played on my sig increase steadily over the week...slowly absorbing me...i'm at level 4 almost level 5. good game. i need to get my bow out sometime next week, the temperature is warming up...supposed to be around 60 on friday.


I'm so bored right now. I don't know what i'll do before going to work tomorrow...it's going to rain...


can't believe it's 11pm already...guess i'll go get some sleep.

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Sounds like too much fun. :D Your toys are so much cooler than mine. :( But then, you only get to play with them once before they're gone...




I had a really strange and interesting 'Random Thought' last night as I was going to bed... but now I can't remember exactly what it was. :( I hope it comes back to me sometime...


So I'll leave with this:


If there's one species that is destined to rise up and take over the planet from us, my guess is that it's the manatees.

Nobody will ever suspect them, and by now they must be as pissed-off as hell.


You just wait... entire waterfront communities in Florida are going to mysteriously fall to ruin overnight someday soon, and I will be there to say "I told you so!"


Mark my words.

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ok, feels wierd :p


meh, i'd would just say, 'we shot tomahawks at a tug boat in tampa bay', but apparently if i just go and say what we do here on a web forum, i dont get to show up here when im on the boat so.. *Shrug*



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Yay. A fairly easy, low attitude, organized concert, of decent music played by good players who genuinely seem to appriciate the amount of work and the quality of the job we are doing for them.


Wow. That never happens. EVER. Is it a blue moon? What's the temperature in Hades right now? A little chilly, p'haps?


I'm actually leaving work in a halfway decent mood tonight... and it's not just that I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow.


My only critique of the concert was that it got a little loud at points... but for the most part it was the good loud, from players pushing the dynamics and making a musical point... rather than just loud for the sake of more volume.


Why can't they all be like this.




I miss Nitro's "Fist" signature he had here for a long time. (He knows the one I'm talkin' about... at least I think he should.)

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well today was interesting indeed...i had rice crispies for breakfast :D and went w/my sister to her job so i could have the car for a little bit...came home and went for a 4 mile bike ride to get my exercise in for the day, did 4 miles in 25 minutes, getting better. my stupid achilles tendons wanna strangle me for that. hm. so i go and fly off to home depot and drop the car there and run down the hill (literally) to walmart, made it there 8 minutes before my shift started. yeah...


and of course, work was slow as ever today....usually when that occurs, the only customers we get are ungrateful bastards, but today was not like that. It was just sloooooooooooow! Left about 20 minutes before my shift ended. :p


Playing Morrowind for a while, doing all the Imperial Legion missions, then probably going to sneak on over to the Morag Tong or Commona Tong i forget which it is. :D Either i'll go with them or I'll go with fighters guild first and then join...or i'll go and do some of the main quest to help level up. Man im such a nerd when it comes to this game. Though at least it's only 'phases' like i didn't play it at ALL last year, and i got it for xmas 2005! guess i didnt feel like playing through the first few hours, which takes forever building up the character, but after those few hours it gets really good...i'd like to pick up the GOTY version so i can play tribunal and bloodmoon, as my quest screwed up on my xbox copy (and the load times-FORGET IT!) and at $20 you can't really go wrong, unless you're trying to save $$$ for a car. but i'll have a car by the time i'm level 40 in morrowind...at least i better!


uhm...going out bowling tomorrow night, that should be fun. I dunno if i'll drink or not, if i have a vehicle to travel home, im definetely not going to take that risk...beings that it's 4/20 or whatever isn't that the day the potty heads come out or something? lol


ugh....gotta pay bills tomorrow...gonna pay em all just so i don't forget to pay them..


tomorrow im working 5-9...so before then i'll make some french toast, go for a bike ride, play some morrowind, work, bowling....then i work 12-9 tomorrow........

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The one I'm thinking of is from a long time ago... before the merge, I think. I'll see if I can find an old post of his with that sig still attached to cure my jones. (It's kinda funny that all our old, pre-merge posts still contain the original sigs still attached.)


I thought of that somewhat amusing idea that crossed my mind the other night just before I fell asleep, so I'd better get it down before I forget it again, and some great world-class nonsense could be lost forever.


I'm not sure if it is worth the wait... but, without further adieu:




You know what could really help liven up the sport of bowling? Paint one of the pins solid red, then place it in the rack randomly every time the pins get reset. You get huge bonus points if you can leave that one pin standing while knocking the rest down. And if you get a "Super-Strike" (when you knock down all the other 9 pins except that one in a single throw): Instant win.


Another thing that could make it more challenging: Any number of pins that are left standing at the end of one string get added to the setup of your next one. So if on your first string you leave 2 standing, your next string starts with 12 pins you need to knock down. And this could be cumulative throughout the game... so the last couple of strings could have dozens of pins to knock down.


God help the gutterball throwers...

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We could all belong to that group, no problem...


Just woke back up. It's a shame to waste a nice day like this... but it's over a week before I have another day off. I have a ****load to do around the house today,.. but if I can get out for a short walk or something I'm going to have to try it.




Ah, screw it...

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well skipped out on riding bike today...i did drink enough water to stay hydrated in case i decide to, but that's unlikely....


i probably won't be consuming alcohol tonight, i was thinking about it, but then i have my dad's truck, combined with the date today, and the fact i saw about 2 cops patrolling my street, and heard someone get pulled over...not a wise idea. o well, i'll have fun either way. at least i won't be the only one not drinking. :D


i got 1000 rounds for my baretta....the airsoft baretta. my sister's boyfriend who is a cop, said it looked just like a real one aside from the orange tip. i bought the pellets not sure if they would fit and they fit nicely. :) too bad it's single-shot, gotta cock it each time i want to shoot. let me guess cock is censored. lol


I think i ate too much crap for lunch. i had a qasadilla thingy and cheese cake...too much cheese....


not sure if i mentioned this, but i blocked one of my people i used to talk to alot on aim/msn. some reason that guy always put me in a foul mood and would object to EVERYTHING i would say, no matter how pointless. i hope he gets layed and forced to work to pay child support.

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Huh. I thought I posted to this earlier. Must have glitched and not gone thru...



15... if this is someone you don't know in person, but only over the interweb, don't give it a 2nd thought.


BTW: No prob with "cock." ;)


Spent the day doing laundry, and scrubbing cellar floor now that flood waters have receded.

Never got out for a walk or anything... but then I also didn't have to sleep until noon, either. Didn't leave myself much time for anything else. Thinking of going back to bed right now. Couldn't hurt, with the 12+ hour work shifts I have facing me the next couple of days.




After joining G-Mail last weekend, I now have over 10 e-mail addresses and almost as many IM identities.


I don't know who I am anymore.


And I sure as hell don't have the time to check them all...

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yeah i didn't...but now my IM conversations have dropped 90%. good sign is, i'm not arguing.


well i had my first official beer alcoholic beverage tonight. captain morgan and coke. it wasn't that bad i would've had another if i didn't have to drive the truck home from walmart, one wasn't enough to do anything to me, tho i did feel a bit light-headed? the friend i work with let me try some of her drink, she had a blue kamikaze i think is what it was called...now that was GOOD. i'll get that next time, but only if i don't have to come back to my apt..don't want my sis throwing me down a flight of stairs. =\


i did pretty damn good on bowling! i think i broke 100 each time...first time i've gone out with any friends (aside from landlord) in a few years. And these ones respect me, which is very cool. (as in they told me they wouldn't pressure me into drinking and they kept their word on that) now, the friend i did have a few years ago, would not have shown me that respect.

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Computer being a bitch again this am. Windows Explorer keeps crashing. Not a good sign. Finally got it booted and somewhat stable. It's been pretty good lately. This came as a bit of a surprise...


Need to get that new hard drive in there. But that's not happening this weekend... or week... or month.


Better order new PC while I still have the money, too... before it gets committed to something else. Like waterproofing the cellar. I already have an appointment to get an estimate for that from that Busydog company at the end of the month.


Seems like every time I plan on ordering a new PC, something comes up to take all my money away before I ever get a chance to do it. I'm sure as hell am NOT letting that happen this time. I've been waiting way too damn long.


I'll take out a homeowner's loan to pay off the cellar if I have to... but since it seems that I spend almost all my free time around the PC, it sure would be nice to have one that wasn't made when the decade was still young. :rolleyes:


P.S. - Crackensan:


Another, alternate technique for playing chords like we talked about yesterday is called hybrid-picking.




"Save the cheerleader; save the world."


What exactly do I do if I'd much rather just screw the world? :dozey:

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I think I'm a pretty honest person....my parents should be proud.


i called my mom up (note on my bed saying to call when i got home) and of course she asks how many were drinking and i just straight up told her i had 1 drink. she was pretty upset/disappointed with me. i didn't really object or anything i just let her say what she had to say, no point in blowing her off cause she cares about me.


i can almost look at both sides of the picture now. i think it's no big deal either way, next time i go out with my friends i'll probably have none just to prove a point to everybody, myself included.


my mom went on to say 'it starts with one then your body starts to crave it, etc' well i guess she has a point there. i only had one it's and it's no big deal to me anymore i don't think i'll drink more than 1 if i do drink, 1 is plenty, i hate the smell/aftertaste of alcohol and being sick to my stomach a small drink is plenty enough for me as i like having control.


anyways just thought i'd ramble a bit..now i gotta go pay car insurance for a car that doesn't drive. yay.



very odd? i'm feeling a bit eh weird atm...i did a few pushups (3 sets of 30) and i dunno maybe that stuff isn't out of my system. or it's from lack of sleep...i only slept like 3 and a half hours. im wide awake right now...i dont want to go to work though!!!!!!111111111 would rather play MORROWIND!


think i'll give my xbox copy of Morrowind away, since i have 2. my friend can't seem to get it the GOTY to work on her pc, it keeps crashing when she tries to start it...




yeah i know exactly how that goes...i would probably be getting an Xbox 360 or upgrades for my computer, if not for my unfortunate car...i dunno maybe i'll just get it fixed. all it needs is a transmission and socket and front tires, don't know what else could go wrong with it!

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technically it is a highball. highballs are liquor plus some kind of soda or water and that's it.


Beer is the golden or brown or black stuff that is served from taps or bottles. usually a bit frothy.


wow, i really hope that it was an honest mistake. i don't know how anyone could mistake liquor for beer.

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Show pretty easy for me yesterday. First show in a long time where the band didn't have an engineer but I didn't mix. My boss wanted to, so I didn't argue.


Max Weinberg of the E-Street band and the Conan O'Brien show played drums for the 2nd half of the concert. Nice guy. Killer drummer. Tore it up pretty good.


Art Garfunkel today. Not sure what to expect. We have to be in at 10 am for a 7:30 show. Hmmm...




"I might be movin' to Montana soon.

Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon.


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