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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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My. Life. Is. Hell.


For those of you who believe I exaggerate when I make statements like that; a brief example for your kind consideration:


Someone suggested the other day that to avoid another middle-of-the-night-living-room-rug-cat-poop-incident like I had the other night, that perhaps I should move one of the litter pans up to the first floor, just in case cat is having troubles going up and down cellar stairs due to arthritis or something.


"Pretty good idea," thinks I, (also aware of the fact that we are supposed to have near constant rain for next several days, and will most likely get more water in cellar.)


So I go down to cellar, pick out least used looking pan, put on some rubber gloves, and carry it up the cellar stairs.


At the top, I, of course (this is taking place in ed's universe, after all...) trip and stumble, cover snaps off cat pan, and litter box inverts itself, spilling entire contents of dirty litter all over kitchen floor, under stove and counters.




Sets my schedule for getting out of the house back,.. quite a bit. I wish I still have time to pick up guitar today... but now I am no longer so hopeful.


As it is, all I did was sweep up the litter I could reach, and scoop it back into the box. I don't have time to sterilize and mop kitchen floor.


The 5 second rule is hereby currently revoked until further notice.


I'm at least comforted by the knowledge that my existence would make the funniest TV show ever... if it weren't currently happening to me.


George Costanza has nothing on me...


Have I said it before?..



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Ahhh... so I have the guitar in my hands finally. What a frikken' relief!


I actually got a bit of a chance to play it plugged in. (Artist was running behind...) Sounds pretty damn killer. Doesn't play exactly like I want yet... it's going to take a few days of tweaking to get it just right. My string brand and gauge. Play through my rig to adjust pickup heights. The usual.


Still... it actually sounds like a Strat now. Which is more that it has ever done in the past.


Yay. One bright point in my life.


Tonight is easy... once you get through translation.


Russian comedian/ entertainer. All Russian crew. No English speakers in the lot. Fun stuff.


Another long show. Yay. No OT for this one though. Boo. :(


Back early tomorrow. And Sunday. Pretty sure I'm going to take Monday off. Whoo-Hoo! LAUNDRY DAY FROM HELL!!! YAY!!! STERILIZING THE KITCHEN FLOOR!!! OH, HAPPINESS!!! STEAM-CLEANING THE LIVINGROOM CARPET!!! YIPPIE!!!




Strat pics when I get a chance.

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yeah it's very handy when pulling into my driveway, warning any oncoming traffic and the people that think bumper-to-bumper allows them to get places faster. -_-


had its oil changed and fluids all checked, only problem the guy found on it is the oil plug diff. plug was rounded out and he tried, but couldn't remove it to check it. o well.


I'm pretty used to the brakes on it, that was the problem I had with my dad's truck, the brakes on that seemed a bit weird, i think i'll be alright. hopefully it passes the inspection in october. :)

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just as long as you dont do the one that makes the red stuff come out, and you'll be fine.


found that out the hard way my first time underneith my car.

was a little confusing figuring out which one was the tranny and which one wasnt. :p (yes it was a little, cus i do know a little bit about cars to do the 'normal s***')

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Another "less-than-4-hours-sleep" night's rest for me... oh goody...


Cat had another "accident" on the livingroom rug last night, despite litter box on first floor now... not 20 feet from the spot.


I'm afraid that's probably it. :(


Doesn't make me happy, but I've had the feeling watching her deteriorate the last couple of months that this is what it would eventually come to. I don't have time this weekend to make an appointment... so it will probably have to be Monday: the one day I'm taking off.


Yet another unpleasant chore to fill my sole day off next week with.


Like I said: when things go wrong for me, it seems like it's a cascade effect. It just piles on.




I came to a conclusion last night in bed:


I am giving up on two things in my life which have served no purpose for me in the last couple of months, and have actually managed to get in the way and interfere with the daily operations of my existence: Hoping and caring.


Hoping that things will go well for me; and caring when they don't.


These will now be replaced with: Acceptance and apathy.


Acceptance that this is simply the way things are always going to go for me; and apathy in the face of the all unpleasant emotions that such situations tend to invoke.


I can't continue to go on being depressed and angry all the time, so I've decided to just stop and just say from now on: "Who gives a ****?!??"



R.T. #2:


"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die..."


R.T. #3:


"He's noble enough to know what's right

But weak enough not to choose it

He's wise enough to win the world

But fool enough to lose it..."


I'm a New World Man.

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Another "less-than-4-hours-sleep" night's rest for me... oh goody...


tell me about it. i was on watch last night from 10 til 3. didnt get to sleep til around 330

they woke everyone up an hour early... ~_~

so i rolled my ass out of my bed around 630 instead of rolling around for a half hour. ~_~

at least i got the week end off, that is until i can leave ...

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sucks about the cat, edlib.


speaking of dead pets, yesterday i had a dream about my cat we had to put down last summer, somehow she escaped the grave and was fine, aside from a few missing teeth and fluid leaking from her one ear. and i got thinking 'how the hell did she get out, theres a tons of rocks on top of her grave' and then i woke up. hell sometimes i even have dreams of my old dog that died when i was like 12 coming back from the grave. they're not scary dreams or anything, just a little strange.


i owe my mom about $700, not sure how i'll go about getting that much, hopefully i can get some overtime. the mgrs bitch about us leaving 10 minutes early (tho technically we ARE allowed to) so they've come up with this retarded idea of scheduling us til 9:10, just so i can miss my evening shows if i leave early it won't make a difference now...so, what if i stayed 10 minutes later, they'd probably make me ****ing cut it which isn't right. just cause they're too lazy to get the keys and get a camera. well it's mostly the ****ing 'i dont want a camera until the last ****ing minute' customer's fault. i'm pissed cause i'm going to end up missing the season finale of 24 on monday, cause they gotta have it on at 8pm...so i'll miss half of it, which just ****ing sucks. o well. least i get to catch the lost season finale since i dont work wednesday or thursday. :D

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I miss my kitty.

he was 15, and in good health. strong cat too. he'd walk up in front of me, look up. meow. and then i'd pat my shoulders and say 'come on!' in a cutisy voice, and then what does he do. he dont jump up. he CLIMBS up. every inch of the way.


good thing i like wearing jeans and a button up shirt (covering up a simple t-shirt), cus he'd get his way all the way up to my shoulders, and hold him self up with his own strength (and you can feel it too), with his claws in my shoulder (ow) he nudges up underneith my chin purring like crazy.



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Sleep. I need sleep.


And to do a massive pile o' laundry too... but mostly sleep.


Rest takes priority now.




Well, I did manage some sleep after I got home from work. Yay.


Probably not quite enough to make me a cheery optimist... but my mood seems somewhat improved.


Hopefully I won't be awake long.


I be overseeing the Museum of Fine Arts School graduation tomorrow. Cool... a room full of mopey emo art-school goth kids... now with degrees!


At least I'm unlikely to be the most cynical, jaded, bitter person in the room for a change. Or perhaps I still will be...


Depends how much more sleep I manage to get tonight, I guess. :dozey:

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easy-going day today...i think my job got better since they fired that lady...



tomorrow is my annual review, hopefully i get a good raise, i need more $$$ to pay my mom back for the $$ she let me borrow for the truck, and i need to get contacts cause my glasses keep wanting to fall off my face for some reason? and i do want an xbox 360.


think i'll get farther in turok and then get some sleep...work tomorrow is gonna be fun. :) closing by myself again!

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Cool... a room full of mopey emo art-school goth kids


yep. in the modern art section in the phili museum of art, there was these pieces that looked like some emo took a crayon and scribbled a bunch of s*** on the blank white boards.


thats art?


I've made s*** that was better then I was 7 then what this crap was. i got to get my camera, i hope i got pics of that s*** to show ya what i'm talking about.

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I almost went to art school... until I actually visited a couple that is. :eek:


Yeah, I wouldn't have fit in. I really wanted to be a commercial artist and/or an illustrator... something universally disdained by all the Robert Smith wannabes I encountered.


Random Thought:


I was thinking about this the other day: My favorite lyrical image in all of popular music has to be the following:


"Rollin' down the Imperial Highway

With a big nasty redhead at my side..."

Randy Newman - "I Love L.A."


That line never fails to put a great big smile on my face, and I always have to sing along with the "redhead" part.


Could be also that you might say that I am very partial to big, nasty redheads... VERY partial... :naughty:




I am convinced that Larry Carlton's solo on Steely Dan's "Kid Charlemagne" is simply the hippest thing to ever be heard on commercial top-40 radio.




Leaving work. Fairly painless.


Decided I'm taking the next 2 days off to try to accomplish all the personal tasks I have set forth for myself. Fortunately it's a slow week next week.


OK... gotta get going... I HAVE to catch the Simpson's episode tonight!




EDIT #2:


P.S. - Who the hell keeps reading through the XWA threads on their PDA?


I'm always seeing "guests" logged on at the C.C. page,.. and inevitably when I click on "Who's Online" to see which thread they are currently looking at, one of them is on PDA.


That has to be a pretty painful experience.


Better you than me... whoever you are. Good luck with that is all I can say. Reading through some of these threads is often difficult enough on a 19" monitor with a peppy broadband connection. Trying to absorb all this content from a PDA or cell phone screen would probably be enough to give me an aneurysm...

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"Lazy" I call it.


I happen to like art that looks like things I can recognize.

And I'm not talking about the "sculptors" who take things like a toilet bowl and fill it with sugar packets and call it art.


That's not art... that's bull****. Less than bull**** as a matter of fact. At least bull**** has practical uses. :dozey:


Little sleep last night. I have to force myself to stay up and work, though. Laundry WILL be done today... if it kills me.


I feel like it just might...




Horseshoes and hand-grenades.


Only one of these is practical to hang over your door as a good luck charm. After all... if a horseshoe nailed above the door were to suddenly fall down, somebody could be seriously injured.


Better safe than sorry.



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the stupid ECU I bought from that dude the sent it way late.


wrong one.


not that he knew. he bought the bike from someone else, but they had apparantly hacked it up.


so its worthless to me.


now I have to ebay it or something.


making a new seat for my bike, its coming along....interestingly.


have to redo the cover, learned that stretching teh **** out of it is the way to get it to fit right, so its going on teh deck at lunch in the sun so its nice and warm when we redo it tonight.


there was something very entertaining for me...cutting large amounts of foam on my deck, with a electric meat carving knife

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Heh... I'd like to see footage of that! :D


I've decided to give cat reprieve. She's been acting better and more "with it" in the last couple of days... eating better too. So we'll see how things go over the next week or so.


Either way, she'd be at least mid-80-something in human years... so realistically, the days are limited in any case. But if she does snap out of it this time, perhaps nature will get it's chance down the road.

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Kinda blurry... and lighting is sucky (but with luck it covers up the fact that the rug hasn't been vacuumed in a long, long time...) Hopefully you get the idea.


By comparison; a before pic:


The cosmetic changes aren't super huge... but trust me: it's like a whole new guitar.

Spent part of the day tweaking action and intonation. Stretching the strings properly.

Much happier with it.


Still needs a good breaking-in, though.


Better get to work on that!


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glad your cat is getting better. :)


im on my lunch break...closing with 2 other people tonight, cool. tho we gotta get all these annoying calls done...****ing customers not picking up their pictures. wish we could just toss them after 30 days. -_- slow day so far though...and its so nice out, was going to go for a bike ride this morning but didnt cause i would've been late for work. -_-


i dont know what im going to do tonight off of work...im gonna miss the first half of 24..DAMN IT. -_- season finales should enable the news to be skipped. or i should just stop procrastinating and buy tivo. sure, i'll add that to the xbox 360, oblivion, gears of war, ghost recon advanced warfighter 2, xbox live, and throw in world of warcraft+expansions for the hell of it. lol


oh i did get my review, so i'll be making a bit more...$.40 more, so that brings me up to $8.60 an hour. that might help. $0.40 x 80=$32, so that's more money in my pocket. can't wait til i'm finished paying off the truck and all my bills and registration, etc. then i can have FUN!!!! :D

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Ahh... but it wasn't work or chores. That counts for something in my book.


Anything different in my life would be nice right now. Even boring different, I think.




Speaking of chores: I am almost done with laundry.

It was a trudge... but I made it. A few things may wait until tomorrow now.


I'd probably be done by now, but right around 4 this afternoon I crashed... HARD! And was pretty much forced by utter incoherence to take a nap.


Must have had something with that going-to-bed-at-11:30/waking-back-up-at-1am/and-never-really-getting-back-to-sleep-after-that thing I went through last night.




One phrase kept occurring in my mind with every basket of clothes I washed:


"Sometimes I feel... Sometimes I feel... Like I've been tied to the whippin' post! Good lord, I feel like I'm dyin'!"


But a 2nd phrase kept going through my mind all day also... (must be where my heart was really at...):


"I ain't askin' for much! I say Lord, take me downtown... I'm just lookin' for some tush!"




R.T #2:


T.O.G.A. Party anyone? :D


Damn. Remember them? Been a while since we had a proper one of those, hasn't it?


Huh... I wonder what made me think about that now?

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