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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Trucks are machines of the devil.. huge, unecessary pieces of automotive crap. The ONLY use any sane human being has for a truck is if thier moving.


that's it. so GET THEM OFFA MY *&%^%&*%$# ROADS.







what about towing stuff?


towing things with cars with smaller wheelbases is more dangerous and less fun.


I also wouldnt haul large items in cars, say...engines full of oil


atleast thats what I use mine for, and I drive it in the rain since I only have a truck and bike...

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Fairly slow, dull, short day at work. Not much of interest to report there.


Taking tomorrow off. No real rest, though:

A couple of appointments, a quick laundry, car wash, haircut,.. and maybe try to get a walk in... if there's still time.


Working Sat. and Sun.

And Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, and Fri, too... and Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, etc...




Tired, and fairly depressed, all day today. I'm not sure if the exhaustion is causing the depression... or if the depression is making me tired.


I really should go to bed early.


So I am.








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yeah i agree with cracken, people that drive those huge dodge rams and monster trucks....waste of gas even though they look fun, up where i live if you go off-road, it's gotta be on your own property, or the game wardens will have a **** fit. -_-


this truck i'm getting is small, 6 cylinder if i get a deer this fall at least i won't have to worry about cramming it in the car (after dragging its ass out of the woods). I doubt that I'll be towing anything with it though.

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Well, big trucks have their place and purpose.


But I agree with everyone if you are just talking about a strictly city dweller or just uses his monster pickup just to commute back and forth to the office every day because he wants everyone to think he's a tough guy... but in reality the bed of his truck has never hauled much more than a couple of bags of groceries, or maybe a mountain bike.


Didn't get nearly as much sleep last night as I had wished. Woke up around 12:30... and took me a long time to get back to sleep. Alarm went off at 7:00... seems like I had just fell back to sleep.


I got up, and started to get ready, only to later learn my first appointment that I had got up so early for was cancelled. Swell. Could of slept a little longer.


Oh well.... maybe I'll manage to get everything I wanted to do today done now.

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Plans for the day derailed early. First appt. cancelled early. 2nd appt. moved up 6 hours just as I was about to head out the door to do something else.


Kind of threw me off schedule, and it made me lose track. Didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked. But whatever...


Got the estimate on fixing wet cellar. Approx. $4000... give or take. Hopefully they can find a hole in the schedule to get the work done in about a month.


Put my CDs away.


Didn't get much else done. Did get a nap. Which is probably what I needed most of all... although I am running out of clean pants.

Maybe I'll buy some more tomorrow. I have to go to the store tomorrow anyway... and I do have more than a few pair of jeans that are starting to wear out.


Maybe I can get the car washed on my way to work some day this weekend, or next week.


I can probably live without the haircut if I have to.




Ahh... self justification! :)

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man what the **** is up with the horizontal scroll. -_-


had a pretty good day...uh woke up at like 630, tried to sleep 2 extra hours, got back up at 830 and decided to uh clean up all the trash. that was annoying. bags ripped and stuff all over the place, some animal tried dragging a trash bag full of crap under the shed...dammit. and then i got all that trash gathered and well decided to uh take the 3 bags of trash out of the one can, and well...the bottom was literally cat diarrea (sp?) disgusting and it took forever to get the smell off my hands. Good thing i don't have a weak stomach!


anyway that gets through, my mom calls and tells me that she'd give me a check from a credit card that i could just cash and use that to pay the guy and transfer title of the truck, so i'm cool w/that and before i tell my sister cause we were gonna go get something to eat, my landlord calls and decides we're gonna get rid of the old stove, so we load that into the truck and i'm like to my sister 'i dont wanna wait around for him' cause he was having someone come inspect the house or something and he was gonna go w/me to the recycle center after so i call him back and tell him me and my sis would just take care of it, and that only took like 20 minutes.


afterwards me and my sister take her car and head down to my mom's place to pick up the check, talk for a bit, then head on over to the bank. the place is freakin packed (people still get payed on fridays, apparantly) and well, i wait like 10 minutes in line and the lady gives me a ****ing problem so i'm like 'ya know what forget it i'll take it to walmart' she said i didnt have enough in MY account to cover it i'm like WTF it's a CREDIT CARD CHECK, the CREDIT CARD WILL cover it, duh! o well. guess i'll end up depositing it and then withdrawing instead. PUKE.


So after that incident we go to the italian deli for subs and i get stuck w/the bill. -_- ticked me off.


then went home, got my bowling ball and work clothes, and my sister drove me back to work. work today was a little busy, people getting ready for graduation and crap mostly. didn't have any asshole customers thank God. :)


after work, went to the bowling alley, i had a couple drinks, won the first game and sucked on the second game....then we went to dennys and i had the oreo milkshake that is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooood. Then we went back to walmart to drop her brother off and then they dropped me off at the house. I had my friend from TLE look at the car that's kinda broke down and he said he'd take a look at it and figure something out? would be pretty cool if he could fix it. :)


tomorrow i work closing. yay!

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Horizontal scroll = Page full of huge pics. Stop yer' whining... Get a bigger monitor. :dozey:


And don't look at me... Zarg started it! ;P


Comedian tonight. Nick Swardson. No idea... never heard any of his stuff. Whatever. It will be easy.

I'll try to remember to bring my camera in tonight....





I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

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woke up early. 7:00 early. yay for no sleep! i feel great! :D went to walmart to see if i could cash personal check and nope they only do payroll and gov checks so i was like 'damnnit' and went and got my hair cut, 2 on the sides, 6 on the top. in and out of there in less than 10 mins, then i went to the bank and deposited that check, it should clear on tuesday.


got in a little fight w/my dad over the phone over my stupid car, look dad, just because i SHOW a FRIEND a car, does not mean that i'm going to GIVE IT AWAY. DAMN IT. and then i'm like 'hey, look i'm not stupid' and he goes on 'i'm just saying LISTEN' and i was like 'grrrrrrrr.....' I can NOT stand it when my parents underestimate my intelligence. i'm not 18 damn it.


think i'll make some French Toast for breakfast...pancakes take too long.

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Heh. Laundry can now wait. Bought more of EVERYTHING!!!


7 pairs of jeans. 3 packs o' undies. 3 packs o' socks. Only God (and my credit card company...) knows how many new t-shirts. It's a lot... let's put it that way.


Should be good for a couple of more weeks without laundry now...


Oh... I also got a new dress shirt, new tie, and new belt too. Didn't really need those (well, maybe the belt...) but since everything was on sale, and I had a 15% off coupon, and an additional discount for using the store card... it was hard to refuse.


Gotta remember to throw away some of the old stuff this time though.

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Well... there's a lot of faded, shrunken shirts, pants with holes, and stretched out socks. I really should go through them all and weed out the dead and dying.


Next day off... I swear! :rolleyes:


Show ended way early. Home before 11. I don't know what to make of it.

Didn't find him all that funny... but the crowd loved him...


Took some pics of our rig. Gotta re-size them and upload them. Maybe I'll get those posted later tonight.


Maybe not...


Well have the monitor board set up tomorrow. I'll bring the camera back in to get a couple of shots of that too...

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use photobucket next time that resizes it automatically. :)


had a slow day at work, the last 3 hours dragged and i felt so tired. gotta work 12-9 tomorrow. the tension in the area has kinda left since they fired that person.

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Modified to fit your bandwidth.



Front of house rig.



Close-up of above.



Rack detail.






Detail of lighting console.



My luxurious office space.



My personal chunk of desk area... an exemplar model of neat, tidy efficiency.


I have a lot more... but that's all I have energy to tackle tonight. Sorry for the crappy, "cheap digital camera"-ness of the pics... as well as the generally wretched low-lighting conditions.

Resizing didn't work anything particularly wonderful on them either...


But hopefully enough to give an idea of the space where I live my life.


(Home is, after all, mearly just the place where I sleep, shower, and keep a change of clothes.)


Yeah... maybe I'll sign up for Photobucket in the a.m.

Seems like it sure could save a lot of time and effort, probably...


Random Thought:


If found this the other day. Everybody I've shown it to has thought it is really kinda cool. Maybe you'll get a kick out of it too...


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The secret is out! The bands you work for don't really perform, you just play their music on your ipod and amp it up through the house system!


THat's how he makes all his money and is still employeed. How much in bribes have you gotten for not telling anyone? :D

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