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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I have some stuff to write... but it will wait until morning now. Tired. So very tired...


It's been a long time since 3am this morning. Plus I managed to walk about 3 hours today. More exercise at one time than I've seen in at least a year, probably much longer... and that's not even including the hour I got in last night. So 4 hours in the last 24. Probably between 12 to 16 miles covered overall.


Not that bad for a horribly-out-of-shape console jockey like myself. Of course... back in the day I could cover more distance in less time... but that was when I was hiking several times a week. And more than half my age.


Well,.. C'Ya in the AM, folks.

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Glad I never got into the show then.




Spent the morning wrapping up some of the housework projects I didn't get finished Mon. or Tues.


Walked to the subway station (about 3 to 3 1/2 miles... takes me about 40 minutes to walk it.)

Sat around all day babysitting orientation meetings for incoming students. Dullsville. But relaxing. What I need out of my working life right now.


Work ended early, so I bailed out as quickly as possible (it was far too nice a day to be inside staring at a computer screen) and walked down Comm. Ave to Park St. Station from our location on Mass. Ave. Not sure of the distance... I'd say it's about the same. Crossed the Public Gardens (always beautiful this time of year...) and the Commons (always sketchy, no matter what time of year...) on the way.

When I got off the train, I walked home... taking the meandering, longer route this time (adds about another 20 minutes or so, and at least another mile to the walk.)


(I wish I could keep that level of activity up all the time. I'd feel a lot better physically; probably look a lot better;... and just maybe I would not be trudging around all my life under the same old dark cloud of gloom that has been my near-constant companion as of late.

But I know that with my career and the lifestyle I have chosen, that is an unrealistic desire.

As it is, I have to drive to work tonight since it's going to be a late show, and I don't have much hope of being able to catch the subway back home again after teardown.)


Shortly after I got home I went out to dinner with my mom and my aunt.


As soon as I got back from that, I posted here... and was in bed shortly afterwards.

Slept all the way through the night.


Big plans for the long holiday weekend:


Nothing. :dozey:


Does that truly surprise you at all? I am, after all, the most unexciting lifeform that has ever graced, (or perhaps more appropriately: besmirched) the face of this good, green Earth.


I mean: Other than catching up the on R & R that I have been solely lacking for the last couple of months.


But I doubt I'll wander very far from the homestead at any point.




Walking across the Commons I passed a very tiny, very cute, somewhat Asian looking girl, who had a mostly-shaved head, playing a quasi-Spanish-sounding tune, on the bagpipes.


For some reason, at the time, nothing about this struck me as odd.

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well, i found one of my trial things, the 2 month one. found it in my halo 2 box. My gamertag is Alcarohtar so if anybody wants to send me a friend request, go right ahead. even xbox 360 cause halo 2 i guess you can play over the 2 different systems.


i'm also downloading world of warcraft 10 day trial, started a new account on it. not sure what server i'll join...

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Big plans for the long holiday weekend:


Nothing. :dozey:


Does that truly surprise you at all? I am, after all, the most unexciting lifeform that has ever graced, (or perhaps more appropriately: besmirched) the face of this good, green Earth.


I mean: Other than catching up the on R & R that I have been solely lacking for the last couple of months.



look on the bright side, I am visiting the fiance's family, which is always way too hectic and draining, and looking at reception halls.


I would rather change the clutch in teh bike and spend the whole weekend riding :(

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well, i found one of my trial things, the 2 month one. found it in my halo 2 box. My gamertag is Alcarohtar so if anybody wants to send me a friend request, go right ahead. even xbox 360 cause halo 2 i guess you can play over the 2 different systems.


i'm also downloading world of warcraft 10 day trial, started a new account on it. not sure what server i'll join...



Join Muradin, I'll be reactivating my account on the 31st, I had to take a break for a few months :) though you won't progress far with a trial account, bite the bullet and pay it is worth it :D

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That reason is you were more concerned about how'd you get her to err accept unquestioningly your manly juice.

Well, between the shaved head and the way she was dressed made me think that homegirl don't exactly swing that way... if ya' know what I mean. :dozey:


Not that there's anything wrong with that!


Stoopid day at work.


Got there at 2 to start setting up for Salsa band. Rushed through, because it was a fairly large setup.


Then we waited. And waited. And waited some more. And then, after that... some more waiting.


Just about 6 the band arrives... and promptly heads to the Green Room to eat.


At about 1/4 till 7 we finally start seeing band guys on stage. Rush through soundcheck once it starts at about 10 past,.. since show starts at 8, doors want to be open by 7:30. (Oh, by the way, did I mention they DIDN'T have their own sound person? Yeah... that's 'cuz I didn't know either...)




Oh well... everything went all right... and now I have 4 days off, (actually IN A ROW, MIND YOU!!! Wow...) to do with as I please.


I plan on squandering them, royally. :D


I think tomorrow is a decaf, flush the system of toxins, and catch back up on sleep day.


The rest of the weekend? I haven't planned that far ahead yet. Sit around and torture the guitar for a while? For sure. Read some more of new book? Of course. Get some more walking in? Sounds good.


Other than that,.. all I really have to do is finish folding and putting away laundry (been living out of baskets all week...) Oh,.. and buying a webcam in order to make Cracken happy. :p


Might get a couple more CDs while I'm out too. Some more old Genesis sounds in order... and I still need to get "Piece Of Mind" by Maiden to round out the big "classic" three.




Today is the first day of the rest of my life... or is it?

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15: Alysara, 45 Alliance Night Elf Druid.


@ED: It not only would make me happy, but it would get me all hot to see your manliness. Rawr.


Overnight sucked. I hate overnight. No more is to be said on the subject.








RT: I have a very poor memory. For almost everything.

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didnt get much sleep last night. someone up in heaven thought it would be funny to increase humidity to 300%. i'm on xbox live halo 2 as alcarohtar, and in world of warcraft as alcarohtar (alliance, bronzebeard nightelf hunter)


this morning i have to go do my laundry...tired of wearing dirty clothes to work!

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weird day so far.....i go to pull out of my driveway and there's a million cars plowing through the intersection, like what the ****? and there's 2 people in front of me and the guy in front is just ****ing letting them go! so what i do? i go in opposite lane and cut them all off. after thinking about it for a bit, it was probably a ****ing funeral procession, but come on! do that **** somewhere else!!! and if you must do it, assign some police cruisers and crossing guards to control the madness. i don't feel a bit of guilt for doing what i did.


gotta go back to work now, they want me to help unload a ****ing truck. i don't want to.....damn it. -_- *cries*

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