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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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omg hard is insane...i'm playing on the next hardest difficulty on GRAW 1...the one you unlock after beating it on hard. it's insane but the firefights are so good. btw use single-shot, sometimes easier to hit targets. :D


I am using a gun with a GL on it, so apparantly I get no scope or single shot

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don't forget your password....i forgot mine and well, that was the end of that. bastards have to make me change it every 3 months, and i can't use the same one. that's why i've been hesitant on the internet banking.


today is another day off....boring day so far, woke up angry....


had a dream i was out hunting, and i shot at a deer, went and told my parents and we came back to check it and it wasn't legal...oops....then we go to a restraunt and i'm waiting for my food at a restaurant with my family and someone else got my order and was eating it, she happened to be sitting next to me, so wtf was that about? then a bunch of seniors came in and basically kicked us off the table, one of them dragged me out of my chair and i punched him in the chest, which pissed me off bad because it had no effect, i got pissed and ran out of the restraunt and down the street into a mall-like store and happened upon a gamestop/ebgames and was going through their older games, the nintendo 64 and game boy color ones. lol then the dream faded and i woke up. slept from 12-10:30. I don't know if i really needed to sleep that long..


guess i'll go visit the post office and see if turok came in the mail.


edit: indeed it did arrive in the mail! I'm at the part I always get stuck on...gonna take a break, make some breakfast and get back to playing...


going to attempt to make Waffles. this should taste YUMMY. :)

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yeah, interesting cause i haven't had a long dream like that in a while.


just ate waffles and 2 eggs that should hold me over til tomorrow...ran out of syrup, so no french toast...


i'm about to go back on Turok Evolution...surprising how I remember the layout of the levels, it's been over 3 years since playing it. :)


well i got past a part that took me FOREVER to before (and caused me to kinda give up) it was a stupid part where you have to jump across a ledge, and well the jumping isnt as good as it should be. I'm pretty damn good though at the game...I think the movement is just the same as in ghost recon advanced warfighter.


edited 8:15...

well i am about halfway through turok......go to call my sister and she doesnt pick up her damn phone, so i wait another hour and try again, still no answer, so i call her work and she's gone for the day. THANKS FOR CARING. can't wait to get my truck. im ****ing starving here, and she doesn't EVER buy anything to ****ing eat, the least she could have done is get me a burger. god im so ****n pissed right now. and the humidity isnt helping that any. I'm so sick of being left out of ****. *eyes start glowing red*

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It's been a while since I've remembered a dream. The last one I remember I thought at the time I woke up would have made a good story. I almost put it down as one of my "Random Thoughts..." but never got around to it for some reason. Now I really can't remember what exactly it was about.


Something about a kid who, as kind of a joke, hacks into somebody's computer, and steals his identity.

Turns out the person he steals is high-level mafia, with a lot of corrupt government Intel spooks on his payroll, and they in turn track down the kid and erase his identity completely... as well as kill a lot of people around him.


It was a pretty complete story... but all the details are now gone... oh well.


Work was easy, but annoying. Not sure how else to describe it.


Gotta be up at 4am tomorrow to even hope to get there on time. Ugh.


Well... let's hope I can even manage to fall asleep tonight. I don't have high hopes on that one... but we'll see.

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Got some sleep. Not nearly as much as I would have liked... but some is far better than none.


It's 10 of 7 a.m. and I'm at work.




I simply don't have the words to describe how very wrong that last sentence is. :indif:

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went to bed at 12, woke up to phone at around 7:20. going to borrow my sister's car...hopefully she has gas. going to ride in to work w/her then bring the car back and go for a bike ride to wake myself up. its NICE out. :D tho might be windy, at least its not raining. :)

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Just got home. Gonna try to take a nap.


Tiredness does terrible things to my psyche. I hate everything right now.


I home some sleep cures that... 'cuz I'm rapidly losing the will to exist.



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Infamy can be good. Well... at least people are talking about you.


Just woke up from nap. Feel better... though still not happy with life. It's gonna take a lot more to get back to that point.


Bad Thai food for lunch... not sitting at all well. Probably not exactly the meal to put into an exhausted digestive system. There's a very nasty funk emanating from me... don't stand too close.


Don't think I'll eat there again if I can help it. I eat Thai a couple of times a month... but this was only the first (or perhaps maybe 2nd, but that was a long time ago,..) time I've eaten at that particular restaurant. Probably the last.


Lousy commute home on the train. Crowded, hot, slow. Had to stand the whole time. Didn't make me at all happy. One of the big things that was helping to sap my will to live that I alluded to in my last post.


The other is the bill for my guitar repair. Ouchie. Could have bought two brand-new instruments for the amount. I knew it was going to be high... but I never suspected it was going to be more than I paid for my Paul Reed Smith. Twelve hundred bucks... give or take (that's just the rough estimate... I get a final price when he finishes on Friday.)


It had just better be ****in' AWESOME!!!! That's all I'm saying...


Looks like it's going to be an expensive summer: with the guitar repair bill, and having my cellar repaired, my savings just took a pretty big leap in the negative direction.


Pushing back my new computer purchase yet again... :rolleyes: Oy! I can't win...


Glad I'm doing all this extra money work now. I really should stop bitching about working so much! Now I need the money! I now wish I had forced myself to tough it out and do the show playing there tonight.


Running out of clean clothes again. Gonna make this weekend kinda interesting outfit-wise... don't see a hole to do laundry until next Monday now.

This will be fun.





Came to a surprising revelation on a truth about myself today:


I am the world's biggest chick magnet!



The very small problem I see with that being that my polarity seems to be completely reversed. So instead of any kind of attraction, I have instant and 100% total repulsion.


Not sure what, if anything, could ever be done about that.


Seems like something I might just have to live out the rest of my life with, unfortunately.


R.T. #2:


These lyrics I was listening to today in the car struck far too close to home for me to make me at all happy:


"They dedicate their lives

To running all of his

He tries to please them all

This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same

He's battled constantly

This fight he cannot win

A tired man they see no longer cares

The old man then prepares

To die regretfully

That old man here is me..."


Y'know: When you start thinking of your life in terms of a Metallica song it might just be time to seek some counseling... :dozey:


Color me disillusioned black...



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work was meh today...closed by myself again, no big deal. tho apparantly i pissed off the store manager by leaving 10 minutes early once and he had to OMG get a camera for someone. ugh. so they're going to be evil and schedule me til 9:10 now...heh and go in at 12:10...lol how pathetic. gotta get used to working later anyways, stupid kids are going to be wanting to use that ****ing kodak picture maker. :rolleyes:


had a headache the entire day...started shortly after my 1 hour bike ride. I decided to be adventurous and take a different route to see how much of a hill it really was....damn. like 2 miles of it was a 91 degree incline. -_- so ended up pushing the bike part-way. i'll probably feel it tomorrow, but thankfully i'm not working. hopefully the bank will give me my $1000+ that i deposited, so i can pay that guy, get the title/tags, and get on w/my life. :D which means....transportation to....recruiting station...possibly.

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Heh... when things go wrong for me, they don't just go a little wrong. They jump the rails at bullet-train speeds. They smack into mountainsides at mach 2. They catastrophically fail... exploding on the launchpad.


Didn't get much sleep last night. What I did manage to grab was shallow and broken.


What I did get was a mess on my living-room floor, and the realization that I might be having to put another cat down before too long.


I got out of bed at 1:30 to go to the bathroom and grab a drink of water. Crossing the living room on the way to the kitchen I slid in something. I crossed all the way to the other side of the room to turn the light on, tracking the cat poo I had on my slipper all over the rug in the process.


Oh yay.


So when I should be trying to get some more sleep, I'm up in the middle of the night scrubbing and spraying the living room carpet.


The last cat I have here is at least 16 years old. The last couple of months she's been acting a bit off. Lost a lot of weight, throwing up more often (which is what I thought I had stepped in last night...) eating a lot less. This is new. This won't fly.


I could take her to the vet's to find out what's wrong,.. but I really don't see the point of spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, on treating a cat who is so near the end of it's expected natural life span anyway. I could get her better this time... only to face it again in a couple of weeks, or have her drop dead of natural causes next month. The most likely problem is extreme old-age anyway...


So any trip to the vet's at this point will be a final one.


Yet another happy thought to help me improve my already grim mood this week.


I wonder how many car problems I'm likely to face...


Today at work should be blessedly easy... just long. Start at 9am... and we'll be lucky to get out by 1am. It's a radio show broadcast (Mountain Stage...) so they have a giant crew of people and all their own stuff. Once they're in the building I imagine I'll have very little to do for the rest of the day until teardown.


It's just going to be one long haul on the small amount fractured sleep I got last night. I foresee napping at my desk in my immediate future. I'd better bring some DVDs to watch today too... I don't suspect I'm going to feel much like reading today... and there's really only so much web-surfing a person can do in the office.

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I hate bad and/or slow ebay sellers!


I bought an item from PA failing to realize the guy didnt take Paypal.


So I very uncomforatbly send a 100 dollar MO to him. The same day I mail the MO I buy something from canada and pay with paypal that evening(May 1st btw). Today I got the thing from canada and have nothing from PA yet! sent the guy a message on the 10th asking if he got the MO and if the item was shipped yet, still NOTHING!


and I cant find the email I got with his name and address anymore! Its not in ebay and I cant find it in my hotmail account anywhere. I mean, I am SURE that if this goes on much longer I can get his contact info from ebay but seriously. SO ANNOYING.


and USPS lost a 100 dollar exhaust set I sold someone, so know I may get stuck with a paypal claim that will most likely make me refund him 91 bucks for that plus the 9 bucks I am out on shipping. Its just NOT my goddamned month I swear.

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Time to go home yet? NO?!?? But I've already been here all frikken' day! They're still soundchecking? You mean the show hasn't even started yet? WTF?!???


Oof. Having a hard time staying conscious and upright. I've already consumed a few weeks worth of caffeine (for a large pack animal...) in the last couple of hours... I don't dare ingest any more for fear of igniting my brain stem in spontaneous combustion.


It's going to be a fun ride home. Oh yeah.

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got my truck tonight. tried to contact the guy earlier, nobody was home..


it drives nice, the brakes may need replaced sooner or later...the speedometer is 10mph slow, and the fuel gauge doesn't work, so i just gotta keep an eye on the odometer. other than that, its nice. :) the heat and ac work.


and it didnt cost nearly as much for the title transfer and plate as i expected, so that made me a bit happy. :)


tomorrow i gotta go deposit some $$$ into the bank and get hold of my insurance company so i can get the insurance thing faxed over to the notary.


Can't wait til this is all cleared up and i can stop worrying about it.

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Yep. Long day.


Show was really good, road crew were all REALLY nice, our part was very easy.




Just long.


Just got home. It's about 1/4 past 1.

Fortunately it's a 4-o'clock call tomorrow. I can sleep in a bit. Imagine that...


But I want to get out early to grab my guitar. Get to the bank to withdraw the money, get a check cut, and get in to pick it up and possibly noodle a bit on it before we start work.




Oh... and we watched a DVD while the show was going on. One of the other guys brought in "Kangaroo Jack." :dozey: Oh yeah. About as good as you'd imagine. In my sleep deprived state I actually found myself laughing in a few spots. So bad it was OK.

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well got my insurance switched over to the truck, that took less than 2 minutes. impressed i was. ^_~ hopefully the rate will go down next year. :)


gotta go deposit some $$$$$$$$$ into the bank! i'll go take a few pictures of the truck and post em! :)

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love th utility light :D



seller emailed me last night saying hes been really busy and the stuff shipped yesterday.


great, shipped a good 10 days after you had my money thanks!


atleast it seems I didnt get ripped off

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Yeah... but I'm sure I'm gonna see it anyway. Though I'll probably wait for DVD. Same with Shrek...


However: If I can find somebody to go with I might go see the new Bourne in the theater.

I'm not sure if I can wait for that one on DVD.



I bet Pirates 3 is pretty good, 2 suffered from the ever present bridge movie(ESB) syndrome, creating action to fill the gap between plot driving scenes to get to the big action packed 3rd movie.

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