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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Fake it. ;)


They want me to get training on the budgeting and purchasing software system we use at work. I tried VERY hard to explain to them that I am the LAST PERSON ON EARTH that they would ever want responsible for dealing with this stuff... but they insist. So I'm scheduled to take classes in it in a couple of weeks. Hooray. :indif:


That very well could be the last mistake they may ever make... :dozey:

If there's a way to wipe out the budget completely, and bankrupt the entire system overnight,.. I will inadvertently find it the very first time I log in, I'm positive.


Not good with money...


Dull day at work. Yawn...


Walked to local station, then to work from downtown. And back... made it a round trip.


I am now wiped completely out and my feet ache like hell.


Bed time, I do believe...

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Fake it. ;)


Really, if it was one year and I had a clue what exactly that sentence meant, I'd probably give it a shot. Its a job as a cargo contract specialist for a major US airline, in a city I'm familiar with. The person doing the job would "support all aspects of cargo handling contract management and administration." So some sort of office monkey for their cargo operations, I guess. The description goes into more detail about exactly what it is. Like I said, if i had any sort of financial background I'd already have applied. It has elaborate requirements like "undergraduate degree" and "know Excel" so how hard could it be anyhow.

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Eh. Apply anyway. You just might turn out to be the most qualified applicant they see in the end.


Area meeting this morning. Oh yeaaaah. :dozey:


I blew off the last one... so I had really better make an appearance at this one.




Another lyrical image that always makes me happy:


"The fawn-eyed girl with sun-browned legs

Dances on the edge of his dream

And her voice rings in his ears

Like the music of the spheres"


Rush - 'The Analog Kid'


Yeah... I've been there.

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was sick most of the holiday weekend


clutch job on bike was easy


also told me the real culprit was the slave cylinder

yay another 70 bucks!


too much crap going on right now


work is hella busy because of something ill type about NOT at work.


personal life is TOO BUSY.

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im a little sick...my dept manager gave me a sore throat. so i was sick yesterday and recovering today. at least i dont have to use my voice too much, no work today or tomorrow. :) love this 2 days off in a row business!


i've resubscribed to galaxies, gonna check the new stuff out. still got WoW installed, but the trial expires in a week. for some reason i can't really get into WoW....i try and it just feels like meh....it's all the insane questing in the beginning i think.

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Being sick is teh suck.


Hopefully my new-ish health kick works in my favor in that regards.


Going out for another longish walk. Gonna tear my feet to shreds at this rate... but something needs to be done.


The weather for the rest of the week looks as though I'll probably get sidelined for several days... so do it now, or do it never.


I guess it has to be "now" then...

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Fake it. ;)


They want me to get training on the budgeting and purchasing software system we use at work. I tried VERY hard to explain to them that I am the LAST PERSON ON EARTH that they would ever want responsible for dealing with this stuff... but they insist. So I'm scheduled to take classes in it in a couple of weeks. Hooray. :indif:


That very well could be the last mistake they may ever make... :dozey:

If there's a way to wipe out the budget completely, and bankrupt the entire system overnight,.. I will inadvertently find it the very first time I log in, I'm positive.


Not good with money...


I suggest that the only reasonable course of action is purchase 20 copies of VectorWorks. :halo2:

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Why stop at 20? ;)


Actually I think more copies are in the plans... or at least a few more authorization key "dongles."


Heh... I said "dongle."


I haven't leaned the software at all yet. I suck.

But then I also haven't been overbrimming with free time either.


Maybe this summer.


One of our guys has gotten really good at it though. I could just drop EVERYTHING on him... :D

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Why indeed!

You don't actually have physical dongles, do you?

Hey, this is my 5000th post. Woo!

Congrat's on the post count o' doom! :D

Took you long enough. ;)


RE: Dongles

Yeah, I think we do.

We have a multi-seat licence on one version of the software (the Standard educational-institution version,) so that's installed on everybody's computers.


But the "Spotlight" version licence can only be used by one person at a time. It's actually installed everywhere, but if you want to use it, you have to chase down the person with the USB key.


We are thinking of buying 2 or 3 more seats to it in the form of dongles... although it really hasn't been a huge issue yet.

I'm not really alone in slacking on the training of the software.


If you hear about any Vectorworks training session in the New England area, you be sure to let me know. That's something I'm sure I can get the powers-that-be to pay for.


I also have to get training on SMAART Live one of these days. I use it every day... and I'm comfortable with the basic functions; but there's so much more that it does that I could be using that I truly have no idea about at the moment.

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Congrat's on the post count o' doom! :D

Took you long enough. ;)


Yeah, I think I had like 4000 back when this place was really hopping. The last thousand have taken quite a few years.


RE: Dongles

Yeah, I think we do.

We have a multi-seat licence on one version of the software (the Standard educational-institution version,) so that's installed on everybody's computers.


But the "Spotlight" version licence can only be used by one person at a time. It's actually installed everywhere, but if you want to use it, you have to chase down the person with the USB key.


I didn't think we used dongles, except in foreign markets. Our big thing is NOT using dongles, because they are a pain in the ass and everybody hates them.


If you hear about any Vectorworks training session in the New England area, you be sure to let me know. That's something I'm sure I can get the powers-that-be to pay for.


There is one in Boston, July 25-27. It is an Intro to VectorWorks/VectorWorks Fundamentals seminar. Not Spotlight specific, so I don't know if this is of any help to you. But if you aren't already very familiar with the standard tools/modes/options, it should be quite useful.

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Yeah, I really think it will be! At least for me, anyway. I'll bring it up with the others. Thanks! :)




So why are you still here, then? ;P


The female of the species continues to be elusive prey to me... but I'm trying very hard these days not to dwell on it and keep a positive outlook on everything.

So: If not that... then I'll busy myself with other things that interest me as well. Just started reading a flight training manual. Lessons in the fall, early spring at the latest.

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